
Defines functions getJagsModel PriorAndInitValues

Documented in getJagsModel PriorAndInitValues

##' @importFrom eventPrediction FromDataParam

##' An S4 class containing a fitted survival model obtained from JAGS
##' of an Eventdata object
##' @slot shape.init Initial value for shape parameter.
##' @slot shape.min The shape parameter prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [shape.min, shape.max]. 
##' @slot shape.max The shape parameter prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [shape.min, shape.max]. 
##' @slot ctrl.median Control median [months]
##' @slot hr Hazard ratio
##' @slot mixture.min The minimum mixture coefficient, e.g. randomization 
##' balance (boundary of uniform distribution), prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [mixture.min, mixture.max]
##' @slot mixture.max The maximum mixture coefficient, e.g. randomization 
##' balance (boundary of uniform distribution), prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [mixture.min, mixture.max]
##' @slot scale.sd.min The minimum standard deviation of the log(scale) (0.5), 
##' prior is uniformly distributed between [scale.sd.min, scale.sd.max]
##' @slot scale.sd.max The maximum standard deviation of the log(scale) (2), 
##' prior is uniformly distributed between [scale.sd.min, scale.sd.max]
##' @export
setClass( "PriorAndInitsMixture",
          slots = list( shape.init="numeric",

##' Function defining jags model
##' @param prior.init Prior initialization parameters
##' @param ctrl.rate Rate in subgroup 1
##' @param exp.rate Rate in subgroup 2
getJagsModel <- function( prior.init, ctrl.rate, exp.rate ) {
  my.model <- "
\tfor( i in 1:N )
\t\tis.censored[i] ~ dinterval( times.na[i], times.cens[i] )
\t\tsubgroup[i] ~ dbern( pi )
\t\ttimes.na[i] ~ dweib( shape, lambda[ 1+subgroup[i] ] )
\t\tsurv[i] <- 1 - pweib( times[i], shape, lambda[ 1+subgroup[i] ] )
  my.model <- paste0( my.model,
                      "\n\tshape ~ dunif( ", prior.init@shape.min ,",", prior.init@shape.max , ")\n",
                      "\tpi ~ dunif( ", prior.init@mixture.min, ", ", prior.init@mixture.max, " )\n",
                      "\tlog.scale[1] ~ dnorm( log(", ctrl.rate , "), sd1 )\n", 
                      "\tlog.scale[2] ~ dnorm( log(", exp.rate, "), sd2 )\n",
                      "\tsd1 ~ dunif(", prior.init@scale.sd.min, ",", prior.init@scale.sd.max,")\n",
                      "\tsd2 ~ dunif(", prior.init@scale.sd.min, ",", prior.init@scale.sd.max,")\n", 
                      "\tfor( k in 1:2 ) {\n",
                      "\t\tlambda[k] <- pow( scale[k], -shape )\n", 
                      "\t\tscale[k] <- exp( log.scale[k] )\n",
                      "\t\tmu[k] <- scale[k]*exp(loggam(1+1/(shape)))\n",
                      "}" )

##' BayesianMixtureFit of the Event Data
##' Creates an EventModel based on the fitting a Bayesian MCMC mixture model using
##' run.jags and jags.
##' @param object The EventData object
##' @param prior.init Initial values to parameters and prior values, see 
##' \code{PriorAndInitValues}
##' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the method
##' @rdname BayesianMixtureFit-methods
##' @name BayesianMixtureFit
##' @return \code{EventData} object with the data censored at the appropriate point
##' @export
setGeneric( "BayesianMixtureFit", 
            function( object, prior.init, ... ) 
  standardGeneric("BayesianMixtureFit") )

