
Defines functions thresh_gam

Documented in thresh_gam

#' Fits a GAM with a threshold-formulation
#' \code{thresh_gam} fits a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) with a threshold
#' formulation using the \code{by} argument in the smoothing function
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{s}}:
#' gam(IND ~ s(pressure1, by = threshold_variable_low) +
#'  s(pressure 1, by = threshold threshold_variable_high)).
#' The threshold value is estimated from the data and chosen by minimizing
#' the GCV score (termed "gcvv" in the threshold-GAM object) over an interval
#' defined by the lower and upper quantiles (see the \code{a} and \code{b}
#' arguments respectively) of the threshold variable.
#' @param model A single GAM object from the model tibble needed to extract
#'  the family and the link function.
#' @param ind_vec A vector with the IND training observations (including or excluding
#'  defined outliers).
#' @param press_vec A vector with the training observations (including or excluding
#'  defined outliers) of pressure 1 (i.e. the original significant pressure in the
#'  GAM(M)).
#' @param t_var A vector with the training observations (including or excluding
#'  defined outliers) of the threshold variable (i.e. a second pressure variable).
#' @param name_t_var The name of the threshold variable (pressure 2). t_var will be
#'  named after this string in the model formula.
#' @param k Choice of knots (for the smoothing function \code{\link{s}}); the
#'   default is 4 to avoid over-parameterization.
#' @param a The lower quantile value of the selected threshold variable, which
#'   the estimated threshold is not allowed to exceed; the default is 0.2.
#' @param b The upper quantile value of the selected threshold variable, which
#'   the estimated threshold is not allowed to exceed; the default is 0.8.
#' @details
#' \code{thresh_gam} creates first a sequence of evenly spaced threshold values
#' within the boundaries set by the lower and upper quantiles (defined by a and b).
#' For each threshold value that leads to a new splitting of the threshold
#' variables a threshold-GAM is applied: one smoothing function is applied
#' to only those observations where the threshold variable has been below the threshold
#' value for the given time step (year). A second smoothing function is applied to
#' observations where the threshold variable is above the prior defined threshold.
#' From the list of computed models the threshold-GAM with the lowest Generalized
#' Cross Validation (GCV) and its threshold value are selected and returned. For more
#' infos on threshold-GAMs see also the details section in \code{\link{test_interaction}}.
#' @return
#' The function returns a \code{gam} object with the additional class \code{tgam}.
#' All method functions for \code{gam} can be applied to this function. The object
#' has four additional elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{mr}}{The threshold value of the best threshold-GAM.}
#'   \item{\code{mgcv}}{The GCV of the best threshold-GAM.}
#'   \item{\code{gcvv}}{A vector of the GCV values of all fitted threshold-GAMs.}
#'   \item{\code{t_val}}{A vector of all tested threshold values within the
#'              boundaries set by the lower and upper quantiles.}
#'   \item{\code{train_na}}{A logical vector indicating missing values.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{test_interaction}} and \code{\link{loocv_thresh_gam}}
#'  which apply the function
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using some models of the Baltic Sea demo data in this package
#' test <- thresh_gam(model = model_gam_ex$model[[1]],
#'   ind_vec = ind_init_ex$ind_train[[1]],
#'   press_vec = ind_init_ex$press_train[[1]],
#'   t_var = ind_init_ex$press_train[[2]],
#'   name_t_var = "Ssum", k = 4, a = 0.2, b = 0.8)
thresh_gam <- function(model, ind_vec, press_vec, t_var,
  name_t_var, k, a, b) {

  nthd <- length(press_vec)

  lower <- stats::quantile(t_var, prob = a, na.rm = TRUE)
  upper <- stats::quantile(t_var, prob = b, na.rm = TRUE)

  t_val <- seq(from = lower, to = upper, by = (upper -
  # family and link
  family <- mgcv::summary.gam(model)$family[[1]]
  if (stringr::str_detect(family, "Negative Binomial")) {
    family <- "nb"
  link <- mgcv::summary.gam(model)$family[[2]]

  thresh_gams <- compare_thresholds(t_val, t_var)
  # create input for the model
  dat <- data.frame(ind = ind_vec, press = press_vec,
    t_var = t_var)
  names(dat) <- c(all.vars(model$formula), name_t_var)
  thresh_gams$model <- vector(length = nrow(thresh_gams),
    mode = "list")

  for (i in 1:nrow(thresh_gams)) {
    if (thresh_gams$change[i]) {
      # create the model formula: get ind, press, t_var,
      # level t_var
      formula <- paste0(names(dat)[1], " ~ 1 + s(",
        names(dat)[2], ", by = I(1 * (", names(dat)[3],
        " <= ", round(thresh_gams$t_val[i],
          digits = 3), ")), k = ", k, ") + s(",
        names(dat)[2], ", by = I(1 * (", names(dat)[3],
        " > ", round(thresh_gams$t_val[i],
          digits = 3), ")), k = ", k, ")")
      # create the model
      mod <- mgcv::gam(formula = stats::as.formula(formula),
        na.action = "na.omit", family = paste0(family,
          "(link = ", link, ")"), nthd = nthd,
        a = a, b = b, data = dat)
      mod$original_data <- dat
      mod$mr <- thresh_gams$t_val[i]
      thresh_gams$model[[i]] <- mod

  # Extract gcvv from models and add gcvv for each
  # model not generated
  gcvv <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(thresh_gams))
  gcvv[thresh_gams$change] <- purrr::map_dbl(thresh_gams$model[thresh_gams$change],
  for (i in 1:length(gcvv)) {
    if (gcvv[i] == 0) {
      gcvv[i] <- gcvv[i - 1]

	# find best model
  thresh_gams <- thresh_gams[thresh_gams$change, ]
  thresh_gams$gcvv <- purrr::map_dbl(thresh_gams$model,
  # Extract model with the lowest gcvv score overall.
  # In case of identical values, select
  # chronologically.  We can easily debug this code!
  best_model_id <- min(which(thresh_gams$gcvv ==
  # create output
  if (length(best_model_id) == 1) {
    res <- thresh_gams$model[[best_model_id]]
    res$mgcv <- thresh_gams$gcvv[best_model_id]
    res$gcvv <- gcvv[order(t_val)]
    res$t_val <- sort(t_val)
    class(res) <- c("thresh_gam", "gam", "glm",
  } else {
    stop("No thresh_gam available!")
saskiaotto/INDperform documentation built on Oct. 27, 2021, 10:33 p.m.