

test_that("Generating isopath works", {
  expect_is(isopath(), "isopath")

test_that("Adding isotope works", {
  expect_error(add_isotope("not correct"), "can only be added to an isopath")
  expect_is({sys <- isopath(); sys}, "isopath")
  expect_error( add_isotope(sys, "!@#$"), "only alphanumeric")
  expect_equal( add_isotope(sys, "C")$isotopes %>% names(), "C")
  expect_equal( add_isotope(sys, c("C", "N"))$isotopes %>% names(), c("C", "N"))

test_that("Adding components works", {
  expect_error(add_component("not correct", "A"), "can only be added to an isopath")
  # testing stuff for codecov
  expect_error( add_component(isopath(), "!@#$"), "only alphanumeric component names allowed")
  expect_is({sys <- isopath() %>% add_isotope("N"); sys}, "isopath")
  expect_error( add_component(sys, "!@#$"), "only alphanumeric")
  expect_equal( add_component(sys, "A")$components %>% names(), "A")
  expect_is( add_component(sys, "A"), "isopath")
  expect_error( add_component(sys, "A", x * N), "cannot parse")
  expect_error( add_component(sys, "A", `%$#`), "cannot parse")
  expect_equal( add_component(sys, "A", N)$components$A$isotopes, c(N = 1) )
  expect_equal( add_component(sys, "A", 2 * N)$components$A$isotopes, c(N = 2) )
  expect_error( add_component(sys, "A", 2 * N, C), "missing isotope definition" )
  expect_is({sys <- sys %>% add_isotope("C"); sys}, "isopath")
  expect_equal( add_component(sys, "A", 2 * N, C)$components$A$isotopes, c(N = 2, C = 1) )

test_that("Reaction equations are parsed correctly", {
custom_rxn(A == B)

test_that("Adding reaction equations works", {
  expect_error(add_custom_reaction("not correct"), "can only be added to an isopath")
    sys <- isopath() %>%
    add_isotope("N") %>%
    add_component("A", N) %>%
    add_component("B", N)
    sys}, "isopath")
  expect_error( add_custom_reaction(sys, A), "please write equation in format")
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, A == B)$reactions %>% names(), "rxn1")
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, A == B, "my_rxn")$reactions %>% names(), "my_rxn")
  expect_error( add_custom_reaction(sys, A == C), "missing component definition")
  expect_is({sys <- sys %>% add_component("C") %>% add_component("D"); sys}, "isopath")
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, A + 5*B == C + 2*D)$reactions$rxn1$components,
                c(A = -1, B = -5, C = 1, D = 2))

test_that("Isopath structure matrices work", {
  expect_error(get_reaction_matrix("not correct"), "can only get .* from an isopath")
  expect_error(get_component_matrix("not correct"), "can only get .* from an isopath")

    sys <- isopath() %>%
    add_isotope("C") %>%
    add_isotope("N") %>%
    add_component("X", 2 * C, N) %>%
    add_component("Y", C, variable = FALSE) %>%
    add_component("Z") %>%
    add_component("W") %>%
    add_custom_reaction(X == 3 * Y) %>%
    add_custom_reaction(Y + 2 * Z == W)
    sys}, "isopath")

  # component matrix
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_component_matrix(),
    tibble(component = c("X", "Y", "Z", "W"),
               variable = c(T, F, T, T),
               C = c(2, 1, NA, NA),
               N = c(1, NA, NA, NA),
               unspecified = c(NA, NA, 1, 1))
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_component_matrix(na = NULL),
               tibble(component = c("X", "Y", "Z", "W"),
                          variable = c(T, F, T, T),
                          C = c(2, 1, NA, NA),
                          N = c(1, NA, NA, NA))

  # reaction matrix
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_matrix(),
               tibble(reaction = c("rxn1", "rxn2"),
                          abscissa = c(1,2),
                          flux = c("NULL", "NULL"),
                          X = c(-1, NA), Y = c(3, -1),
                          Z = c(NA, -2), W = c(NA, 1))

  # reaction component matrix
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(),
                 component = c("W", "X", "Y", "Y", "Z"),
                 abscissa = c(2, 0, 1, 1, 1),
                 variable = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
                 reaction = c("rxn2", "rxn1", "rxn1", "rxn2", "rxn2"),
                 comp_stoic = c(1, -1, 3, -1, -2),
                 flux = c("NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL"),
                 pool_size = c("W", "X", "Y", "Y", "Z"),
                 `dx/dt` = c("1 * NULL", "-1 * NULL", "0", "0", "-2 * NULL")

