Man pages for sbg/tidycwl
Tidy Common Workflow Language Tools and Workflows

export_htmlExport the workflow plot as HTML
export_imageExport the workflow plot as PNG, JPEG, or PDF files
get_cwl_versionGet CWL version
get_edgesGet edges in a CWL workflow into a data frame
get_graphGet the CWL workflow graph
get_inputs_idGet ID for inputs
get_inputs_labelGet label for inputs
get_nodesGet nodes in a CWL workflow into a data frame
get_outputs_idGet ID for outputs
get_outputs_labelGet label for outputs
get_steps_docGet documentation/description for steps
get_steps_idGet ID for steps
get_steps_labelGet label for steps
get_steps_revisionGet revision number for steps
get_steps_versionGet toolkit version for steps
is_cwlIs this a CWL object?
is_draft2Is this CWL draft2?
is_toolIs this a CWL command line tool?
is_v1.0Is this CWL v1.0?
is_v1.1Is this CWL v1.1?
is_workflowIs this a CWL workflow?
parse_cwlParse a CWL workflow
parse_inputsParse the inputs of the CWL workflow into a data frame
parse_metaParse the metadata in the CWL workflow
parse_outputsParse the outputs of the CWL workflow into a data frame
parse_stepsParse the steps of the CWL workflow into a data frame
parse_typeParse CWL content type
pipePipe operator
print.cwlPrint CWL objects
read_cwlRead a CWL file into a list
read_cwl_jsonRead a CWL file (JSON format) into a list
read_cwl_yamlRead a CWL file (YAML format) into a list
tidycwl-packagetidycwl: Tidy Common Workflow Language Tools and Workflows
tidycwl_shinyShiny bindings for tidycwl
visualize_graphVisualize the CWL workflow
sbg/tidycwl documentation built on April 2, 2022, 3:29 a.m.