
Defines functions misc_make_metadata misc_get_token get_token project_members project_details upload_delete upload_complete_all upload_complete_part upload_init upload_info_part upload_info

Documented in get_token misc_get_token misc_make_metadata project_details project_members upload_complete_all upload_complete_part upload_delete upload_info upload_info_part upload_init

# 1. File Upload

#' Returns upload information for the ongoing upload
#' Returns the upload information for the ongoing upload.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param upload_id ID of the upload
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export upload_info
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{req <- upload_info(token, upload_id = "your_upload_id")}
upload_info <- function(token = NULL, upload_id = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(upload_id)) stop("upload_id must be provided")

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("upload/multipart/", upload_id),
    method = "GET", ...


#' Returns AWS S3 signed URL for a part of the file upload
#' Gets the signed URL for the upload of the specified part.
#' Note that URLs are valid for 60 seconds only and that you should initiate
#' upload to the signed URL in this time frame.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param upload_id ID of the upload
#' @param part_number Number of the upload file part that you wish to access
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export upload_info_part
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- upload_info_part(token, upload_id = "your_upload_id", part_number = 1)}
upload_info_part <- function(token = NULL,
                             upload_id = NULL, part_number = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(upload_id) || is.null(part_number)) {
    stop("upload_id and part_number must be both provided")

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("upload/multipart/", upload_id, "/", part_number),
    method = "GET", ...


#' Initializes the upload of the specified file
#' This is the first operation performed when you wish to upload a file.
#' Operation is initialized by providing file name, project id where you
#' wish the file to be uploaded to (if not specified, defaults to user's stash)
#' and optionally by providing wanted part size. You may wish to set your
#' part size to a low value if you experience problems with uploading large
#' file parts, although default value of 5MB should be good enough for
#' most users.
#' Limits: \itemize{
#' \item Maximum number of parts is 10000
#' \item Maximum file size is 5TB
#' \item Maximum part size is 5GB
#' \item Default part size is 5MB}
#' @param token auth token
#' @param project_id ID of the project you wish to upload to
#' @param name Name of the file you wish to upload
#' @param size Size of the file you wish to upload
#' @param part_size Requested part size. Note that API may reject your
#' requested part size and return proper one in response.
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export upload_init
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- upload_init(
#'   token,
#'   project_id = "your_project_id",
#'   name = "Sample1_RNASeq_chr20.pe_1.fastq", size = 5242880
#' )}
upload_init <- function(token = NULL, project_id = NULL,
                        name = NULL, size = NULL, part_size = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(project_id) || is.null(name)) {
    stop("project_id and name must be both provided")

  body <- list("project_id" = project_id, "name" = name)

  if (!is.null(size)) body$"size" <- size
  if (!is.null(part_size)) body$"part_size" <- part_size

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = "upload/multipart", body = body, method = "POST", ...


#' Reports the completion of the part upload
#' The ETag is provided for the correctness check upon completion of the
#' whole upload. Value for the ETag is provided by AWS S3 service when
#' uploading the file in the ETag header.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param upload_id ID of the upload
#' @param part_number ID of the part you wish to report as completed
#' @param e_tag Value of the ETag header returned by AWS S3 when uploading
#' part of the file.
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export upload_complete_part
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- upload_complete_part(
#'   token, upload_id = "your_upload_id",
#'   part_number = "1", e_tag = "your_e_tag"
#' )}
upload_complete_part <- function(token = NULL, upload_id = NULL,
                                 part_number = NULL, e_tag = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(upload_id) || is.null(part_number) || is.null(e_tag)) {
    stop("upload_id, part_number and e_tag must be provided")

  body <- list(
    "part_number" = as.character(part_number),
    "e_tag" = as.character(e_tag)

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("upload/multipart/", upload_id),
    body = body, method = "POST", ...


#' Reports the complete file upload
#' If the whole parts are uploaded, and the provided ETags are correct,
#' then the file is assembled and made available on the SBG platform.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param upload_id ID of the upload
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export upload_complete_all
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- upload_complete_all(token, upload_id = "your_upload_id")}
upload_complete_all <- function(token = NULL, upload_id = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(upload_id)) stop("upload_id must be provided")

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("upload/multipart/", upload_id, "/complete"),
    method = "POST", ...


#' Abort the upload
#' Abort the upload; all upload records and the file are deleted.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param upload_id ID of the upload
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export upload_delete
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- upload_delete(token, upload_id = "your_upload_id")}
upload_delete <- function(token = NULL, upload_id = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(upload_id)) stop("upload_id must be provided")

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("upload/multipart/", upload_id), method = "DELETE"


# 2. Projects

#' Returns the details of the project
#' Returns the details of the project.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param project_id ID of a project you want to access.
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export project_details
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- project_details(token, project_id = "your_project_id")}
project_details <- function(token = NULL, project_id = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(project_id)) stop("project_id must be provided")

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("project/", project_id), method = "GET", ...


#' Returns a list of all users invited to the project and their privileges
#' Returns a list of all users invited to the project and their privileges.
#' Project ID is specified as path parameter. Call returns ID and username
#' of the user with privileges.
#' @param token auth token
#' @param project_id ID of a project you want to access.
#' @param ... parameters passed to api function
#' @return parsed list of the returned json
#' @export project_members
#' @examples
#' token <- "your_token"
#' \dontrun{
#' req <- project_members(token, project_id = "your_project_id")}
project_members <- function(token = NULL, project_id = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(project_id)) stop("project_id must be provided")

  req <- api(
    token = token,
    path = paste0("project/", project_id, "/members"),
    method = "GET", ...


# 3. Misc

#' Opens web browser to copy the auth token
#' Click the "Generate Token" or "Regenerate" button, copy and paste
#' the authentication token string to the R console.
#' The function will return the token string.
#' @param platform The Seven Bridges platform to use.
#' @return auth token
#' @export get_token
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
#' @examples
#' token <- NULL
#' # Will be prompted to enter the auth token
#' \dontrun{token = get_token(platform = "cgc")}
get_token <- function(platform = c("cgc", "aws-us", "aws-eu", "gcp", "cavatica")) {
  platform <- match.arg(platform)

  token_url <- c(
    "cgc" = "https://cgc.sbgenomics.com/developer#token",
    "aws-us" = "https://igor.sbgenomics.com/developer#token",
    "aws-eu" = "https://igor.sbgenomics.com/developer#token",
    "gcp" = "https://igor.sbgenomics.com/developer#token",
    "cavatica" = "https://cavatica.sbgenomics.com/developer#token"

  cat("\nPlease enter the generated authentication token:")
  token <- scan(what = character(), nlines = 1L, quiet = TRUE)


#' @rdname get_token
#' @export misc_get_token
misc_get_token <- function() {

#' @rdname Metadata
#' @export misc_make_metadata
misc_make_metadata <- function() {
sbg/sevenbridges-r documentation built on March 26, 2021, 3:33 p.m.