#' Check in the scientific name string
#' Identifies open nomenclature (aff., cf.) in species scientific name, classification under species level (var. and subsp.), and common mistakes in the a species scientific name. It creates a new column with the original string and the new suggested name. It also flags problematic names (character string with numbers, authors, wrong case, or other names besides genus and epithet etc).
#' @return
#' Data frame with `verbatimSpecies` as in the original input, `speciesStatus` with the flags in original data, `species` with a suggestion for a more correct species name, and `remove_author` a boolean column indicating if the original input had author names. See Details for a description of flags in the column `speciesStatus`.
#' @details
#' Possible flags returned in `species_status`:
#'\item{\code{possibly_ok}}{scientific name following the expected pattern Genus epithet}
#'\item{\code{not_Genus_epithet_format}}{scientific name not following the expected pattern Genus epithet}
#'\item{\code{variety}}{species scientific name with variety}
#'\item{\code{subspecies}}{species scientific name with subspecies}
#'\item{\code{form}}{species scientific name with form}
#'\item{\code{conferre}}{open nomenclature cf. in species scientific name}
#'\item{\code{affinis}}{open nomenclature aff. in species scientific name}
#'\item{\code{group}}{open nomenclature gr. in species scientific name}
#'\item{\code{name_w_authors}}{species scientific name has authors}
#'\item{\code{not_name_has_digits}}{species scientific name has digits, not a valid name}
#'\item{\code{indet}}{species identified only at genus level}
#'\item{\code{family_as_genus}}{family as genus, not a valid name}
#'\item{\code{order_as_genus}}{order as genus, not a valid name}
#'\item{\code{species_nova}}{species name contains an indication of a new species, possibly not yet a valid name}
#'\item{\code{name_w_non_ascii}}{species name has non ASCII characters, not a valid name}
#'\item{\code{hybrid_species}}{hybrid species}
#'\item{\code{not_available}}{any species entry related to Not Available (NA) status}
#' @param species species name in a raw format
#' @param drop_infra Logical. Either to remove any infraspecies classification. Defaults to FALSE
#' @examples
#' check_string("Lindsaea lancea var. falcata")
#' check_string(c("Lindsaea lancea var. falcata", "Asplenium Aff. truncorum"))
#' check_string("Asplenium sp.")
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_replace str_split str_trim
#' @importFrom flora remove.authors fixCase trim
#' @importFrom stringi stri_enc_mark
#' @export
#' @author Sara Mortara & Andrea Sánchez-Tapia
check_string <- function(species = NULL,
drop_infra = FALSE){
# ö: implement status parasite "f. sp." not f. from forma
# 0. cleaning undesired spacies ----------------------------------------------
species <- trimws(species, whitespace = "[ \\t\\r\\n\U00A0]")
species <- gsub("\\t|\\r|\\n|\U00A0", " ", species)
# 1. Open nomenclature and infraspecies class --------------------------------
gr_string <- "[[:space:]]gr\\.[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]gr[[:space:]]"
form_string <- "[[:space:]]f\\.[[:space:]]sp\\.[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]f\\.[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]form\\.[[:space:]]"
inc_string <- "inc\\.[[:space:]]sed\\.|Incertae[[:space:]]sedis"
aff_string <- "^aff\\.|^aff[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]aff\\.|[[:space:]]aff[[:space:]]|aff\\."
cf_string <- "^cf\\.|^cf[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]cf\\.|[[:space:]]cf[[:space:]]|cf\\."
subsp_string <- "[[:space:]]ssp\\.|[[:space:]]subsp\\.|[[:space:]]subsp[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]ssp[[:space:]]|subsp\\."
var_string <- "[[:space:]]var\\.|[[:space:]]var[[:space:]]|f\\.[[:space:]]var[[:space:]]|var\\."
aff_cf_gr <- paste(aff_string, cf_string, gr_string, sep = "|")
subsp_var <- paste(subsp_string, var_string, form_string, sep = "|")
# detecting status
gr <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(gr_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
aff <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(aff_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
cf <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(cf_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
subsp <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(subsp_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
var <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(var_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
inc <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(inc_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
form <- stringr::str_detect(species, stringr::regex(form_string, ignore_case = FALSE))
check <- data.frame(species = as.character(species))
# defining status
check$species_status <- NA
check$species_status[gr] <- "group"
check$species_status[aff] <- "affinis"
check$species_status[cf] <- "conferre"
check$species_status[subsp] <- "subspecies"
check$species_status[inc] <- "incertae_sedis"
check$species_status[form] <- "forma"
check$species_status[var] <- "variety"
# accessory functions
remove_authors <- function(x) {
x2 = flora::remove.authors(x)
x3 = gsub("f\\.", "", x2)
clean_open <- function(x) {
x_new <- stringr::str_replace(x, stringr::regex(aff_cf_gr, ignore_case = TRUE), " ")
x_new <- flora::trim(x_new)
x_new_woa <- sapply(x_new, remove_authors)
author_name <- x_new != x_new_woa
return(c(species = x_new_woa, author_name = author_name))
clean_infra <- function(x, drop_infra){
check_infra <- x$species_status
check_str <- NA
infra_str <- NA
check_str[check_infra %in% "subspecies"] <- subsp_string
infra_str[check_infra %in% "subspecies"] <- "subsp."
