#' Compound pipe
#' @name %<>%
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @rdname compound
#' @param lhs,rhs An object modified in place, and a function to apply to it
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a <- 1:5
#' a %<>% sum() # a is modified in place
#' Pipe
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @export
#' @param lhs,rhs An object, and a function to apply to it
#' @examples
#' a <- 1:5
#' b <- a %>% sum()
#' Median normalization
#' @name .median_normalize
#' @param counts a counts matrix derived from Input
#' @param CONSTANT a pseudo-count to use (default = 32)
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @return median-normalized counts object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' .median_normalize(rnorm(n = 1000))
#' }
.median_normalize <- function(counts, CONSTANT = 32) {
m = log2(counts + CONSTANT) - median(log2(counts + CONSTANT), na.rm = TRUE)
# output
.window_smooth <- function(x, window = 800) {
N = length(x)
m = rep(0, N) # mean variance in window
m[seq_len(window + 1)] = mean(x[seq_len(2 * window + 1)]) # left shoulder; assume constant start to avoid high variance
m[(N - window):N] = mean(x[(N - 2 * window):N]) # right shoulder; assume constant start to avoid high variance
for (k in (window + 2):(N - window - 1)) {
m[k] = m[k - 1] + (x[k + window + 1] - x[k - window]) / (2 * window + 1)
} # linear time average
#for (k in (window+2):(N-window-1)) { m[k] = mean(x[(k-window):(k+window+1)])} # linear time average
# monotonizing
.monotonize <- function(x) {
N = length(x)
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
if (!is.nan(x[N - i + 1])) {
x[N - i] = max(x[N - i + 1], x[N - i])
### Hash functions:
#' Gene hashing
#' @name Sgene2Pguides_hash
#' @param guide2gene derived from Input object
#' @param cores number of cores to use (default 1)
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @return Gene hash/list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #' data("Input", package = "gemini")
#' Sgene2Pguides_hash(Input$guide.pair.annot[1:10,])
#' }
Sgene2Pguides_hash <- function(guide2gene, cores = 1) {
# Single gene to pair guide hash:
# First, take all unique genes involved in screen
genes = unique(c(guide2gene[, 2], guide2gene[, 3]))
# Now identify paired guides associated with each individual gene
hash = parallel::mclapply(genes, function(x) {
guide2gene[(guide2gene[, 2] == x | guide2gene[, 3] == x), 1]
}, mc.cores = cores) %>% magrittr::set_names(genes)
# output
#' Guide hashing
#' @name Sguide2Pguides_hash
#' @param guide2gene derived from Input object
#' @param split character to split guides
#' @param cores number of cores to use (default 1)
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom magrittr set_rownames
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @return Guide hash/list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("Input", package = "gemini")
#' Sguide2Pguides_hash(gemini::Input$guide.pair.annot[1:10,])
#' }
Sguide2Pguides_hash <- function(guide2gene,
split = ";",
cores = 1) {
# split guide sequences according to the pattern "split"
paired_guide = parallel::mclapply(guide2gene[, 1], function(x) {
s = strsplit(x, split = split, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
guide1.sequence = s[1],
guide2.sequence = s[2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
}, mc.cores = cores, mc.cleanup = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
magrittr::set_rownames(guide2gene[, 1])
if (all(is.na(paired_guide$guide1.sequence)) |
all(is.na(paired_guide$guide2.sequence))) {
stop("NAs detected for guide splitting - is pattern_split correct?")
# guide.sequence mapped to the paired guides containing the single guide
hash <- lapply(unique(c(paired_guide$guide1.sequence, paired_guide$guide2.sequence)), function(x){
rownames(paired_guide)[paired_guide$guide1.sequence == x | paired_guide$guide2.sequence == x]
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(unique(c(paired_guide$guide1.sequence, paired_guide$guide2.sequence)))
hash = hash,
paired_guide = paired_guide
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