##' BayesianMixtureFit the Event Data
##' @param dist Distribution (only Weibull available for mixture). Can "force" into
##' exponential by specifying a tight boundary around 1 for the shape parameter. 
##' @param N.samples The number of samples to take (2000). This will also determine
##' the number of simulations used in the prediction step.
##' @param N.burnin Number of burnin iterations before sampling starts (1000). Before
##' these 1000 adaptive iterations are tun to enhance the sampling efficiency. 
##' @param N.thin Thining interval to use. May reduce auto-correlation.
##' @param N.chains Number of chins to use. IF running on a parallel machine, one may
##' match this with the number of processors (N.proc).
##' @param N.proc Number of processors to use if running on a cluster.
##' @param parallel Use more than one processor (FALSE)
##' @param seed Random seed, integer (NULL)
##' @rdname BayesianMixtureFit-methods
##' @export
setMethod( "BayesianMixtureFit", 
           signature=c( object="EventData", prior.init="PriorAndInitsMixture" ),
           function( object, 
                     ... ){
             if( N.samples < 1 ) stop( "N.samples must be greater than 0!")
             if( N.chains < 1 ) stop( "N.chains must be greater than 0!")
             if( N.thin < 1 ) stop( "N.thin must be greater than equal to 0!")
    if( !dist %in% c( "weibull" ) ){
       stop( "dist must be weibull")
    if( nrow( object@subject.data ) == 0 ) stop( "Empty data frame!" ) 
    subject.data <- object@subject.data
    # Censored data must be recorded as NA
    censored = subject.data$has.event==0
    is.censored = censored*1
    times  <- subject.data$time
    # Unique version needed for dinterval
    times.cens <- subject.data$time
    times.na   <- subject.data$time
    times.na[censored] = NA
    jags.data = list( times = times,
                      times.cens = times.cens,
                      times.na = times.na,
                      is.censored = is.censored,
                      N = nrow(subject.data) )
    dayspermonth <- standarddaysinyear()/12
    ctrl.rate <- log(2)^(1/prior.init@shape.init)/prior.init@ctrl.median
    exp.rate  <- log(2)^(1/prior.init@shape.init)/
    ctrl.rate <- ctrl.rate/dayspermonth
    exp.rate  <- exp.rate/dayspermonth
    my.model <- getJagsModel( prior.init, ctrl.rate, exp.rate ) 
    jags.init <- rep( NA, length( times.na ) )
    jags.init[ censored ] <- times.cens[ censored ] + 1
    shape <- exp( log( prior.init@shape.min ) + log( prior.init@shape.max ) )
    jags.inits <- function() {
      list( 'shape' = shape, 
            'log.scale' = c( log(ctrl.rate) + rnorm(1), 
                            log(exp.rate) + rnorm(1) ), 
            'times.na' = jags.init )
     if( !is.null( seed ) ) {
       set.seed( seed )
       jags.inits <- function() {
         list( 'shape' = shape, 
               'log.scale' = c( max( log(ctrl.rate) + rnorm(1), 0 ), 
                                max( log(exp.rate) + rnorm(1), 0 ) ), 
               'times.na' = jags.init,
               '.RNG.name'= "base::Wichmann-Hill",
               '.RNG.seed'=seed )
    model.fit <- NULL
    if( !parallel ){
      model.fit <- run.jags( data = jags.data,
                             model = my.model,
                             monitor = c( "mu", "scale", "shape", "pi", "subgroup" ),
                             sample =  N.samples, 
                             burnin = N.burnin,
                             n.chains =  N.chains,
                             thin = N.thin,
                             summarise = FALSE,
                             inits = jags.inits )
    } else {
      if( is.null( N.proc ) || N.proc <= 1 ) {
        stop( "N.proc needs to be defined and greater than 1!")
      library( parallel )
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster( N.chains )
      model.fit <- run.jags( data = jags.data,
                             model = my.model,
                             monitor = c( "mu", "scale", "shape", "pi", "subgroup" ),
                             sample = N.samples, 
                             burnin = N.burnin,
                             n.chains = N.chains,
                             thin = N.thin,
                             summarise = FALSE,
                             inits = jags.inits,
                             cl = cl )
      parallel::stopCluster( cl )
    # Retrieve the mcmc object
    x <- suppressWarnings( as.mcmc( model.fit ) ) 
    shape.hat = median( x[,names( x[1,] )=="shape"] )
    scale.1.hat = median( x[,names( x[1,] )=="scale[1]"] )
    scale.2.hat = median( x[,names( x[1,] )=="scale[2]"] )
    pi.hat = median( x[,names( x[1,] )=="pi"] )
    seed = ifelse( !is.null(seed), seed, NA  )
    new( "EventModelBayesian",
         shape.median = shape.hat,
         scale.1.median = scale.1.hat,
         scale.2.median = scale.2.hat,
         pi.median = pi.hat,
         mcmc.object = x, 
         jags.model=my.model )

##' PriorAndInitsMixture constructor 
##' Creates a PriorAndInitsMixture object. These are guesses of the original 
##' parameters based on (protocol) assumptions.
##' @param shape.init Initial value of the shape parameter.
##' @param shape.min The shape parameter prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [shape.min, shape.max]. 
##' @param shape.max The shape parameter prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [shape.min, shape.max]. 
##' @param ctrl.median Control median [months]
##' @param hr Hazard ratio
##' @param mixture.min The minimum mixture coefficient, e.g. randomization 
##' balance (boundary of uniform distribution), prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [mixture.min, mixture.max]
##' @param mixture.max The maximum mixture coefficient, e.g. randomization 
##' balance (boundary of uniform distribution), prior is uniformly distributed between 
##' [mixture.min, mixture.max]
##' @param scale.sd.min The minimum standard deviation of the log(scale) (0.5), 
##' prior is uniformly distributed between [scale.sd.min, scale.sd.max]
##' @param scale.sd.max The maximum standard deviation of the log(scale) (2), 
##' prior is uniformly distributed between [scale.sd.min, scale.sd.max]
##' @export
PriorAndInitValues <- function( shape.init,
                                scale.sd.min = 0.9,
                                scale.sd.max = 1.1 ){
  if( shape.min >= shape.max || shape.min < 0 ) {
    stop( paste0( "Invalid range of shape-parameter! ", 
                  "Need to be within (0 < shape.min < shape.max)" ) )
  if( mixture.min >= mixture.max || mixture.min < 0 || mixture.min > 1 ){
    stop( paste0( "Invalid range of mixture-coefficient. ",
                  "Need to be within (0 < mixture.min < mixture.max < 1)" ) ) 
  if( ctrl.median < 0 ) stop( "Invalid control median, ctrl.median should be positive!" )
  if( hr < 0 ) stop( "Invalid hazard ratio, must be positive!" )
  if( scale.sd.min > scale.sd.max || scale.sd.min < 0 ) {
    stop( "Invalid range of scale.sd parameter! Need to be within (0 < scale.sd.min < scale.sd.max)" )
  new( "PriorAndInitsMixture",
scientific-computing-solutions/eventTools documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:44 p.m.