
Defines functions .setup_ssl mapreason mapseverity camel2underscore .trace_list .trace_actions

# Copyright SAS Institute
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

.trace_actions <- function( action_name, params ) {
   ui <- FALSE
   if ( !is.null(params$`_apptag`) )
       ui <- params$`_apptag` == 'UI'

   if ( !as.logical(getOption('cas.trace.actions')) )

   if ( ui && !as.logical(getOption('cas.trace.ui.actions')) )

   message(paste('[', action_name, ']', sep=''))


.paste_prefix <- function ( str1, str2, sep='.' ) {
    if ( is.null(str1) ) {
        return( str2 )
    return( paste(str1, str2, sep=sep) )

.trace_list <- function( params, prefix=NULL ) {
   for ( name in names(params) ) {
      value <- params[[name]]
      if ( class(value) == 'list' ) {
         .trace_list( value, prefix=.paste_prefix(prefix, name) )
      else if ( class(value) == 'raw' ) {
         message(paste('   ', .paste_prefix(prefix, name), ' = binary-object (blob)', sep=''))
      else if ( length(value) > 1 ) {
         for ( i in 1:length(value) ) {
            if ( class(value[i]) == 'list' || length(value[i]) > 1 ) {
                .trace_list( value[i], prefix=.paste_prefix(prefix, name) )
            } else {
               message(paste('   ', .paste_prefix(prefix, name), '[', i, '] = ', 
                             value[[i]], ' (', class(value), ')', sep=''))  
      } else {
         message(paste('   ', .paste_prefix(prefix, name), ' = ',
                       value, ' (', class(value), ')', sep=''))  

REST_CASError <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASError',

    fields = list(
        soptions_ = 'character',
        message_ = 'character'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( soptions ) {
            soptions_ <<- soptions
            message_ <<- ''

        getTypeName = function() {
            return( 'error' )

        getSOptions = function() {
            return( soptions_ )

        isNULL = function() {
            return( FALSE )

        getLastErrorMessage = function() {
            return( message_ )

        setErrorMessage = function( msg ) {
            message_ <<- msg

REST_CASTable <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASTable',

    fields = list(
        obj_ = 'list',
        attrs_ = 'list',
        colattrs_ = 'list'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( obj ) {
            obj_ <<- obj

            attrs_ <<- list()
            for ( name in names(obj_$attributes) ) {
                attrs_[[name]] <<- .self$attr2R(obj_$attributes[[name]])

            colattrs_ <<- list()
            for ( i in 1:length(obj_$schema) ) {
                attrs <- obj_$schema[[i]]$attributes
                newattrs <- list()
                for ( name in names(attrs) ) {
                    newattrs[[name]] <- .self$attr2R(attrs[[name]])
                colattrs_ <<- c(colattrs_, newattrs)

        toVectors = function() {
            # Compute column names taking vectors into account
            col.names <- c()
            for ( i in 1:length(obj_$schema) ) {
               type <- .self$getColumnType(i-1)
               name <- .self$getColumnName(i-1)
               if ( grepl("-array", type, fixed = TRUE) ) {
                  nitems <- .self$getColumnArrayNItems(i-1)
                  for ( j in 1:nitems ) {
                     col.names <- c(col.names, paste0(name, j))
               } else {
                  col.names <- c(col.names, name)

            # Normalize NULLs, vector columns, and binary data columns
            normalize <- function(row) {
               out <- list()
               for ( i in 1:length(row) ) {
                  cell <- row[[i]]
                  if ( is.null(cell) ) {
                     out <- c(out, NaN)
                  else if ( class(cell) == "list" ) {
                     if ( is.null(cell$data) ) {
                        out <- c(out, unlist(cell))
                     } else {
                        out <- c(out, cell$data)
                  } else {
                     out <- c(out, cell)
               return( out )
            out <- lapply(obj_$rows, normalize)

