enw_manual_formula: Define a model manually using fixed and random effects

View source: R/formula-tools.R

enw_manual_formulaR Documentation

Define a model manually using fixed and random effects


For most typical use cases enw_formula() should provide sufficient flexibility to allow models to be defined. However, there may be some instances where more manual model specification is required. This function supports this by allowing the user to supply vectors of fixed, random, and customised random effects (where they are not first treated as fixed effect terms). Prior to ⁠1.0.0⁠ this was the main interface for specifying models and it is still used internally to handle some parts of the model specification process.


  fixed = NULL,
  random = NULL,
  custom_random = NULL,
  no_contrasts = FALSE,
  add_intercept = TRUE



A data.frame of observations. It must include all variables used in the supplied formula.


A character vector of fixed effects.


A character vector of random effects. Random effects specified here will be added to the fixed effects.


A vector of random effects. Random effects added here will not be added to the vector of fixed effects. This can be used to random effects for fixed effects that only have a partial name match.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. TRUE means that no variable uses contrast. Alternatively a character vector of variables can be supplied indicating which variables should not have contrasts.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Should an intercept be added to the fixed effects.


A list specifying the fixed effects (formula, design matrix, and design matrix index), and random effects (formula and design matrix).

See Also

Functions used to help convert formulas into model designs as_string_formula(), construct_re(), construct_rw(), enw_formula(), parse_formula(), re(), remove_rw_terms(), rw(), rw_terms(), split_formula_to_terms()


data <- enw_example("prep")$metareference[[1]]
enw_manual_formula(data, fixed = "week", random = "day_of_week")

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