  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette describes the ideal data analytical workflow used by the Schola Empirica team.


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To do analysis and create great reports reproducibly and efficiently.

To make our lives easier.

To make life easier for our future selves.


1. Reproducible projects

Project structure should be such that it is obvious what happens where and the whole project can be rerun quickly, perhaps on new data. Ideally, the structure also facilitates efficiency, i.e. during analysis things are not rerun which only need to be done once etc.

2. Reproducible reports

Everything we submit to a client/partner/stakeholder should be based on data and code that together reproducibly create the report: no hacks, no manual edits if at all possible, no copy-pasting images from one place to another.

Version control helps us track when each report was created, using what code and what data, and can help us go back and fix things if needed. It also helps us avoid mostly duplicate versions of everything lying around.

Code and data are real.

3. Consistent style of outputs

Reports and charts are based on well-designed styles and templates which we use consistently.

3. Good documentation

Projects and reports should be self-documenting by their structure, code, workflow, and comments inside, and the git history with good commit messages.

4. Efficiency

Let's not repeat code and keep reinventing the wheel.

Building blocks

On reproducibility frameworks {.bs-callout .bs-callout-blue}

The workflow described here does not rely on a particular framework that would enforce a project structure and a way of orchestrating all the bits together.

It is more lightweight - it suggests a structure, a way of working, and provides suggested integrators (such as build.R and shared.R and the 00_ data load scripts). It relies on simple order of execution and on the analyst putting the right bits of code in the right places.

You are free to change any of this, but also responsible for making sure that the system you create actually works.

This lightweight approach also does not provide any optimalisation with regard to build time, like a make- or drake-based workflow would (e.g. by only rebuilding outputs when te code has changed.)

If you would like a more rigid framework or need one that optimizes for computing time, look through your options in the Resources section below.

1. Project initiation via the project template

The reschola package provides an RStudio project template that (a) takes care of setting up your project on Github (if you let it) and (b) creates a default project structure, incorporating key parameters that you give it in setup.

2. Default project structure

Feel free to adapt this in any way that works and remains understandable to someone who is not you.

You should feel free to move code between the analysis and the 00* scripts as you discover data transformations that should be made earlier on in the workflow.

Use build.R to tie these together - when run, it should rebuild the whole project from scratch, except perhaps downloading data. You may want to build different versions of build_*.R as helpers for running different parts of the workflow while you work. If you deal with lots of build scripts, use the wonderful (pun intended) {buildr} package.

3. Document templates

There are two templates in the package: Schola PDF report (prefered) and Schola Word report.

The PDF report use LaTeX to create typographically correct, completely vector-graphics document.

The Word report is simple: it creates a Word document with some nice custom defaults and styles.

4. ggplot2 theme

reschola offers a ggplot2 theme, theme_schola(), which provides some sensible easthetic defaults, including font choice, to make charts beautiful and consistent.

The desired approach is to use this theme, alter its parameters if needed, and then if necessary make other changes using another theme() call.

There are also a small number of other plotting utilities.

See the Making charts vignette for details on everything graphics related.

5. Utilities

There are also utilities, e.g. for creating report drafts (draft_*()) and for interacting with Google Drive (gdrive_*())

Step by step

1. Start a new project

In RStudio, go to File > New Project > New directory > Standard Schola Empirica Project.

Ideally, start from a clean RStudio session with no project open.

Fill in the fields (only directory name is mandatory), switch the Git menu to get a (reschola/your) Github repo of you wish, select other options if needed, check "Open in new session", and click Create.

Other ways are possible but this gives you a good starting point and takes care of a lot of the setup hassle for you.

Not committing sensitive data to git {.bs-callout .bs-callout-red}

The data-input and data-processed have .gitignore files in to stop you form committing sensitive data to git. Commit these .gitignore files to git. But only alter them if you are sure you know what you are doing.