check_str[check_infra %in% "forma"] <- form_string
infra_str[check_infra %in% "forma"] <- "f."
check_str[check_infra %in% "variety"] <- var_string
infra_str[check_infra %in% "variety"] <- "var."
x_list <- stringr::str_split(x$species, stringr::regex(check_str, ignore_case = TRUE))
x_new <- unlist(lapply(x_list, function(x) x[1]))
x2_new <- unlist(lapply(x_list, function(x) x[2]))
# Creating new names w/o author names
x_new_woa <- sapply(x_new, remove_authors)
x2_new_woa <- sapply(x2_new, remove_authors)
# Creating string to detect if author name was removed
author_name <- x_new != x_new_woa | x2_new != x2_new_woa
if (drop_infra) {
infra_new <- paste(x_new_woa)
} else {
infra_new <- paste(x_new_woa, infra_str, x2_new_woa)
return(c(species = as.character(infra_new),
author_name = author_name))
# providing cleaned name
check$species_new <- NA
# adding column to inform if author name was retained
check$remove_author <- NA
## affinis, conferre, group
open_status <- c("affinis", "conferre", "group")
replace_cols <- c("species_new", "remove_author")
check[check$species_status %in% open_status, replace_cols] <- clean_open(
x = check$species[check$species_status %in% open_status]
# infraspecies
infra_status <- c("subspecies", "variety", "forma")
check[check$species_status %in% infra_status, replace_cols] <- clean_infra(
x = check[check$species_status %in% infra_status, c("species", "species_status")],
drop_infra = drop_infra
# other types of basic cleaning
## first filling species_new for all
check$species_new <- ifelse(is.na(check$species_new),
# Defining status to prevail
prev <- c(open_status, infra_status, "incertae_sedis", "species_nova", "indet", "not_available")
# 2. NA ----------------------------------------------------------------------
na_regex <- c("^na$|^nc$")
na_id <- stringr::str_detect(check$species, stringr::regex(na_regex, ignore_case = TRUE))
check$species_status[is.na(check$species)] <- "not_available"
check$species_status[na_id] <- "not_available"
check$species_new[check$species_status %in% "not_available"] <- NA
check$remove_author[check$species_status %in% "not_available"] <- FALSE
# 3. sp. nov. ----------------------------------------------------------------
# sp. nov., spec. nov., sp. n., nov. sp., nov. spec. or n. sp.
spnov_regex <- "\\ssp\\.\\snov\\.|\\sspec\\.\\snov\\.|\\ssp\\.\\sn\\.|\\snov\\.\\ssp\\.
spnov <- stringr::str_detect(check$species,
ignore_case = TRUE))
spnov_new <- gsub(spnov_regex, "", check$species[spnov])
spnov_new_woa <- sapply(spnov_new, remove_authors)
author_spnov <- spnov_new != spnov_new_woa
check$species_status[spnov] <- "species_nova"
check$remove_author[spnov] <- author_spnov
check$species_new[spnov] <- spnov_new_woa
# 4. recognizing authors -----------------------------------------------------
no_authors <- sapply(check$species_new,
function(x) flora::remove.authors(flora::fixCase(x)))
id_authors <- check$species_new != no_authors &
sapply(strsplit(as.character(check$species), " "), length) > 2
id_authors <- id_authors & !check$species_status %in% prev |
id_authors & sapply(strsplit(as.character(no_authors), " "), length) > 2 |
sapply(strsplit(as.character(no_authors), " "), length) == 1 # genus + author
# removing f. in the end of author name
no_authors <- flora::trim(gsub("f\\.$", "", no_authors))
no_authors <- ifelse(sapply(stringr::str_split(no_authors, " "), length) > 2,
sapply(stringr::str_split(no_authors, " "), function(x) paste(x[1], x[2])),
check$species_status[id_authors & !check$species_status %in% c("not_available",
infra_status)] <- "possibly_ok"
check$species_new[id_authors] <- no_authors[id_authors]
# skipping infraspecific, open nomenclature or sp nova status (authors already removed)
check$remove_author[!check$species_status %in% c(infra_status, open_status, "species_nova", "not_available")] <- id_authors[!check$species_status %in% c(infra_status, open_status, "species_nova", "not_available")]
# 5. recognizig digits -------------------------------------------------------
id_digits <- stringr::str_detect(check$species, '\\d') &
!check$species_status %in% prev
digits_new <- ifelse(id_digits, trimws(gsub("\\d", "", check$species)),
digits_woa <- sapply(digits_new, remove_authors)
check$remove_author[id_digits] <- digits_woa != digits_new
check$species_new[id_digits] <- digits_woa
check$species_status[id_digits] <- "not_name_has_digits"
# 6. aceae in first string ---------------------------------------------------
gen <- sapply(stringr::str_split(check$species_new, " "),
function(x) x[1])
id_gen <- endsWith(gen, "aceae")
gen_woa <- sapply(gen, remove_authors)
check$remove_author[id_gen] <- gen[id_gen] != gen_woa[id_gen]
check$species_new[id_gen] <- gen_woa[id_gen]
check$species_status[id_gen] <- "family_as_genus"
# 7. order as genus ----------------------------------------------------------
ord <- gen
id_ord <- endsWith(ord, "ales")
ord_woa <- sapply(ord, remove_authors)
check$remove_author[id_ord] <- ord[id_ord] != ord_woa[id_ord]
check$species_new[id_ord] <- ord_woa[id_ord]
check$species_status[id_ord] <- "order_as_genus"
# 8. Indet: sp. or genus only ------------------------------------------------
indet_sp <- "[[:space:]]sp\\.$|[[:space:]]sp$|[[:space:]]sp\\.|[[:space:]]indet\\.|[[:space:]]ind\\.|[[:space:]]sp[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]sp\\d"
indet_str <- paste(c("|^indet", "indeterminada", "unclassified", "undetermined"),
collapse = "$|^")
indet_regex <- paste0(indet_sp, indet_str)
indet_split <- stringr::str_split(check$species_new, " ")
no_sp <- sapply(indet_split, length) < 2
indet <- stringr::str_detect(check$species,
ignore_case = TRUE)) &
!check$species_status %in% prev
question <- stringr::str_detect(check$species, "\\?")
