
Defines functions wrap_parens standardize_col_width paste_matrices adorn_ns

Documented in adorn_ns

#' Add underlying Ns to a tabyl displaying percentages.
#' This function adds back the underlying Ns to a `tabyl` whose percentages were
#' calculated using [adorn_percentages()], to display the Ns and percentages together.
#' You can also call it on a non-tabyl data.frame to which you wish to append Ns.
#' @param dat A data.frame of class `tabyl` that has had `adorn_percentages` and/or
#'   `adorn_pct_formatting` called on it.  If given a list of data.frames,
#'   this function will apply itself to each data.frame in the list (designed for 3-way `tabyl` lists).
#' @param position Should the N go in the front, or in the rear, of the percentage?
#' @param ns The Ns to append.  The default is the "core" attribute of the input tabyl
#'   `dat`, where the original Ns of a two-way `tabyl` are stored. However, if your Ns
#'   are stored somewhere else, or you need to customize them beyond what can be done
#'   with `format_func`, you can supply them here.
#' @param format_func A formatting function to run on the Ns. Consider defining
#'   with [base::format()].
#' @param ... Columns to adorn. This takes a tidyselect specification.  By default,
#'   all columns are adorned except for the first column and columns not of class
#'   `numeric`, but this allows you to manually specify which columns should be adorned,
#'   for use on a data.frame that does not result from a call to `tabyl`.
#' @return A `data.frame` with Ns appended
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mtcars %>%
#'   tabyl(am, cyl) %>%
#'   adorn_percentages("col") %>%
#'   adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
#'   adorn_ns(position = "front")
#' # Format the Ns with a custom format_func:
#' set.seed(1)
#' bigger_dat <- data.frame(
#'   sex = rep(c("m", "f"), 3000),
#'   age = round(runif(3000, 1, 102), 0)
#' )
#' bigger_dat$age_group <- cut(bigger_dat$age, quantile(bigger_dat$age, c(0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1)))
#' bigger_dat %>%
#'   tabyl(age_group, sex, show_missing_levels = FALSE) %>%
#'   adorn_totals(c("row", "col")) %>%
#'   adorn_percentages("col") %>%
#'   adorn_pct_formatting(digits = 1) %>%
#'   adorn_ns(format_func = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ".", decimal.mark = ","))

#' # Control the columns to be adorned with the ... variable selection argument
#' # If using only the ... argument, you can use empty commas as shorthand
#' # to supply the default values to the preceding arguments:
#' cases <- data.frame(
#'   region = c("East", "West"),
#'   year = 2015,
#'   recovered = c(125, 87),
#'   died = c(13, 12)
#' )
#' cases %>%
#'  adorn_percentages("col",,recovered:died) %>%
#'  adorn_pct_formatting(,,,,,recovered:died) %>%
#'  adorn_ns(,,,recovered:died)
adorn_ns <- function(dat, position = "rear", ns = attr(dat, "core"), format_func = function(x) {
                       format(x, big.mark = ",")
                     }, ...) {
  # if input is a list, call purrr::map to recursively apply this function to each data.frame
  if (is.list(dat) && !is.data.frame(dat)) {
    purrr::map(dat, adorn_ns, position) # okay not to pass ns and allow for static Ns, b/c one size fits all for each list entry doesn't make sense for Ns.
  } else {
    ns_provided <- !missing(ns)

    # catch bad inputs
    if (!is.data.frame(dat)) {
      stop("adorn_ns() must be called on a data.frame or list of data.frames")

    rlang::arg_match0(position, c("front", "rear"))

    if (is.null(ns)) {
      stop("argument \"ns\" cannot be null; if not calling adorn_ns() on a data.frame of class \"tabyl\", pass your own value for ns")
    # If ns argument is not the default "core" attribute, validate that it's a data.frame and has correct right dimensions
    if (!is.data.frame(ns)) {
      stop("if supplying a value to the ns argument, it must be of class data.frame")
    if ("one_way" %in% attr(dat, "tabyl_type")) {
      warning("adorn_ns() is meant to be called on a two_way tabyl; consider combining columns of a one_way tabyl with tidyr::unite()")

    attrs <- attributes(dat) # save these to re-append later
    custom_ns_supplied <- !(identical(ns, attr(dat, "core")))

    if (custom_ns_supplied & !identical(dim(ns), dim(dat))) { # user-supplied Ns must include values for totals row/col if present
      stop("if supplying your own data.frame of Ns to append, its dimensions must match those of the data.frame in the \"dat\" argument")

    # If appending the default Ns from the core, and there are totals rows/cols, append those values to the Ns table
    # Custom inputs to ns argument will need to calculate & format their own totals row/cols
    if (!custom_ns_supplied) {
      if (!is.null(attr(dat, "totals"))) { # add totals row/col to core for pasting, if applicable
        ns <- adorn_totals(ns, attr(dat, "totals"))
        ns <- ns[order(match(ns[, 1], dat[, 1])), ] # from #407 - in rare event Totals row has been sorted off the bottom, sort to match
      numeric_cols <- which(vapply(ns, is.numeric, logical(1)))
      ns[] <- lapply(ns, format_func)
      ns[] <- lapply(ns, stringr::str_trim)

    if (position == "rear") {
      result <- paste_matrices(dat, ns %>%
          dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), purrr::compose(as.character, wrap_parens, standardize_col_width, .dir = "forward"))
    } else if (position == "front") {
      result <- paste_matrices(ns, dat %>%
          dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), purrr::compose(as.character, wrap_parens, standardize_col_width, .dir = "forward"))
    attributes(result) <- attrs

    if (custom_ns_supplied & rlang::dots_n(...) == 0) {
      dont_adorn <- 1L
    } else if (rlang::dots_n(...) == 0) {
      cols_to_adorn <- numeric_cols
      dont_adorn <- setdiff(1:ncol(dat), cols_to_adorn)
      dont_adorn <- unique(c(1, dont_adorn)) # always don't-append first column
    } else {
      expr <- rlang::expr(c(...))
      cols_to_adorn <- tidyselect::eval_select(expr, data = dat)
      dont_adorn <- setdiff(1:ncol(dat), cols_to_adorn)

    for (i in dont_adorn) {
      result[[i]] <- dat[[i]]

### Helper functions called by adorn_ns

# takes two matrices, pastes them together, keeps spacing of the two columns aligned
paste_matrices <- function(front, rear) {
  front_matrix <- as.matrix(front)
  rear_matrix <- as.matrix(rear)

  # paste the results together
  pasted <- paste(front_matrix, " ", rear_matrix, sep = "") %>% # paste the matrices
    matrix(., nrow = nrow(front_matrix), dimnames = dimnames(rear_matrix)) %>% # cast as matrix, then data.frame

# Padding function to standardize a column's width by pre-pending whitespace
standardize_col_width <- function(x) {
  width <- max(nchar(x))
  sprintf(paste0("%", width, "s"), x)

# Wrap a string in parentheses
wrap_parens <- function(x) {
  paste0("(", x, ")")
sfirke/janitor documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m.