
Defines functions N_break_point

Documented in N_break_point

N_break_point <- function(serie, n_max = 1, n_period=10,
                          seed=FALSE, auto_select = FALSE,
                          alpha = 0.1, method='SNHT',dstr='norm'){
  # select method
  checks <- makeAssertCollection()
  assert_int(n_max,  lower = 1, add = checks)
  assert_int(n_period,   lower = 3 , add = checks)
  assert_logical(auto_select, len = 1,add = checks)
  assert_double(alpha, lower = 0, upper = 1, len = 1,null.ok = TRUE, add = checks)
                choices = c('pettit','mann-whitney','student','buishand','SNHT'),
                add = checks)
                choices = c('norm','self','gamma'),
                add = checks)
  if(exists(x = '.Random.seed')){
    old_random <- .Random.seed
    if(length(seed) != n_max){
      stop('The given seed is not supported. If seed is given must be of length n_max')
    if( method == 'pettit'){
      fun <- pettit
    }else if( method == 'student'){
      fun <- stu
    }else if( method == 'mann-whitney'){
      fun <- man.whi
    }else if( method == 'buishand'){
      fun <- function(x,n_period){
        return(Buishand_R(serie = x,n_period = n_period,dstr = dstr))
    }else if( method == 'SNHT'){
      fun <- function(x,n_period){
        return(SNHT(serie = x,n_period = n_period,dstr = dstr))
    }else{stop('Not supported method')}
  target <- as.vector(serie)
  n_targ <- length(target)
  isna <- as.numeric(is.na(target))
  n_period_2 <- as.integer(n_period)
  ii <- c(rep(0,n_period_2),rollapply(isna,width=n_period+1,sum),rep(0,n_period_2))
  ii <- which(ii >= (n_period_2/2))
  if(length(ii) > 1){
    na_break <- c(ii , n_targ+1)
    ii_aux <- ii[2:length(ii)] - ii[1:(length(ii)-1)]
    ii_aux <- ii_aux < n_period_2
    jump <- c(ii[1]<n_period_2,ii_aux,n_targ+1-ii[length(ii)]<n_period_2)
  }else if(length(ii) == 1){
    na_break <- c(ii , n_targ+1)
    jump <- c(ii<n_period_2,n_targ+1-ii<n_period_2)
    na_break <- n_targ+1
    jump <- FALSE
  new_target <- target
  new_n_targ <- n_targ
  output <- list()
  n_max_new <- n_max
  outputcont <- 0
  for(new_serie in 1:length(na_break)){
    n_max <- n_max_new
    if(new_serie == 1){
      ini <- 0
      target <- new_target[1:(na_break[new_serie]-1)]
      ini <- na_break[new_serie-1]-1
      target <- new_target[na_break[new_serie-1]:(na_break[new_serie]-1)]
    outputcont <- outputcont +1
    n_targ <- length(target)
    if((n_max+1)*n_period > n_targ-2){
      n_max <- n_targ%/%n_period-1
      if(n_max < 1){
        if(length(na_break) > 1){
          warning(('Not possible to find breakpoints in part of the serie, too short'))
          outputcont <- outputcont - 1; next
          stop('Not possible to find breakpoints, target serie too short')
      warning(paste0('the given n is too big for the target and n_period length, ',n_max, ' will be use as maximal amount of breakpoints') )
    output_aux <- foreach(n = 1:n_max) %do% {
        breaks <- as.integer(1:n * (n_targ/(n+1)))+1
          breaks <- seed[[n]]
          warning(paste('The seed provided at',n,'breaks differs in length equal space break seed will be use instead',sep=' '))
          breaks <- as.integer(1:n * (n_targ/(n+1)))+1
      breaks <- sort(breaks,decreasing = F)
      p <- rep(1,length(breaks))
      breaks_old <- rep(0,length(breaks))
      if(n == 1){
        ff <- fun(target,n_period)
        breaks <- ff$breaks
        p <- ff$p.value
      }else {
        no_problem <- T
        iters <- 0
        breaks_old_old_old <-breaks
        breaks_old_old <-breaks
        p_old_old <- p
        p_old <- p
        while (any(breaks_old != breaks) & no_problem){
          iters <- iters + 1
          breaks_old_old_old <- breaks_old_old
          breaks_old_old <- breaks_old
          breaks_old <- breaks
          p_old_old <- p_old
          p_old <- p
          for(i in 1:n){
            if(i == 1){
              aux <- target[1:(breaks[2]-1)]
              break_aux <- 0
            }else if(i == n){
              aux <- target[breaks[n-1]:n_targ]
              break_aux <- breaks[n-1]-1
              aux <- target[breaks[i-1]:(breaks[i+1]-1)]
              break_aux <- breaks[i-1]-1
            ff <- fun(aux,n_period)
            breaks[i] <- ff$breaks + break_aux
            p[i] <- ff$p.value
          if(iters > 3){
              no_problem <- F
              warning(paste0('several critical point found at n =', n))
              breaks <- NULL
            }else if(all(breaks==breaks_old_old_old)){
              no_problem <- F
              warning(paste0('several critical point found at n =', n))
              breaks <- NULL
        list(breaks = NA, p.value = 1, n = n )
        list(breaks = breaks+ini, p.value = p, n = n )
    output[[outputcont]] <- output_aux
  if(is.null(alpha) | !auto_select){
    if(exists(x = '.Random.seed')){
      .Random.seed <- old_random
    output_save <- output
    output_fin <- list(breaks = NULL,p.value=NULL,n=NULL)
    auxiliar_cont <- 0
    for(output in output_save){
      auxiliar_cont <- auxiliar_cont + 1
      output_new <- output
      output <- list(breaks = NULL,p.value=NULL,n=NULL)
      bb <- NULL
      pp_final <- NULL
      for(output_aux in output_new){
        if(max(output_aux$p.value) < alpha){
          bb <- output_aux$breaks
          pp_final <- output_aux$p.value
          n_final <- output_aux$n
      output_fin <- list(breaks = c(output_fin$breaks,bb),
  if(exists(x = '.Random.seed')){
    .Random.seed <- old_random
santiagoh719/BreakPoints documentation built on March 17, 2021, 11:54 a.m.