enw_unset_cache: Unset Stan cache location

View source: R/model-tools.R

enw_unset_cacheR Documentation

Unset Stan cache location


Optionally removes the enw_cache_location environment variable from the user .Renviron file and/or removes it from the local environment. If you unset the local cache and want to switch back to using the persistent cache, you can reload the .Renviron file using readRenviron("~/.Renviron").


enw_unset_cache(type = c("session", "persistent", "all"))



A character string specifying the type of cache to unset. It can be one of "session", "persistent", or "all". Default is "session". "session" unsets the cache for the current session, "persistent" removes the cache location from the user's .Renviron file,and "all" does all options.


The prior cache location, if it existed otherwise NULL.

See Also

Functions used to help convert models into the format required for stan enw_formula_as_data_list(), enw_get_cache(), enw_model(), enw_pathfinder(), enw_priors_as_data_list(), enw_replace_priors(), enw_sample(), enw_set_cache(), enw_stan_to_r(), remove_profiling(), write_stan_files_no_profile()



seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 9:56 p.m.