enw_reps_with_complete_refs: Identify report dates with complete (i.e up to the maximum...

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enw_reps_with_complete_refsR Documentation

Identify report dates with complete (i.e up to the maximum delay) reference dates


Identify report dates with complete (i.e up to the maximum delay) reference dates


enw_reps_with_complete_refs(new_confirm, max_delay, by = NULL, copy = TRUE)



new_confirm data.frame output from enw_preprocess_data().


The maximum number of days to model in the delay distribution. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Observations with delays larger then the maximum delay will be dropped. If the specified maximum delay is too short, nowcasts can be biased as important parts of the true delay distribution are cut off. At the same time, computational cost scales non-linearly with this setting, so you want the maximum delay to be as long as necessary, but not much longer. Consider what delays are realistic for your application, and when in doubt, check if increasing the maximum delay noticeably changes the delay distribution or nowcasts as estimated by epinowcast. If it does, your maximum delay may still be too short. Note that delays are zero indexed and so include the reference date and max_delay - 1 other days (i.e. a max_delay of 1 corresponds to no delay). You can use check_max_delay() to check the coverage of a delay distribution for different maximum delays.


A character vector describing the stratification of observations. This defaults to no grouping. This should be used when modelling multiple time series in order to identify them for downstream modelling


A logical; if TRUE (the default) creates a copy; otherwise, modifies obs in place.


A data.frame containing a report_date variable, and grouping variables specified for report dates that have complete reporting.

See Also

Helper functions for model modules add_max_observed_delay(), add_pmfs(), convolution_matrix(), enw_reference_by_report(), extract_obs_metadata(), extract_sparse_matrix(), latest_obs_as_matrix(), simulate_double_censored_pmf()

seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 9:56 p.m.