
Defines functions parse_blast

Documented in parse_blast

#' parse_blast
#' Function to parse xml output of ncbi blast of V3kl V6r regions
#' returns query cover, evalue, percent identity, matched organism(s),
#' accession number, query sequence
#' returns hits in percent identity-coverage groups, starting from the group
#' with the highest scores in both those measures, and in decreasing order

#' @param filename name of xml file containing blast search results for V3klV6r sanger
#' @param sequencing (exported from ncbi blast); full path to file should be included
#' @param ngroups default 1; the number of identity-coverage groups to be returned
#' @param tophit default FALSE; if TRUE, only returns the top hit for each query
#' @param output default 'blast_result.csv'; name of output file; will be in csv
#'     format; will be saved in same location as input file.
#' @import xml2
#' @import stringr
#' @import hash
#' @return blast results in the form of csv file, e.g. blast_result.csv
#' @export

parse_blast <- function(filename=NULL, ngroups=1, tophit=FALSE,
                        output='blast_result.csv') {

  # make sure folder defined----------------------------------------------------
  if(is.null(filename)) stop('Name of file not supplied.', call.=FALSE)

  # making sure folder path is in correct syntax
  path <- str_replace_all(filename, '\\\\', '/')

  # Reading file
  xmlfile <- read_xml(filename)

  blast_node <- xml_find_all(xmlfile, '//Iteration')

  # prints which samples will (if any) be deleted, because they have no BLAST hits
  blast_delete <- blast_node[grepl("<Iteration_hits>\n</Iteration_hits>", blast_node)]

  if(length(blast_delete) == 0) {
    message("All samples have returned hits. None will be deleted.")
  if(length(blast_delete) != 0){
    # removing those entries
    blast_node <- blast_node[!blast_node %in% blast_delete]

    blast_delete_name <- xml_text(xml_find_all(blast_delete, 'Iteration_query-def'))
    message("The following samples returned no hits, and will be subsequently deleted:")
    message(sprintf('%s\n', blast_delete_name))

  out <- c()
  # going through one query (sample) at a time
  for(i in 1:length(blast_node)){

    # sample
    query_sample <- xml_text(xml_find_all(blast_node[[i]], 'Iteration_query-def'))
    query_num <- xml_text(xml_find_all(blast_node[[i]], 'Iteration_iter-num'))
    query_len <- xml_text(xml_find_all(blast_node[[i]], 'Iteration_query-len'))

    #print a message to mark progress
    msg <- sprintf('Reading hit results for file "%s"', query_sample)

    # hit
    hit_node <- xml_find_all(blast_node[[i]], 'Iteration_hits/Hit')

    # create hash map to store keys and values for quick look up
    hmap <- hash()
    key_order <- c()

    # initializing hits
    hit <- c()

    # going through one hit at a time
    for(j in 1:length(hit_node)) {

      # hit values of interest
      fullmatch <- xml_text(xml_find_first(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_def'))

      if(length(unlist(str_extract_all(fullmatch, 'strain')))>1) {
        match <- str_extract_all(fullmatch, '\\w+ [a-z]+(?= strain)')
        match <- unlist(match)
        match <- paste(match, collapse=', ')
      else match <- str_extract(fullmatch, '.*(?= strain)')

      access <- xml_text(xml_find_first(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_accession'))
      hit_num <- xml_text(xml_find_first(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_num'))

      totscore <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_bit-score'))
      alignlen <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_align-len'))
      hsp_ident <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_identity'))
      qfrom <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_query-from'))
      qto <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_query-to'))
      evalue <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue'))
      qseq <- xml_text(xml_find_all(hit_node[[j]], 'Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_qseq'))

      # converting values to numeric
      totscore <- as.numeric(totscore)
      alignlen <- as.numeric(alignlen)
      hsp_ident <- as.numeric(hsp_ident)
      qfrom <- as.numeric(qfrom)
      qto <- as.numeric(qto)
      evalue <- as.numeric(evalue)

      if(length(totscore) >1) totscore <- max(totscore)

      identity <- round(hsp_ident/alignlen*100,2)
      coverage <- round(alignlen/qto*100,2)

      # use identity-coverage combo as hash key
      hkey <-sprintf('q%s_%0.2f', query_num, totscore)
      #hkey <-sprintf('q%s_%0.2f%0.2f', query_num, identity, coverage)

      # if hash does not contain key, add key to hash
      if(has.key(hkey, hmap)==FALSE) {
        .set(hmap, hkey, c())

        # keep track of key order
        key_order <- c(key_order, hkey)

      # if key is in hash, build value entry
      if(has.key(hkey, hmap)) {

        # first, retrieve key's value
        hkey_val <- hmap[[hkey]]

        # info from hit to be entered into key value
        val_entry <- data.frame(query_num=query_num, sample_name=query_sample,
                                seq_len=query_len, hit_num=hit_num,
                                match=match, accession=access, total_score=totscore,
                                perc_cover=coverage, perc_ident=identity,
                                evalue=evalue, match_description=fullmatch,

        hkey_val <- rbind(hkey_val, val_entry)

        # tophit only returns first hit
        if(tophit==TRUE) {
          hkey_val <- hkey_val[1,]

        # assign value to key
        hmap[[hkey]] <- hkey_val

      # only go through the hits in the number of groups specified
      ## check how many keys in hashmap
      n_key <- length(key_order)

      if(n_key==ngroups) break
    } # end of hit loop

    # retrieving all hits in the specified number of groups
    retrieve_key <- key_order[1:ngroups]

    # converting results to dataframe
    retrieve <- hmap[retrieve_key]
    retrieve <- as.data.frame(as.list(retrieve))

    cname <- colnames(retrieve)
    cname <- str_extract_all(cname, '\\w*$', simplify=TRUE)
    cname <- cname[,1]
    colnames(retrieve) <- cname

    out <- rbind(out, retrieve)

  } # end of query loop

  # export blast results
  if(tophit==TRUE)  message('Only the top hit of each query has been returned')
  out_path <- str_extract(path, '.*(?=/)')
  out_fname <- file.path(out_path, output)

  write.csv(file=out_fname, out, row.names = FALSE)
schyen/isolationWorkflow documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:03 a.m.