  # more elaborate system
    isopath() %>%
      add_component(c("A", "B", "CC", "D", "E", "F")) %>%
      add_custom_reaction(A == D) %>%
      add_custom_reaction(A == CC) %>% # old reactant = new reactant
      add_custom_reaction(D == F) %>% # old reactant = new product
      add_custom_reaction(E == A) %>% # new reactant = old product
      add_custom_reaction(B == D) %>% # new product  = old product
      get_reaction_component_matrix() %>%
      select(abscissa, component, comp_stoic),
      abscissa = c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
      component = c("E", "A", "A", "A", "B", "D", "CC", "D", "D", "F"),
      comp_stoic = c(-1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1))



test_that("Adding reaction flux and isotopes works", {
    sys <- isopath() %>%
    add_isotope("C") %>%
    add_component("X", C) %>%
    add_component("Y", C)
    sys}, "isopath")
  expect_error( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, C = 1), "missing prefix for isotope flux")
  expect_error( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, flux.N = 1), "missing isotope definition")
  expect_error( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, flux.C.abc = 1), "missing component definition")
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, flux.C = 1)$reactions$rxn1$isotopes$C$expr, 1)
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, flux.C = X + Y)$reactions$rxn1$isotopes$C$expr %>% deparse(), "X + Y")
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, flux.X.C = 5, flux.Y.C = 3)$reactions$rxn1$isotopes$C %>%
                  names(), c("X", "Y"))
  expect_equal( add_custom_reaction(sys, X == Y, flux.X.C = pi(), flux.Y.C = 3)$reactions$rxn1$isotopes$C$X$expr %>%
                  deparse(), "pi()")

test_that("Adding parameters works", {

  expect_error(set_parameters("incorrect"), "can only be .* for an isopath")

    sys <- isopath() %>%
    add_isotope("C") %>%
    add_component("X", C) %>%
    add_component("Y", C)
    sys}, "isopath")
  expect_equal( {sys2 <- set_parameters(sys, tibble(X = 1, X.C = 2, Y = 3, Y.C = 4)); sys2$parameters},
                tibble(X = 1, X.C = 2, Y = 3, Y.C = 4))
  expect_equal( set_parameters(sys, X = 1, X.C = 2, Y = 3, Y.C = 4)$parameters,
                tibble(X = 1, X.C = 2, Y = 3, Y.C = 4))
  expect_equal( set_parameters(sys2, X = 100, new = 0.1)$parameters,
                tibble(X = 100, X.C = 2, Y = 3, Y.C = 4, new = 0.1))

  # expand data frame
    isocyclr:::expand_data_frame(data_frame(a=1:3), b = a*c(0.1, 1, 10), c = c("a", "b")),
    tibble(a = rep(1:3, each=6), b = a * rep(c(0.1, 1, 10), t=6), c = rep(c("a", "b"), each=3) %>% rep(times=3) ))
    isocyclr:::expand_data_frame(data_frame(a=1:3), b = a*c(0.1, 1, 10), c = c("a", "b")),
    isocyclr:::expand_data_frame(data_frame(a=1:3), b = a*c(0.1, 1, 10)) %>%
      isocyclr:::expand_data_frame(c = c("a", "b")))

  # expand parameters
    expand_parameters(sys2, Z = c(1,2))$parameters,
    tibble(X = c(1, 1), X.C = c(2, 2), Y = c(3, 3), Y.C = c(4, 4), Z = c(1, 2)))
    (sys2 %>% expand_parameters(Z = c(1,2)) %>% expand_parameters(new = 1:3))$parameters,
    tibble(X = 1, X.C = 2, Y = 3, Y.C = 4, Z = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), new = c(1:3, 1:3)))

  # expanding parameters
  expect_error(expand_parameters("correct"), "can only be .* for an isopath")
  expect_error(expand_parameters(sys, x=1), "no parameters set yet for this isopath")


test_that("Evaluation works", {

  # actual evaluation testing (basic get_reaction_matrix and get_component_matrix tested in structure already)
  # here focus is on the full reaction component, isotope and ode matrix
  expect_error(get_reaction_component_matrix(NULL), "can only calculate .* from an isopath")
  expect_error(get_reaction_isotope_matrix(NULL), "can only calculate .* from an isopath")
  expect_error(get_ode_matrix(NULL), "can only calculate .* from an isopath")

    sys <- isopath() %>%
    add_isotope("C") %>% add_isotope("N") %>%
    add_component("X", C, N) %>% add_component("Y", C, N) %>%
    add_custom_reaction(X == 2 * Y, flux = dm, flux.N = dN, flux.X.C = X.dC, flux.Y.C = Y.dC) %>%
    set_parameters(X = 1, X.C = 1, X.N = 1, Y = 1, Y.C = 1, Y.N = 1);
    sys}, "isopath")

