write_stan_files_no_profile: Write copies of the .stan files of a Stan model and its...

View source: R/model-tools.R

write_stan_files_no_profileR Documentation

Write copies of the .stan files of a Stan model and its #include files with all profiling statements removed.


Write copies of the .stan files of a Stan model and its #include files with all profiling statements removed.


  include_paths = NULL,
  target_dir = epinowcast::enw_get_cache()



The path to a .stan file containing a Stan program.


Paths to directories where Stan should look for files specified in #include directives in the Stan program.


The path to a directory in which the manipulated .stan files without profiling statements should be stored. To avoid overriding of the original .stan files, this should be different from the directory of the original model and the include_paths.


A list containing the path to the .stan file without profiling statements and the include_paths for the included .stan files without profiling statements

See Also

Functions used to help convert models into the format required for stan enw_formula_as_data_list(), enw_get_cache(), enw_model(), enw_pathfinder(), enw_priors_as_data_list(), enw_replace_priors(), enw_sample(), enw_set_cache(), enw_stan_to_r(), enw_unset_cache(), remove_profiling()

seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 9:56 p.m.