
Defines functions plot_rickers

Documented in plot_rickers

#' Plot sample Ricker curves for each stock
#' Make a plot of Ricker curves for each stock. Can be useful for visualizing
#' how the simulation parameters are impacting the Ricker curves and how these
#' vary with temperature across stocks. The colour of the lines corresponds to
#' the relative thermal tolerance of that stock. The shaded region shows the
#' range of spawners observed throughout the simulations.
#' @param x Output list from \code{\link{meta_sim}}.
#' @param pal Colours for stocks.
#' @param n_samples Number of sample lines to draw from the \code{a}
#'   parameters.
#' @param add_y_axes_pops Panels to add y axes on.
#' @param add_x_axes_pops Panels to add x axes on.
#' @param burn Number of initial years to throw out as burn in.
#' @param add_shading Logical: add the light grey shading for the range of
#'   observed spawner abundance?
#' @param ... Anything else to pass to \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' arma_env_params <- list(mean_value = 16, ar = 0.1, sigma_env = 2, ma = 0)
#' base1 <- meta_sim(n_pop = 10, env_params = arma_env_params, env_type =
#'   "arma", assess_freq = 5)
#' plot_rickers(base1)
#' @return A plot

plot_rickers <- function( x, pal = rep("black", x$n_pop), n_samples
  = 40, add_y_axes_pops = c(1, 6), add_x_axes_pops = c(6:10), burn =
  1:30, add_shading = TRUE, ...){

  esc.lower <- apply(x$E[-burn, ], 2, min)
  esc.upper <- apply(x$E[-burn, ], 2, max)

  sp <- list()
  for (j in 1:x$n_pop) {
    buffer <- (esc.upper[j] - esc.lower[j]) * .02
    sp[[j]] <- seq(max(esc.lower[j] - buffer, 0), esc.upper[j] + buffer,
      length.out = 100)
  min_sp <- min(as.numeric(lapply(sp, min)))
  max_sp <- max(as.numeric(lapply(sp, max)))

  env_vals <- seq(min(x$env_ts), max(x$env_ts), length.out = 20)
  env_cols <- colorspace::diverge_hcl(20)[findInterval(x$env_ts,

  samples <- sample(seq((max(burn)+1),x$n_t), n_samples)

  rickers_to_plot <- list()
  for (j in 1:x$n_pop){
    rickers_to_plot[[j]] <- matrix(ncol = length(samples), nrow =

  for (j in 1:x$n_pop) {
    for (i in 1:length(samples)){
      rickers_to_plot[[j]][ , i] <- ricker(spawners = seq(min_sp,
          max_sp, length.out = 100), a = x$A_params[samples[i], j], b
        = x$b[j])

  y_max <- max(unlist(lapply(rickers_to_plot, function(x) max(x))))
  y_min <- min(unlist(lapply(rickers_to_plot, function(x) min(x))))

  par(mfrow = c(ceiling(x$n_pop/5), 5), cex = 0.7, mar = c(0,0,0,0),
    oma = c(4, 4,.5,.5), las = 1)
  for (j in 1:x$n_pop) {

    a_to_plot <- x$A_params[samples, j]
    env_cols_to_plot <- env_cols[samples]

    plot(1, 1, xlim = c(min_sp, max_sp), ylim = c(y_min, y_max), type=
      "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, ...)
    box(col = "grey50")
    if (j %in% add_y_axes_pops) axis(2)
    if (j %in% add_x_axes_pops) axis(1)
    for (i in 1:ncol(rickers_to_plot[[j]])){
      lines(seq(min_sp, max_sp, length.out = 100),
        rickers_to_plot[[j]][,i], col = env_cols_to_plot[i])
    if (add_shading) {
    rect(esc.lower[j], 0, esc.upper[j], y_max*1.1, border = NA, col =
    mtext(j, adj = 0.05, line = -1.5, cex = 0.9, col = pal[j])

  mtext("Spawners", side = 1, outer = TRUE, line = 2.3)
  mtext("Returns", side = 2, outer = TRUE, line = 2.3, las = 0)
seananderson/metafolio documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 5:47 a.m.