  ### symbolics first ###
  # reaction component matrix
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(eval = FALSE),
                 component = c("X", "Y"),
                 abscissa = c(0, 1),
                 variable = c(TRUE, TRUE),
                 reaction = c("rxn1", "rxn1"), comp_stoic = c(-1, 2), flux = c("dm", "dm"),
                 pool_size = c("X", "Y"),
                 `dx/dt` = c("-1 * dm", "2 * dm")

  # reaction isotope matrix
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_isotope_matrix(eval = FALSE),
                 isotope = c("C", "C", "N", "N"),
                 component = c("X", "Y", "X", "Y"),
                 abscissa = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
                 variable = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
                 reaction = c("rxn1", "rxn1", "rxn1", "rxn1"),
                 comp_stoic = c(-1, 2, -1, 2),
                 flux = c("dm", "dm", "dm", "dm"),
                 flux_isotope = c("X.dC", "Y.dC", "dN", "dN"),
                 pool_size = c("X", "Y", "X", "Y"),
                 pool_isotope = c("X.C", "Y.C", "X.N", "Y.N"),
                 `dx/dt` = c("-1 * dm/X * (X.dC - X.C)", "2 * dm/Y * (Y.dC - Y.C)",
                             "-1 * dm/X * (dN - X.N)", "2 * dm/Y * (dN - Y.N)")))

  # ode matrix
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_ode_matrix(eval = FALSE),
                 x = c("X", "X.C", "X.N", "Y", "Y.C", "Y.N"), value = x,
                 `dx/dt` = c("-1 * dm", "-1 * dm/X * (X.dC - X.C)", "-1 * dm/X * (dN - X.N)",
                             "2 * dm", "2 * dm/Y * (Y.dC - Y.C)", "2 * dm/Y * (dN - Y.N)")))

  ### numeric evaluation next ###
  # reaction component matrix
  expect_error(sys %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(eval = TRUE), "object .* not found")
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = list(X = 1, Y = 2, dm = 3)),
               sys %>% set_parameters(X = 1, Y = 2, dm = 3) %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(eval = TRUE))
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = list(X = 1, Y = 2, dm = 3)) %>%
                 select(-abscissa, -variable, -reaction),
                 component = c("X", "Y"), comp_stoic = c(-1, 2),
                 flux = 3, pool_size = c(1, 2),
                 `dx/dt` = flux*comp_stoic

  # reaction isotope matrix
  expect_error(sys %>% set_parameters(X = 1, Y = 2, dm = 3) %>%  get_reaction_isotope_matrix(eval = TRUE), "object .* not found")
  expect_is({params <- tibble(X = 10, Y = 20, dm = 3, X.C = -1, Y.C = -5, X.N = 0, Y.N = 10, X.dC = 3, Y.dC = 6, dN = 2); params}, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_isotope_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = params),
               sys %>% set_parameters(params) %>% get_reaction_isotope_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = params))
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_reaction_isotope_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = params) %>%
                 select(-abscissa, -variable, -reaction),
                 isotope = c("C", "C", "N", "N"),
                 component = c("X", "Y", "X", "Y"),
                 comp_stoic = c(-1, 2, -1, 2),
                 flux = 3,
                 flux_isotope = c(3, 6, 2, 2),
                 pool_size = c(10, 20, 10, 20),
                 pool_isotope = c(-1, -5, 0, 10),
                 `dx/dt` = comp_stoic * flux/pool_size * (flux_isotope - pool_isotope)

  # ode matrix
  expect_error(sys %>% get_ode_matrix(eval=T), "object .* not found")
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_ode_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = params),
               sys %>% set_parameters(params) %>% get_ode_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = params))
  expect_equal(sys %>% get_ode_matrix(eval = TRUE, param = params),
                 x = c("X", "X.C", "X.N", "Y", "Y.C", "Y.N"),
                 value = c(10, -1, 0, 20, -5, 10),
                 `dx/dt` = c(-3, -1.2, -0.6, 6, 3.3, -2.4)))

  # special case: no isotopes in system
  sys2 <- isopath() %>%
    add_component( c("X", "Y") ) %>%
    add_custom_reaction(X == 2 * Y)
  expect_is(sys2, "isopath")
  expect_equal(sys2 %>% get_reaction_component_matrix() %>% nrow(), 2)
  expect_equal(sys2 %>% get_reaction_component_matrix(),
                 component = c("X", "Y"), abscissa = c(0, 1), variable = TRUE,
                 reaction = "rxn1", comp_stoic = c(-1, 2), flux = "NULL",
                 pool_size = c("X", "Y"), `dx/dt` = c("-1 * NULL", "2 * NULL")
  expect_equal(sys2 %>% get_reaction_isotope_matrix() %>% nrow(), 0)

  # expansion: should expand and do a test on a multiple reaction system!

sebkopf/isocyclr documentation built on Nov. 9, 2020, 4:18 p.m.