            # Convert rows of data to data.frame
            out$stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            out <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, out)
            if (length(names(out)) > 0 ) {
              names(out) <- col.names
            return( out )

        getAttributes = function() {
            return( attrs_ )

        getColumnAttributes = function() {
            return( colattrs_ )

        attr2R = function( attr ) {
            atype = attr$type
            value = attr$value
            if ( atype == 'double' || atype == 'float' ) {
                if ( is.null(value) ) {
                    return( NULL )
                return( as.numeric(value) )
            if ( atype == 'int32' ) {
                return( as.integer(value) )
            if ( atype == 'int64' ) {
                return( as.character(value) )
            if ( atype == 'date' ) {
                return( cas.date2posix(value) )
            if ( atype == 'time' ) {
                return( cas.datetime2posix(value) )
            if ( atype == 'datetime' ) {
                return( cas.datetime2posix(value) )
            return( value )

        getTypeName = function() {
            return( 'table' )

        getSOptions = function() {
            return( '' )

        isNULL = function() {
            return( FALSE )

        getName = function() {
            return( obj_$name )

        getLabel = function() {
            return( obj_$label )

        getTitle = function() {
            return( obj_$title )

        getNColumns = function() {
            return( length(obj_$schema) )

        getNRows = function() {
            return( length(obj_$rows) )

        getColumnName = function( i ) {
            return( obj_$schema[[i + 1]]$name )

        getColumnLabel = function( i ) {
            return( obj_$schema[[i + 1]]$label )

        mapColumnType = function( type ) {
            if ( type == 'string' ) {
                return( 'varchar' )
            if ( type == 'binary' ) {
                return( 'varbinary' )
            return( type )

        getColumnType = function( i ) {
            ctype <- .self$mapColumnType(obj_$schema[[i + 1]]$type)
            if ( ctype == 'int' ) {
                if ( .self$getColumnWidth(i) == 4 )
                    ctype <- 'int32'
                    ctype <- 'int64'
            if ( ctype == 'double' && .self$getNColumns() > 0 && .self$getNRows() > 0 &&
                 length(obj_$rows[[1]][[i + 1]]) > 1 ) {
                return( 'double-array' )
            else if ( ctype == 'int64' && .self$getNColumns() > 0 && .self$getNRows() > 0 &&
                      length(obj_$rows[[1]][[i + 1]]) > 1 ) {
                return( 'int64-array' )
            else if ( ctype == 'int32' && .self$getNColumns() > 0 && .self$getNRows() > 0 &&
                      length(obj_$rows[[1]][[i + 1]]) > 1 ) {
                return( 'int64-array' )
            return( ctype )

        getColumnWidth = function( i ) {
            return( obj_$schema[[i + 1]]$width )

        getColumnFormat = function( i ) {
            return( obj_$schema[[i + 1]]$format )

        getColumnArrayNItems = function( i ) {
            ctype <- .self$getColumnType(i)
            if ( ctype == 'double-array' ) {
                return( length(obj_$rows[[1]][[i + 1]]) )
            if ( ctype == 'int64-array' ) {
                return( length(obj_$rows[[1]][[i + 1]]) )
            if ( ctype == 'int32-array' ) {
                return( length(obj_$rows[[1]][[i + 1]]) )
            return( 1 )

        getStringValue = function( row, col ) {
            return( as.character(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]) )

        getBinaryValue = function( row, col ) {
            return( jsonlite::base64_dec(.self$getBinaryBase64Value(row, col)) )

        getBinaryNBytes = function( row, col ) {
            return( obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]$length )

        getBinaryBase64Value = function( row, col ) {
            return( as.character(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]$data) )

        getDateValue = function( row, col ) {
            return( obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]] )

        getTimeValue = function( row, col ) {
            return( obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]] )

        getTimeValueAsString = function( row, col ) {
            return( as.character(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]) )

        getDatetimeValue = function( row, col ) {
            return( obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]] )

        getDatetimeValueAsString = function( row, col ) {
            return( as.character(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]) )

        getInt64Value = function( row, col ) {
            return( swat.as.integer64(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]) )

        getInt64ValueAsString = function( row, col ) {
            return( as.character(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]) )

        getInt64ArrayValue = function( row, col, elem ) {
            return( swat.as.integer64(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]][[elem + 1]]) )

        getInt64ArrayValueAsString = function( row, col, elem ) {
            return( as.character(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]][[elem + 1]]) )

        getInt32Value = function( row, col ) {
            return( as.integer(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]) )

        getInt32ArrayValue = function( row, col, elem ) {
            return( as.integer(obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]][[elem + 1]]) )

        getDoubleValue = function( row, col ) {
            val <- obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]]
            if ( is.null(val) )
                return( NaN )
            return( as.numeric(val) )

        getDoubleArrayValue = function( row, col, elem ) {
            val <- obj_$rows[[row + 1]][[col + 1]][[elem + 1]]
            if ( is.null(val) )
                return( NaN )
            return( as.numeric(val) )

        getLastErrorMessage = function() {
            return( '' )

