unset_cache_from_environ: Remove Cache Location Setting from '.Renviron'

unset_cache_from_environR Documentation

Remove Cache Location Setting from .Renviron


This function searches for and removes the enw_cache_location setting from the .Renviron file located in the user's project or home directory. It utilizes the get_renviron_contents function to access and modify the contents of the .Renviron file. If the enw_cache_location setting is found and successfully removed, a success message is displayed. If the setting is not found, a warning message is displayed.


unset_cache_from_environ(alert_on_not_set = TRUE)



A logical value indicating whether to display a warning message if the enw_cache_location setting is not found in the .Renviron file. Defaults to TRUE.


Invisible NULL. The function is used for its side effect of modifying the .Renviron file.

See Also


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