ls_standardize_dates: Standardize Date Variables in LimeSurvey Data

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ls_standardize_datesR Documentation

Standardize Date Variables in LimeSurvey Data


Standardize Date Variables in LimeSurvey Data


  date_cols = c("completed", "sent", "submitdate", "startdate", "datestamp"),
  as_na = c("", "N", "Y"),



tibble, data frame with LimeSurvey data.


character, names of date columns to be standardized.


character, values to be coerced to NA (default to c("", "N", "Y")).


Arguments passed on to lubridate::parse_date_time


a character vector of date-time formats. Each order string is a series of formatting characters as listed in base::strptime() but might not include the "%" prefix. For example, "ymd" will match all the possible dates in year, month, day order. Formatting orders might include arbitrary separators. These are discarded. See details for the implemented formats. If multiple order strings are supplied, they are applied in turn for parse_date_time2() and fast_strptime(). For parse_date_time() the order of applied formats is determined by select_formats parameter.


a character string that specifies the time zone with which to parse the dates


integer, number of formats that can be missing. The most common type of irregularity in date-time data is the truncation due to rounding or unavailability of the time stamp. If the truncated parameter is non-zero parse_date_time() also checks for truncated formats. For example, if the format order is "ymdHMS" and truncated = 3, parse_date_time() will correctly parse incomplete date-times like ⁠2012-06-01 12:23⁠, ⁠2012-06-01 12⁠ and 2012-06-01. NOTE: The ymd() family of functions is based on base::strptime() which currently fails to parse ⁠%Y-%m⁠ formats.


logical. If TRUE, progress messages are not printed, and ⁠No formats found⁠ error is suppressed and the function simply returns a vector of NAs. This mirrors the behavior of base R functions base::strptime() and base::as.POSIXct().


locale to be used, see locales. On Linux systems you can use system("locale -a") to list all the installed locales.


A function to select actual formats for parsing from a set of formats which matched a training subset of x. It receives a named integer vector and returns a character vector of selected formats. Names of the input vector are formats (not orders) that matched the training set. Numeric values are the number of dates (in the training set) that matched the corresponding format. You should use this argument if the default selection method fails to select the formats in the right order. By default the formats with most formatting tokens (⁠%⁠) are selected and ⁠%Y⁠ counts as 2.5 tokens (so that it has a priority over ⁠%y%m⁠). See examples.


logical. If TRUE, the orders parameter is interpreted as an exact base::strptime() format and no training or guessing are performed (i.e. train, drop parameters are ignored).


logical, default TRUE. Whether to train formats on a subset of the input vector. As a result the supplied orders are sorted according to performance on this training set, which commonly results in increased performance. Please note that even when train = FALSE (and exact = FALSE) guessing of the actual formats is still performed on the training set (a pseudo-random subset of the original input vector). This might result in ⁠All formats failed to parse⁠ error. See notes below.


logical, default FALSE. Whether to drop formats that didn't match on the training set. If FALSE, unmatched on the training set formats are tried as a last resort at the end of the parsing queue. Applies only when train = TRUE. Setting this parameter to TRUE might slightly speed up parsing in situations involving many formats. Prior to v1.7.0 this parameter was implicitly TRUE, which resulted in occasional surprising behavior when rare patterns where not present in the training set.


A tibble with standardized date variables.

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