REST_CASValue <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASValue',

    fields = list(
        key_ = 'ANY',
        value_ = 'ANY',
        items_ = 'list'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( key, value ) {
            key_ <<- key
            value_ <<- value

            items_ <<- list()
            if ( .self$getType() == 'list' ) {
                if ( length(names(value_)) ) {
                    for ( name in names(value_) ) {
                        items_[[length(items_) + 1]] <<- REST_CASValue(name, value_[[name]])
                } else if ( length(value_) ) {
                    for ( i in 1:length(value_) ) {
                        items_[[length(items_) + 1]] <<- REST_CASValue(NULL, value_[[i]])

        hasKeys = function() {
            if ( .self$getType() == 'list' && length(names(value_)) ) {
                return( TRUE )
            return( FALSE )

        getTypeName = function() {
            return( 'value' )

        getSOptions = function() {
            return( '' )

        isNULL = function() {
            if ( is.null(key_) && is.null(value_) ) {
                return( TRUE )
            return( FALSE )

        getType = function() {
            if ( length(names(value_)) ) {
                if ( !is.atomic(value_) && !is.null(value_$`_ctb`) && value_$`_ctb` ) {
                    return( 'table' )
                if ( !is.atomic(value_) && !is.null(value_$`_blob`) && value_$`_blob` ) {
                    return( 'blob' )
                return( 'list' )
            if ( class(value_) == 'list' || length(value_) > 1 ) {
                return( 'list' )
            if ( class(value_) == 'numeric' ) {
                return( 'double' )
            if ( class(value_) == 'integer' ) {
                return( 'int64' )
            if ( class(value_) == 'character' ) {
                return( 'string' )
            if ( class(value_) == 'logical' ) {
                return( 'boolean' )
            if ( is.null(value_) ) {
                return( 'nil' )
            stop(paste('Could not determine type of result', key_, ':', value_, paste=' '))

        getKey = function() {
            return( key_ )

        getInt32 = function() {
            return( as.integer(value_) )

        getDate = function() {
            return( as.integer(value_) )

        getInt64 = function() {
            return( swat.as.integer64(value_) )

        getInt64AsString = function() {
            return( as.character(value_) )

        getTime = function() {
            return( swat.as.integer64(value_) )

        getTimeAsString = function() {
            return( as.character(value_) )

        getDatetime = function() {
            return( swat.as.integer64(value_) )

        getDatetimeAsString = function() {
            return( as.character(value_) )

        getDouble = function() {
            if ( is.null(value_) )
                return( NaN )
            return( as.numeric(value_) )

        getString = function() {
            return( as.character(value_) )

        getBlob = function() {
            return( jsonlite::base64_dec(as.character(value_$data)) )

        getBlobBase64 = function() {
            return( as.character(value_$data) )

        getBoolean = function() {
            return( as.logical(value_) )

        getList = function() {
            return( value_ )

        getListNItems = function() {
            return( length(items_) )

        getListItem = function( i ) {
            return( items_[[i + 1]] )

        getTable = function() {
            return( REST_CASTable(value_) )

        getLastErrorMessage = function() {
            return( '' )

camel2underscore <- function( str ) {
    return( tolower(gsub('^_([A-Z])', '\\1', gsub('([A-Z])', '_\\1', str, perl=TRUE), perl=TRUE)) )

mapseverity <- function( sev ) {
    if ( is.null(sev) ) {
        return( 0 )
    if ( sev == 'Error' ) {
        return( 2 )
    if ( sev == 'Warning' ) {
        return( 1 )
    return( 0 )

mapreason <- function( reason ) {
    if ( is.null(reason) || reason == 'ok' ) {
        return( '' )
    return( tolower(reason) )

