seit2lDeter: The deterministic SEIT2L model with constant population size

seit2lDeterR Documentation

The deterministic SEIT2L model with constant population size


The deterministic SEIT2L model with constant population size, uniform prior and Poisson observation with reporting rate.


A fitmodel object, that is a list with the following elements:


  • name character.

  • stateNames character vector.

  • thetaNames character vector.

  • simulate R-function.

  • rPointObs R-function.

  • dprior R-function.

  • dPointObs R-function.

Look at the documentation of fitmodel for more details about each of these elements. You can look at the code of the R-functions by typing seit2lDeter$simulate for instance. There are some comments included.

sbfnk/fitR documentation built on July 18, 2023, 3:28 p.m.