Google Authentication {.bs-callout .bs-callout-yellow}

If you haven't used the googledrive package before, the package may ask for authorisation to access Google Drive. This is legitimate and you should grant access. This happens in the browser and on some machines may cause project initiatition to freeze or stop. If that happens, run googledrive::drive_auth(), delete the directory created by the previous project creation attempt, and try creating the project again.

renv: managing package dependencies

One of the most annoying barriers do reproducibility is when packages on which your code depends change over time and as a result your code breaks or behaves differently.

The most convenient and sophisticated way to handle this is to use the renv dependency management system. renv

In short, it makes sure that your project holds a complete record of the exact package versions you are using when creating it.

When to use it:

Always, really, but especaially when:

What it does:

To save avoid wasting time, disk space and download bandwidth, renv keeps a copy of all the package versions used in your projects in a shared per-computer cache. The project libraries only contain links to that cache. That way you are not committing the package code into your project, nor do the package files sit in your project directory, and they only get downloaded once if multiple projects' libraries use the save version of a package.

All you need to do is call renv::init() at the beginning and then renv::snapshot() anytime you install new packages or commit code.

See for an intro to the package and for a broader intro.

Renv is not part of the standard project setup in reschola so as not to increase the complexity of project initiation, but it is much recommended that you use it.

2. Download the data

Use 001_retrieve-data.R; if you have other data retrieval, ideally the code for it should live here.

Do not edit the data by hand.

See tips for some packages that can help you retrieve data from public sources or other systems.

3. Read in, check and process the data

Use 002_read-data.R. Add any other data reading that is needed.

See readr::locale() for handling encoding, decimal marks and separators in CSVs. You might also need readr::read_csv2().

Use readr::guess_encoding() if the text comes in garbled.

Use 003_check-and-process-data.R. You may need to move this into an RMarkdown document.

See tips for packages that can help you set up a structured data checking pipeline.

Data and git {.bs-callout .bs-callout-yellow}

You may want to commit some of the summarised/processed data output here once you have done some analysis and are reasonably sure it will not change too often. But generally, data should not be committed, esp. if large or at risk of committing personal information.

4. Explore/Analyse the data

I suggest you keep your data exploration in a separate script from your report; often the EDA will happen in the report as you go, but a better process perhaps is to develop bits of your analysis in one script/Rmd and only move bits of code into the report Rmd which is essential for building the report.

An RMarkdown Notebook might be an appropriate format for this.

See tips.html#data-exploration-1 for a list of appropriate tools for data exploration.

Approaches {.bs-callout .bs-callout-blue}

There is a real trade off here: one way to do it is to work through the analysis in the report script, perhaps hiding most through chunk options (include = FALSE) and only outputting into the final format stuff that is relevant.

That way you get a sense of the thought process but also a bloated and circuitous script. Another is to do the analysis in one or more files and only moving bits into the report which are needed there.

That way you get a tight report script but at times disconnected from the analytical process.

One way to lighten the load is to hive off some work into partial Rmarkdown files, typically named _something.Rmd, and then "insert" them into the main document via

`r ''````r


See RMarkdown Cookbook on child documents.

5. Write reports using a template

Use draft_* to quickly create a draft using the required template.

The Word output of the two templates is aesthetically equivalent, but the _word template (and output format as set in the YAML header) can do more sophisticated handling of e.g. [cross-references][Footnotes and cross-references].

Note the schola_word format is based on the bookdown::word_document2 format. This means it can be customised like other bookdown documents and even strung into a whole book.

Footnotes and cross-references

You can create a cross-reference to any section, e.g. link to section Methods using [Methods] or [the methods section][Methods]. This will show up as a link in Word and HTML.

Create a footnote by using Text^[This is a footnote].

You can also refer to tables, figures and equations. This only works in the schola_word output format (template).

Do it like this (note that @ is escaped with \):

Note that these chunks need to have the fig.cap set to a non-empty string, and they need to have a chunk name without underscores or any special character (camelCase style is recommended). Yihui Xie says:

Try to avoid spaces, periods (.), and underscores (_) in chunk labels and paths. If you need separators, you are recommended to use hyphens (-) instead. For example, setup-options is a good label, whereas setup.options and chunk 1 are bad; fig.path = 'figures/mcmc-' is a good path for figure output, and fig.path = 'markov chain/monte carlo' is bad.