REST_CASResponse <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASResponse',

    fields = list(
        obj_ = 'list',
        disposition_ = 'list',
        update_flags_ = 'list',
        messages_ = 'list',
        metrics_ = 'list',
        results_ = 'list',
        result_idx_ = 'numeric',
        message_idx_ = 'numeric',
        update_flag_idx_ = 'numeric'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( obj ) {

            obj_ <<- obj

            disp <- obj_$disposition
            disposition_ <<- list(
                debug = disp$debugInfo,
                status = disp$formattedStatus,
                reason = mapreason(disp$reason),
                severity = mapseverity(disp$severity),
                statusCode = disp$statusCode

            update_flags_ <<- list()
            if ( length(obj_$changedResources) ) {
                for ( i in 1:length(obj_$changedResources) ) {
                    update_flags_[[i]] <<- camel2underscore(obj_$changedResources[[i]])

            messages_ <<- list()
            if ( length(obj_$logEntries) ) {
                for ( i in 1:length(obj_$logEntries) ) {
                    messages_[[i]] <<- obj_$logEntries[[i]]$message

            results_ <<- list()
            if ( length(names(obj_$results)) ) {
                for ( name in names(obj_$results) ) {
                    results_[[length(results_) + 1]] <<- REST_CASValue(name, obj_$results[[name]])
            } else if ( length(obj_$results) ) {
                for ( i in 1:length(obj_$results) ) {
                    results_[[length(results_) + 1]] <<- REST_CASValue(i, obj_$results[[i]])

            if ( !is.null(obj_$metrics) ) {
                metrics_ <<- obj_$metrics
            } else {
                metrics_ <<- list()

            result_idx_ <<- 1
            message_idx_ <<- 1
            update_flag_idx_ <<- 1

        getNextMessage = function() {
            if ( message_idx_ <= length(messages_) ) {
                message_idx_ <<- message_idx_ + 1
                return( messages_[[message_idx_ - 1]] )
            return( NULL )

        getNextUpdateFlag = function() {
            if ( update_flag_idx_ <= length(update_flags_) ) {
                update_flag_idx_ <<- update_flag_idx_ + 1
                return( update_flags_[[update_flag_idx_ - 1]] )
            return( NULL )

        getNextResult = function() {
            if ( result_idx_ <= length(results_) ) {
                result_idx_ <<- result_idx_ + 1
                return( results_[[result_idx_ - 1]] )
            return( NULL )

        getTypeName = function() {
            return( 'response' )

        getSOptions = function() {
            return( '' )

        isNULL = function() {
            return( FALSE )

        getNMessages = function() {
            return( length(messages_) )

        getNUpdateFlags = function() {
            return( length(update_flags_) )

        getNResults = function() {
            return( length(results_) )

        getDispositionSeverity = function() {
            return( disposition_$severity )

        getDispositionStatusCode = function() {
            return( disposition_$statusCode )

        getDispositionStatus = function() {
            return( disposition_$status )

        getDispositionReason = function() {
            return( disposition_$reason )

        getDispositionDebug = function() {
            return( disposition_$debug )

        getPerformanceNExtended = function() {
            if ( 'extend' %in% names(metrics_) ) {
               return( length(metrics_$extend) )
            return( 0 )

        getPerformanceExtended = function() {
           if ( 'extend' %in% names(metrics_) ) {
              return( metrics_$extend )
           return( list() )

        getElapsedTime = function() {
            return( metrics_$elapsed_time )

        getDataMovementTime = function() {
            return( metrics_$dataMovementTime )

        getDataMovementBytes = function() {
            return( metrics_$dataMovementBytes )

        getCPUUserTime = function() {
            return( metrics_$cpuUserTime )

        getCPUSystemTime = function() {
            return( metrics_$cpuSystemTime )

        getSystemTotalMemory = function() {
            return( metrics_$systemTotalMemory )

        getSystemNodes = function() {
            return( metrics_$systemNodes )

        getSystemCores = function() {
            return( metrics_$systemCores )

        getMemory = function() {
            return( metrics_$memory )

        getMemoryOS = function() {
            return( metrics_$memoryOS )

        getMemorySystem = function() {
            return( metrics_$memorySystem )

        getMemoryQuota = function() {
            return( metrics_$memoryQuota )

        getLastErrorMessage = function() {
            return( '' )

REST_CASMessage <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASMessage',

    fields = list(
        obj_ = 'ANY',
        connection_ = 'ANY'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( obj, connection ) {
            obj_ <<- obj
            connection_ <<- connection

        getTypeName = function() {
            return( 'message' )

        getSOptions = function() {
            return( '' )

        isNULL = function() {
            if ( is.null(obj_) ) {
                return( TRUE )
            return( FALSE )

        getTag = function() {
            return( '' )

        getType = function() {
            return( 'response' )

        getFlags = function() {
            return( list() )

        toResponse = function( connection ) {
            return( REST_CASResponse(obj_) )

        toRequest = function() {
            stop('Not supported in the REST interface')

        getLastErrorMessage = function() {
            return( '' )


expand_params <- function (params)
   out <- list()
   for (name in names(params))
      cls <- class(params[[name]])
      if (cls == 'CASTable')
         out[[name]] <- swat::gen.table.parm(params[[name]])
      else if (cls == 'list' && length(names(params[[name]])))
         out[[name]] <- expand_params(params[[name]])
      else if (cls == 'raw')
         out[[name]] <- list(`_blob`=TRUE,
                             data=gsub("\\s+", "", perl=TRUE, jsonlite::base64_enc(params[[name]])),
         out[[name]] <- params[[name]]
   return (out)

