
##' Simulates the light macro environment
##' Simulates light macro environment based on latitude, day of the year.
##' Other coefficients can be adjusted.
##' @param lat the latitude, default is 40 (Urbana, IL, U.S.).
##' @param DOY the day of the year (1--365), default 190.
##' @param t.d time of the day in hours (0--23), default 12.
##' @param t.sn time of solar noon, default 12.
##' @param atm.P atmospheric pressure, default 1e5 (kPa).
##' @param alpha atmospheric transmittance, default 0.85.
##' @export
##' @return a \code{\link{list}} structure with components
##' @returnItem I.dir Direct radiation (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}}
##' \eqn{s^{-1}}).
##' @returnItem I.diff Indirect (diffuse) radiation (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}}
##' \eqn{s^{-1}}).
##' @returnItem cos.th cosine of \eqn{\theta}, solar zenith angle.
##' @returnItem propIdir proportion of direct radiation.
##' @returnItem propIdir proportion of indirect (diffuse) radiation.
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' ## Direct and diffuse radiation for DOY 190 and hours 0 to 23
##' res <- lightME(t.d=0:23)
##' xyplot(I.dir + I.diff ~ 0:23 , data = res,
##' type='o',xlab='hour',ylab='Irradiance')
##' x11();xyplot(propIdir + propIdiff ~ 0:23 , data = res,
##' type='o',xlab='hour',ylab='Irradiance proportion')
lightME <- function(lat = 40, DOY = 190, t.d = 12, t.sn = 12, atm.P = 1e+05, alpha = 0.85) {
    Dtr <- (pi/180)
    omega <- lat * Dtr
    delta0 <- 360 * (DOY + 10)/365
    delta <- -23.5 * cos(delta0 * Dtr)
    deltaR <- delta * Dtr
    t.f <- (15 * (t.d - t.sn)) * Dtr
    SSin <- sin(deltaR) * sin(omega)
    CCos <- cos(deltaR) * cos(omega)
    CosZenithAngle0 <- SSin + CCos * cos(t.f)
    CosZenithAngle <- ifelse(CosZenithAngle0 <= 10^-10, 1e-10, CosZenithAngle0)
    CosHour <- -tan(omega) * tan(deltaR)
    CosHourDeg <- (1/Dtr) * (CosHour)
    CosHour <- ifelse(CosHourDeg < -57, -0.994, CosHour)
    Daylength <- 2 * (1/Dtr) * (acos(CosHour))/15
    SunUp <- 12 - Daylength/2
    SunDown <- 12 + Daylength/2
    SinSolarElevation <- CosZenithAngle
    SolarElevation <- (1/Dtr) * (asin(SinSolarElevation))
    PP.o <- 10^5/atm.P
    Solar_Constant <- 2650
    I.dir <- Solar_Constant * (alpha^((PP.o)/CosZenithAngle)) * CosZenithAngle
    I.diff <- 0.5 * Solar_Constant * (1 - alpha^((PP.o)/CosZenithAngle)) * CosZenithAngle
    propIdir <- I.dir/(I.dir + I.diff)
    propIdiff <- I.diff/(I.dir + I.diff)
    list(I.dir = I.dir, I.diff = I.diff, cos.th = CosZenithAngle, propIdir = propIdir, 
        propIdiff = propIdiff)
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.