indet_id <- (no_sp | indet | question) & !check$species_status %in% c(prev, "family_as_genus", "order_as_genus")
check$species_status[indet_id] <- "indet"
check$species_new[indet_id] <- paste(sapply(indet_split[indet_id],
function(x) x[1]), "sp.")
indet_new <- gsub(paste0(indet_regex, "|\\?"), "",
indet_new_woa <- sapply(indet_new, remove_authors)
check$remove_author[indet_id] <- indet_new != indet_new_woa
# forcing indet to be indet
check$species_new[stringr::str_detect(indet_split, stringr::regex("^indet", ignore_case = TRUE)) &
check$species_status %in% "indet"] <- "indet"
check$remove_author[stringr::str_detect(indet_split, stringr::regex("^indet", ignore_case = TRUE)) &
check$species_status %in% "indet"] <- FALSE
# 9. names not matching Genus + species pattern ------------------------------
id_not_gensp <- sapply(stringr::str_split(check$species_new, " "),
length) > 2 &
!check$species_status %in% c(prev, "species_nova")
check$species_status[id_not_gensp] <- "not_Genus_epithet_format"
# 10. case --------------------------------------------------------------------
case <- sapply(check$species_new, flora::fixCase)
# aff cf subsp var e indet prevalescem
id_case <- check$species_new != case &
!check$species_status %in% c(prev, "incertae_sedis")
check$species_status[id_case] <- "name_w_wrong_case"
check$species_new[id_case] <- case[id_case]
# 11. hybrid -----------------------------------------------------------------
hybrid_symbol <- str_detect(check$species, "\u00D7")
hybrid_string <- "[[:space:]]x[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]X[[:space:]]"
hybrid_x <- stringr::str_detect(check$species,
stringr::regex(hybrid_string, ignore_case = TRUE))
hybrid <- hybrid_symbol | hybrid_x
check$species_status[hybrid] <- "hybrid_species"
hybrid_new <- as.character(check$species)
hybrid_new <- gsub(hybrid_string, paste0(" ", "\u00D7"), hybrid_new)
hybrid_new_woa <- ifelse(sapply(strsplit(hybrid_new, " "), length) > 2,
sapply(hybrid_new, remove.authors),
author_hybrid <- hybrid_new != hybrid_new_woa
check$species_new[hybrid] <- hybrid_new_woa[hybrid]
check$remove_author[hybrid] <- author_hybrid[hybrid]
# 12 abreviated genus --------------------------------------------------------
genus <- sapply(str_split(check$species_new, " "), function(x) x[1])
abbrev_gen <- gsub("\\.", "", genus)
char_gen <- nchar(abbrev_gen)
abbrev_gen <- char_gen == 1
check$species_status[abbrev_gen] <- "abbreviated_genus"
# 13. possibly ok ------------------------------------------------------------
check$species_status[is.na(check$species_status)] <- "possibly_ok"
# 14. non-ascii --------------------------------------------------------------
string_type <- stringi::stri_enc_mark(check$species_new)
nonascii_id <- check$species_status %in% c("possibly_ok", "name_w_wrong_case", "indet",
"subspecies", "variety", "forma") & string_type != "ASCII"
check$species_status[nonascii_id] <- "name_w_non_ascii"
# forcing removal of sp.
check$species_new[nonascii_id] <- gsub(" sp\\.$", "", check$species_new[nonascii_id])
# Standardizing nomenclature style
names(check)[names(check) == "species"] <- "verbatimSpecies"
names(check)[names(check) == "species_new"] <- "species"
names(check)[names(check) == "species_status"] <- "speciesStatus"
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