.setup_ssl <- function() {
   sslreqcert <- tolower(Sys.getenv('SSLREQCERT', unset='0'))
   if ( sslreqcert == 'y' || sslreqcert == 'yes' || sslreqcert == '1' || sslreqcert == 'on' )
   else if ( !is.na(Sys.getenv('CAS_CLIENT_SSL_CA_LIST', unset=NA)) )
   else if ( !is.na(Sys.getenv('SAS_TRUSTED_CA_CERTIFICATES_PEM_FILE', unset=NA)) )
   else if ( !is.na(Sys.getenv('SSLCALISTLOC', unset=NA)) )
   else {

REST_CASConnection <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASConnection',

    fields = list(
        hostname_ = 'character',
        port_ = 'numeric',
        username_ = 'character',
        password_ = 'character',
        error_ = 'ANY',
        results_ = 'ANY',
        soptions_ = 'character',
        baseurl_ = 'character',
        auth_ = 'ANY',
        session_ = 'character',
        orig_hostname_ = 'character',
        orig_port_ = 'numeric',
        current_baseurl_ = 'character',
        current_hostname_ = 'character',
        current_port_ = 'numeric',
        host_index_ = 'numeric',
        config_ = 'ANY',
        tkhttp_id_ = 'character'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( hostname, port, username, password, soptions, error ) {
            username_ <<- username
            error_ <<- error
            soptions_ <<- soptions
            results_ <<- NULL
            locale <- NULL
            session <- NULL
            orig_hostname_ <<- hostname
            orig_port_ <<- port
            tkhttp_id_ <<- ''

            config_ <<- .setup_ssl()

            if ( is.null(password) )
                password <- ''

            if ( !grepl('^https?:', hostname[[1]], perl=TRUE) )
               if ( grepl('protocol=https', soptions) )
                  hostname <- paste('https://', hostname, sep='')
               } else {
                  hostname <- paste('http://', hostname, sep='')

            if ( grepl('^https?:', hostname[[1]], perl=TRUE) )
                is_https <- FALSE
                if ( grepl('^https', hostname[[1]], perl=TRUE) ) {
                    is_https <- TRUE
                url <- httr::parse_url(hostname[[1]])
                baseurl_ <<- character()
                hostname_ <<- character()
                port_ <<- numeric()
                for ( i in 1:length(hostname) )
                    url <- httr::parse_url(hostname[[i]])
                    hostname_ <<- c(.self$hostname_, url$hostname)
                    port_ <<- c(.self$port_, as.numeric(url$port))
                    url$port <- .self$port_
                    baseurl_ <<- c(.self$baseurl_, sub('/$', '', httr::build_url(url), perl=TRUE)[[1]])

            if ( grepl('\\blocale=\\w+', soptions, perl=TRUE) )
               m <- regexpr('\\blocale=(\\w+)', soptions_, perl=TRUE)
               locale <- gsub('^locale=', '', regmatches(soptions_, m)[[1]], perl=TRUE)[[1]]

            if ( grepl('\\bsession=[\\w\\-]+', soptions, perl=TRUE) )
               m <- regexpr('\\bsession=([\\w\\-]+)', soptions_, perl=TRUE)
               session <- gsub('^session=', '', regmatches(soptions_, m)[[1]], perl=TRUE)[[1]]

            host_index_ <<- 0

            authinfo <- NULL
            if ( grepl('^authinfo={', password, perl=TRUE) )
                authinfo <- substr(password, 11, nchar(password) - 1)
                authinfo <- strsplit(authinfo, '\\}\\{', perl=TRUE)[[1]]
                authinfo <- gsub('^{', '', authinfo, perl=TRUE)
                authinfo <- gsub('}$', '', authinfo, perl=TRUE)
                authinfo <- query_authinfo(host=current_hostname_, user=username,
                                           protocol=current_port_, filepath=authinfo)
            else if ( password == '' )
                authinfo <- query_authinfo(current_hostname_, username=username, protocol=current_port_)

