
Defines functions partial_eval partial_eval2

Documented in partial_eval

#' Partially evaluate an expression.
#' This function partially evaluates an expression, using information from
#' the tbl to determine whether names refer to local expressions
#' or remote variables. This simplifies SQL translation because expressions
#' don't need to carry around their environment - all revelant information
#' is incorporated into the expression.
#' @section Symbol substitution:
#' \code{partial_eval} needs to guess if you're referring to a variable on the
#' server (remote), or in the current environment (local). It's not possible to
#' do this 100% perfectly. \code{partial_eval} uses the following heuristic:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item If the tbl variables are known, and the symbol matches a tbl
#'     variable, then remote.
#'   \item If the symbol is defined locally, local.
#'   \item Otherwise, remote.
#' }
#' @param call an unevaluated expression, as produced by \code{\link{quote}}
#' @param tbl a tbl object
#' @param env environment in which to search for local values
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' if (require("Lahman")) {
#' bdf <- tbl_df(Batting)
#' partial_eval(quote(year > 1980), bdf)
#' ids <- c("ansonca01", "forceda01", "mathebo01")
#' partial_eval(quote(id %in% ids), bdf)
#' # You can use local to disambiguate between local and remote
#' # variables: otherwise remote is always preferred
#' year <- 1980
#' partial_eval(quote(year > year), bdf)
#' partial_eval(quote(year > local(year)), bdf)
#' # Functions are always assumed to be remote. Use local to force evaluation
#' # in R.
#' f <- function(x) x + 1
#' partial_eval(quote(year > f(1980)), bdf)
#' partial_eval(quote(year > local(f(1980))), bdf)
#' # For testing you can also use it with the tbl omitted
#' partial_eval(quote(1 + 2 * 3))
#' x <- 1
#' partial_eval(quote(x ^ y))
#' }
partial_eval <- function(call, tbl = NULL, env = parent.frame()) {
  if (is.atomic(call)) return(call)

  if (inherits(call, "lazy_dots")) {
    lapply(call, function(l) partial_eval(l$expr, tbl, l$env))
  } else if (is.list(call)) {
    lapply(call, partial_eval, tbl = tbl, env = env)
  } else if (is.symbol(call)) {
    name <- as.character(call)
    if (!is.null(tbl) && name %in% tbl_vars(tbl)) {
    } else if (exists(name, env)) {
      eval(call, env)
    } else {
  } else if (is.call(call)) {
    # Process call arguments recursively, unless user has manually called
    # remote/local
    name <- as.character(call[[1]])
    if (name == "local") {
      eval(call[[2]], env)
    } else if (name %in% c("$", "[[", "[")) {
      # Subsetting is always done locally
      eval(call, env)
    } else if (name == "remote") {
    } else {
      call[-1] <- lapply(call[-1], partial_eval, tbl = tbl, env = env)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown input type: ", class(call), call. = FALSE)

partial_eval2 <- function(call, vars = character(), env = parent.frame()) {
  if (is.atomic(call)) return(call)

  if (inherits(call, "lazy_dots")) {
    lapply(call, function(l) partial_eval2(l$expr, vars, l$env))
  } else if (is.list(call)) {
    lapply(call, partial_eval2, vars, env = env)
  } else if (is.symbol(call)) {
    name <- as.character(call)
    if (name %in% vars) {
    } else if (exists(name, env)) {
      eval(call, env)
    } else {
  } else if (is.call(call)) {
    # Process call arguments recursively, unless user has manually called
    # remote/local
    name <- as.character(call[[1]])
    if (name == "local") {
      eval(call[[2]], env)
    } else if (name %in% c("$", "[[", "[")) {
      # Subsetting is always done locally
      eval(call, env)
    } else if (name == "remote") {
    } else {
      call[-1] <- lapply(call[-1], partial_eval2, vars = vars, env = env)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown input type: ", class(call), call. = FALSE)
sctyner/dplyr050 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:22 p.m.