Edit _bookdown.yml to change the words used for "Figure" and "Table" in captions (doesn't apply for PDF).

See more on cross-references in the bookdown guide.

Citations {.bs-callout .bs-callout-blue}

Knitr and Rmarkdown incorporate a system for managing citations and bibliographies, which can take reference lists from a number of citation managers. For the basics, see the RMarkdown site, details are in the RMarkdown Cookbook.

Web output

In principle, if you want a HTML file you can just switch the format to html_document and it should work fine if perhaps the details might differ slightly. See tips on how to get that online.


If you expect your report to be rerun in some time with different data or a different parameter, like a changed date or name of something, you can make your report parameterised. See this brief guide or a longer explanation.

This is also useful if you are running the same report for a number of units of something, e.g. for different waves of research or different geographical units - see how the Urban Institute does it.


Charts should be created using ggplot2 as far as possible. Use the schola_theme() theme.^[See the Making charts vignette for more details.]

6. Iterate steps 3-6

None of this is a linear process. The only requirement is that from an external point of view (and that includes you in three months or two years), the process of rebuilding the report(s) and the entire project is linear.

But as you work, you will find bits of code that belong somewhere else; you will make data transformations in your report that you will then realize you can move to your data transformation script. You will load new data in a script and than move that loading code to an earlier script. That is fine - it will happen gradually through iteration, but the iteration should also move you towards more organised code.

The logic described by Emily Riederer in her RMarkdown driven development approach may be helpful here.

In the end, the scripts should follow these principes:

  1. each should be able to run separately, in the sense that it doesn't fail, that is
  2. it reads its own data (possibly written by a previous script)
  3. it should write its data if another script is expected to use them (though ideally this would all be done by a data-transformation script early on)
  4. it should load its libraries, shared variable and functions

Don't forget to update the and other documentation as you go, as well as build.R and any other build*.R scripts you may have.

Feel free to use git to go back and forth. Version control is your friend here. Something broke? You can go back to when it worked.

See workflow guidance for a primer on git and Github, which should be a core part of your process.

When a draft report goes out e.g. to stakeholders for feedback, it might be useful to create a git tag:

You can also designate certain snapshots as special with a tag, which is a name of your choosing. In a software project, it is typical to tag a release with its version, e.g., “v1.0.3”. For a manuscript or analytical project, you might tag the version submitted to a journal or transmitted to external collaborators. Figure 20.1 shows a tag, “draft-01”, associated with the last commit.

7. Finalise report

Run reschola::manage_docx_header_logos() to replace default Schola logo or add a client/funder logo.

8. Prepare project for reuse

Really just make sure that you have followed the steps. If you have, then:

Additionally, you should use renv and snapshot the state of the project library using renv::snapshot().

Tools for implementing good practices

Tidyverse approach and tidy data

See R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garret Grolemund.

The rest mostly draws on What They Forgot to teach you about R, which seems to have the remedy to many common pains of working with R.

Blank slates

See RStudio part in setup for the options to set for this.)

Safe paths

Use the here package instead of setwd() to make sure paths just work.

File naming conventions

See Naming things by Jenny Bryan.

Safe storage of secret and confidential information

Ignore files in git {.bs-callout .bs-callout-yellow}

You can add files you do not wish to commit to git's '.gitignore' file. That way, git will not even show those as new/changed. This works separately for each repo.

The easiest way to do this is to run e.g. usethis::use_git_ignore("secret_file.R").

You need to commit the .gitignore file.

Other bits of good practice to follow:

In R code:

See the goodpractice package for a list of good practice and automated checking for them.

With version control


Currently we have no explicitly agreed style.

Still, following some basic code hygiene seems like a good idea:

Resources for building reproducible workflows

Drake, intro slides

Sharla Gelfand on reproducible reporting with RMarkdown at rstudio::conf(2020) Emily Riederer on RMarkdown driven development

Wilson et al. 2016, "Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing"

rrtools for research compendia

Reproducible Analytical Pipelines



scholaempirica/reschola documentation built on June 1, 2024, 1:29 p.m.