            if ( (is.null(username) || username == '') && (!is.null(password) && password != '') ) {
                auth_ <<- httr::add_headers(Authorization=paste('Bearer', password))
                password_ <<- jsonlite::base64_enc(password)
            else if ( is.null(authinfo) )
                if ( is.null(username) || username == '' ) {
                   stop('No username was specified.')
                if ( is.null(password) || password == '' ) {
                   stop('No password was specified.')
                auth_ <<- httr::authenticate(username, password)
                password_ <<- jsonlite::base64_enc(password)
                if ( is.null(authinfo$password) || authinfo$password == '' ) {
                   stop('No password was specified.')
                password_ <<- jsonlite::base64_enc(authinfo$password)
                if ( is.null(authinfo$username) ) {
                    if ( is.null(username) || username == '' ) {
                       stop('No username was specified.')
                    auth_ <<- httr::authenticate(username, authinfo$password)
                } else {
                    auth_ <<- httr::authenticate(authinfo$username, authinfo$password)
                    username_ <<- authinfo$username

            while ( TRUE ) 
                  if ( is.null(session) )
                     url <- paste(current_baseurl_, 'cas', 'sessions', sep='/')
                     res <- httr::PUT(url, auth_, config_)
                     out <- httr::content(res, as='parsed', type='application/json', encoding='utf-8')

                     cookies <- httr::cookies(res)
                     tkhttp_id_ <<- as.character(cookies[ cookies$name=='tkhttp-id', ]$value)

                     if ( is.null(out$session) )
                        if ( is.null(out$details) )
                            stop(paste(url, ':', out$error))
                            stop(paste(url, ':', out$error, '(', out$details, ')'))
                     session_ <<- out$session
                     if ( !is.null(locale) )
                        .self$invoke('session.setlocale', list(locale=locale))
                        if ( 'disposition' %in% names(results_) ) {
                           if ( 'severity' %in% names(results_[['disposition']]) &&
                                results_[['disposition']][['severity']] == 'Error' ) {
                        } else {
                            stop('Unknown error when setting locale')
                        results_ <<- NULL

                     url <- paste(current_baseurl_, 'cas', 'sessions', session, sep='/')
                     res <- httr::GET(url, auth_, config_)
                     out <- httr::content(res, as='parsed', type='application/json', encoding='utf-8')
                     cookies <- httr::cookies(res)
                     tkhttp_id_ <<- as.character(cookies[ cookies$name=='tkhttp-id', ]$value)
                     if ( is.null(out$uuid) )
                        stop(paste(url, ':', out$error))

                     session_ <<- session

               }, error=function (e) {

        set_next_connection_ = function(connection_error) {
            host_index_ <<- host_index_ + 1
                current_hostname_ <<- hostname_[[host_index_]]
                current_baseurl_ <<- baseurl_[[host_index_]]
                current_port_ <<- port_[[host_index_]]
            }, error=function (e) {
                current_hostname_ <<- ''
                current_baseurl_ <<- ''
                current_port_ <<- -1
                if (is.null(connection_error)) {

        invoke = function( action_name, params ) {
            body <- jsonlite::toJSON(expand_params(params), auto_unbox=TRUE)
            while ( TRUE ) 
                out <- tryCatch({
                    .trace_actions( action_name, params)
                    res <- httr::POST(paste(current_baseurl_, 'cas',
                                            'sessions', session_, 'actions',
                                            action_name, sep='/'), auth_,
                                            #, verbose()

                    cookies <- httr::cookies(res)
                    tkhttp_id_ <<- as.character(cookies[ cookies$name=='tkhttp-id', ]$value)

                    results_ <<- httr::content(res, as='text', encoding='utf-8')

                }, error=function (e) {

                    if (length(hostname_) > host_index_) {

                    # Get ID of results
                    action_name <- 'session.listresults'
                    body <- ''

                    res <- httr::POST(paste(current_baseurl_, 'cas',
                                            'sessions', session_, 'actions',
                                            action_name, sep='/'), auth_,
                                            #, verbose()

                    cookies <- httr::cookies(res)
                    tkhttp_id_ <<- as.character(cookies[ cookies$name=='tkhttp-id', ]$value)

                    results_ <<- httr::content(res, as='parsed',
                                               type='application/json', encoding='utf-8')

                    result_id <- res$result$`Queued Results`$rows[[1]][[1]]

