enw_missing: Missing reference data model module

enw_missingR Documentation

Missing reference data model module


Missing reference data model module


enw_missing(formula = ~1, data)



A formula (as implemented in enw_formula()) describing the missing data proportion on the logit scale by reference date. This can use features defined by reference date as defined in metareference as produced by enw_preprocess_data(). "~0" implies no model is required. Otherwise an intercept is always needed


Output from enw_preprocess_data().


A list containing the supplied formulas, data passed into a list describing the models, a data.frame describing the priors used, and a function that takes the output data and priors and returns a function that can be used to sample from a tightened version of the prior distribution.

See Also

Model modules enw_expectation(), enw_fit_opts(), enw_obs(), enw_reference(), enw_report()


# Missingness model with a fixed intercept only
enw_missing(data = enw_example("preprocessed"))

# No missingness model specified
enw_missing(~0, data = enw_example("preprocessed"))

seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 9:56 p.m.