
Defines functions untabyl as_tabyl

Documented in as_tabyl untabyl

#' Add `tabyl` attributes to a data.frame
#' @description
#' A `tabyl` is a `data.frame` containing counts of a variable or
#' co-occurrences of two variables (a.k.a., a contingency table or crosstab).
#' This specialized kind of data.frame has attributes that enable `adorn_`
#' functions to be called for precise formatting and presentation of results.
#' E.g., display results as a mix of percentages, Ns, add totals rows or
#' columns, rounding options, in the style of Microsoft Excel PivotTable.
#' A `tabyl` can be the result of a call to `janitor::tabyl()`, in which case
#' these attributes are added automatically.  This function adds `tabyl` class
#' attributes to a data.frame that isn't the result of a call to `tabyl` but
#' meets the requirements of a two-way tabyl: 1) First column contains values of
#' variable 1 2) Column names 2:n are the values of variable 2 3) Numeric values
#' in columns 2:n are counts of the co-occurrences of the two variables.*
#' * = this is the ideal form of a `tabyl`, but janitor's `adorn_` functions tolerate
#'   and ignore non-numeric columns in positions 2:n.
#' For instance, the result of [dplyr::count()] followed by [tidyr::pivot_wider()]
#' can be treated as a `tabyl`.
#' The result of calling [tabyl()] on a single variable is a special class of
#' one-way tabyl; this function only pertains to the two-way tabyl.
#' @param dat a data.frame with variable values in the first column and numeric
#'   values in all other columns.
#' @param axes is this a two_way tabyl or a one_way tabyl?  If this function is
#'   being called by a user, this should probably be "2".  One-way tabyls are
#'   created by `tabyl` but are a special case.
#' @param row_var_name (optional) the name of the variable in the row dimension;
#'   used by `adorn_title()`.
#' @param col_var_name (optional) the name of the variable in the column
#'   dimension; used by `adorn_title()`.
#' @return Returns the same data.frame, but with the additional class of "tabyl"
#'   and the attribute "core".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as_tabyl(mtcars)
as_tabyl <- function(dat, axes = 2, row_var_name = NULL, col_var_name = NULL) {
  if (!axes %in% 1:2) {
    stop("axes must be either 1 or 2")

  # check whether input meets requirements
  if (!is.data.frame(dat)) {
    stop("input must be a data.frame")
  if (sum(unlist(lapply(dat, is.numeric))[-1]) == 0) {
    stop("at least one one of columns 2:n must be of class numeric")

  # assign core attribute and classes
  if (inherits(dat, "tabyl")) {
    # if already a tabyl, may have totals row.
    # Safest play is to simply reorder the core rows to match the dat rows
    attr(dat, "core") <- attr(dat, "core")[order(match(
      attr(dat, "core")[, 1],
      dat[, 1]
    )), ]
    row.names(attr(dat, "core")) <- 1:nrow(attr(dat, "core")) # if they're sorted in the prior step above, this resets
  } else {
    attr(dat, "core") <- as.data.frame(dat) # core goes first so dat does not yet have attributes attached to it

  attr(dat, "tabyl_type") <- ifelse(
    !is.null(attr(dat, "tabyl_type")),
    attr(dat, "tabyl_type"), # if a one_way tabyl has as_tabyl called on it, it should stay a one_way #523
      axes == 1 ~ "one_way",
      axes == 2 ~ "two_way"
  class(dat) <- c("tabyl", setdiff(class(dat), "tabyl"))

  if (!missing(row_var_name) | !missing(col_var_name)) {
    if (axes != 2) {
      stop("variable names are only meaningful for two-way tabyls")
    attr(dat, "var_names") <- list(row = row_var_name, col = col_var_name)


#' Remove `tabyl` attributes from a data.frame.
#' Strips away all `tabyl`-related attributes from a data.frame.
#' @param dat a `data.frame` of class `tabyl`.
#' @return the same `data.frame`, but without the `tabyl` class and attributes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mtcars %>%
#'   tabyl(am) %>%
#'   untabyl() %>%
#'   attributes() # tabyl-specific attributes are gone
untabyl <- function(dat) {
  # if input is a list, call purrr::map to recursively apply this function to each data.frame
  if (is.list(dat) && !is.data.frame(dat)) {
    purrr::map(dat, untabyl)
  } else {
    if (!inherits(dat, "tabyl")) {
      warning("untabyl() called on a non-tabyl")
    class(dat) <- class(dat)[!class(dat) %in% "tabyl"]
    attr(dat, "core") <- NULL
    # These attributes may not exist, but simpler to declare them NULL regardless than to check to see if they exist:
    attr(dat, "totals") <- NULL
    attr(dat, "tabyl_type") <- NULL # may not exist, but simpler to declare it NULL regardless than to check to see if it exists
    attr(dat, "var_names") <- NULL # may not exist, but simpler to declare it NULL regardless than to check to see if it exists
sfirke/janitor documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m.