                    # Setup retrieval of results from ID
                    return( list(action_name='session.fetchresult',
                                 body=paste('{"id":', result_id, '}', sep='')) )

                if ( !is.null(out) )
                    action_name <- out$action_name
                    body <- out$body

            if ( class(results_) == 'character' ) {
                if ( results_ == "\r\n" ) {
                    results_ <<- list()
                else if ( length(results_) > 0 ) {
                    results_ <<- jsonlite::fromJSON(gsub('\f', '\\\\f',
                                                    gsub('\r', '\\\\r', results_)),
                } else {
                    results_ <<- list()

            if ( !('disposition' %in% names(results_)) ) {
                if ( 'error' %in% names(results_) ) {
                } else {
                    stop('Unknown error when invoking action')

        receive = function() {
            out <- NULL
            if (!is.null(results_)) {
                out <- REST_CASMessage(results_, connection=.self)
            results_ <<- NULL
            return( out )

        getTypeName = function() {
            return( 'connection' )

        getSOptions = function() {
            return( soptions_ )

        destroy = function() {

        isNULL = function() {
            return( FALSE )

        isConnected = function() {
            return( length(session_) > 1 )

        hasPendingResponses = function() {
            return( FALSE )

        setZeroIndexedParameters = function() {

        copy = function() {
            return( REST_CASConnection(orig_hostname_, orig_port_, username_,
                                       soptions_, error_) )

        getHostname = function() {
            if ( grepl('^https:', current_hostname_, perl=TRUE) ) {
                return( httr:parse_url(current_hostname_)$hostname )
            return( current_hostname_ )

        getUsername = function() {
            return( username_ )

        getPort = function() {
            return( current_port_ )

        getSession = function() {
            return( session_ )

        close = function() {
            httr::DELETE(paste(current_baseurl_, 'cas', 'sessions', session_, sep='/'),
                         auth_, config_)
            session_ <<- ''
            return( 0 )

        upload = function( file_name, params ) {
            res <- httr::PUT(paste(current_baseurl_, 'cas', 'sessions',
                                   session_, 'actions', 'table.upload', sep='/'), auth_,
                                   httr::add_headers('JSON-Parameters'=jsonlite::toJSON(params, auto_unbox=TRUE),
                                   #, verbose()

            cookies <- httr::cookies(res)
            tkhttp_id_ <<- as.character(cookies[ cookies$name=='tkhttp-id', ]$value)

            results_ <<- httr::content(res, as='parsed', type='application/json', encoding='utf-8')

            if ( !('disposition' %in% names(results_)) ) {
                if ( 'error' %in% names(results_) ) {
                } else {
                    stop('Unknown error when uploading file')

            return( REST_CASResponse(results_) )

        stopAction = function() {

        getOptionType = function( option ) {
            return( 'none' )

        getBooleanOption = function( option ) {

        setBooleanOption = function( option, value ) {

        getInt32Option = function( option ) {

        setInt32Option = function( option, value ) {

        getInt64Option = function( option ) {

        setInt64Option = function( option, value ) {

        setInt64OptionFromString = function( option, value ) {

        getStringOption = function( option ) {

        setStringOption = function( option, value ) {

        getDoubleOption = function( option ) {

        setDoubleOption = function( option, value ) {

        enableDataMessages = function() {

        disableDataMessages = function() {

        getLastErrorMessage = function() {
            return( '' )

REST_CASConnectionEventWatcher <- setRefClass(

    Class = 'REST_CASConnectionEventWatcher',

    fields = list(
        connections_ = 'list',
        timeout_ = 'numeric',
        soptions_ = 'character',
        error_ = 'ANY',
        idx_ = 'numeric'

    methods = list(
        initialize = function( nconnections, timeout, soptions, error ) {
            connections_ <<- list()
            timeout_ <<- timeout
            soptions_ <<- soptions
            error_ <<- error
            idx_ <<- 0

        addConnection = function( connection ) {
            connections_[[length(connections_) + 1]] <<- connection

        wait = function( ) {
            if ( idx_ < length(connections_) )
                idx_ <<- idx_ + 1
                return( idx_ - 1 )
            return( -2 )

        getLastErrorMessage = function( ) {
            return( '' )
sassoftware/R-swat documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 8 a.m.