Man pages for sebastian-gregoricchio/Rseb
An R-package for NGS data managing and visualization

actualize'Rseb' updates verification
build.bedBed generator
calculate.modeMode calculation
closest.regionsFind closets regions to reference regions.
cmykCMYK color converter
CNV.dataCNV data results example
collapse.bedMerger of overlapping peaks in a provided .bed file.
color.gradientGradient colors generation and assignment
combine.listsList combiner
computeMatrix.deeptoolsScore matrix NGS data builder at specific regions (by...
convert_sequenceNucleic acid sequences converter. frame conversion to a list of columns.
data.summaryStatistical data summary generator
deeptools.matrixdeepTools matrix example
density.matrixDensity matrix builder
density_plotPlot density signal of NGS data.
DE.statusDifferential Expression status calculator for RNA-seq data
doughnutDonut/Doughnut plot
evaluate.heterogeneityEvaluate genomic heterogeneity among samples.
floating.ceilingCeiling to floating values
floating.floorFlooring to floating values
genomic.tracksGenomic tracks plotter
get.gene.nameConversion of ENSEMBL gene IDs.
get.single.base.score.bwSingle base bigWig score selector a pattern in a full data.frame. of GSEA terms into Gene Ontology numbers
IGVsnapScript generator for Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) batch...
incucyteIncucyte analysis tool
install.pkg.sourcePackage installer from source archive.
intersect.bedtoolsIntersect two or more bed files (by 'bedtools intersect'...
intersect.regionsGenomic regions overlapper
is.nan_df'is.nan()' applied to a data.frame solvent volume to make a solution with a given amount of... solvent volume to make a solution with a given amount of...
move.df.colFunction to change easily the order of specific columns in a...
multi.bigwig.meanMulti-bigWig average tool
pkg.checkCheck package installation.
pkg.versionGet session info and package versions.
plot.density.differencesPlot the distribution of overall NGS density at specific...
plot.density.profilePlot of NGS density signal at specific regions from deepTools...
plot.density.profile.smoothPlot of NGS density signal at specific regions from deepTools...
plot.density.summaryPlot the distribution of overall NGS density at specific...
plot.gseaGSEA plotter
plot.multi.gseaGSEA plotter
plot.NESGSEA analyses NES plotter
pStarsP-value significance stars definer.
qPCR.resultsqPCR RNA expression results example
qPCR.results.rep1qPCR RNA expression results example (rep1)
qPCR.results.rep2qPCR RNA expression results example (rep2)
qPCR.rna.expqPCR RNA expression analyses tool.
qPCR.rna.mean.repsqPCR RNA expression experimental replicates mean calculator.
read.computeMatrix.file'computeMatrix' *.gz file reader
reorder.samples.computeMatrixSample reorderer computeMatrix file
restore_packagesRestores packages installed from a .rda file. of a bed file for enzymatic restriction sites.
RNAseqRNA-seq example
sort.bedSorter function for .bed files.
store_packagesStores the information of installed packages in a .rda file.
substract.bwCombination of two or more list in a unique one.
uniform.x.axisPlot X-axis uniforming
uniform.y.axisPlot Y-axis uniforming
update_pkgsfunction to automatically update the R packages.
venn.overlapVennDiagram from region overlaps
volcanoVolcano plot generator for RNA-seq data.
sebastian-gregoricchio/Rseb documentation built on Sept. 4, 2024, 1:59 p.m.