enw_obs: Setup observation model and data

enw_obsR Documentation

Setup observation model and data


Setup observation model and data


enw_obs(family = c("negbin", "poisson"), observation_indicator = NULL, data)



Character string, the observation model to use in the likelihood; enforced by base::match.arg(). By default this is a negative binomial ("negbin") with Poisson ("poisson") also being available. Support for additional observation models is planned, please open an issue with suggestions.


A character string, the name of the column in the data that indicates whether an observation is observed or not (using a logical variable) and therefore whether or not it should be used in the likelihood. This variable should be present in the data input to enw_preprocess_data(). It can be generated using flag_observation in enw_complete_dates() or it can be created directly using enw_flag_observed_observations(). If either of these approaches are used then the variable will be name .observed. Default is NULL.


Output from enw_preprocess_data().


A list as required by stan.

See Also

Model modules enw_expectation(), enw_fit_opts(), enw_missing(), enw_reference(), enw_report()


enw_obs(data = enw_example("preprocessed"))

seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 9:56 p.m.