
Defines functions fixedse sampdiag

Documented in fixedse

#' Compute standard errors for fixed effects
#' fixedse computes the standard errors for the fixed effects when there is only one.
#' While \code{\link{getfe}} can provide standard errors, it does so by bootstrapping
#' for general estimable functions. In the special case that there's only a single fixed
#' effect, and the estimable function is just the levels, this function can be used to
#' compute the fixed effects without bootstrapping. It requires that \code{\link{felm}}
#' is run with keepX=TRUE.
#' @name fixedse
#' @param est 'felm' object. The result of a call to \code{\link{felm}}.
#' @param E Matrix. Estimable function. Not used at the moment.
#' @param lhs character. Name of the left hand side, if more than one.
#' @return numeric. Vector of standard errors.
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(1000)
#' f <- factor(sample(5,1000,replace=TRUE))
#' y <- x + (1:5)[f] + rnorm(1000)
#' est <- felm(y ~ x | f, keepX=TRUE)
#' #both bootstrap and computed se:
#' cbind(getfe(est,ef=efactory(est,'ref'),se=TRUE), fse=fixedse(est))
#' #compare with lm:
#' summary(lm(y ~x+f-1))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums solve
fixedse <- function(est, lhs=NULL, E) {
  if(length(est$fe) == 0) return(numeric())
    stop('fixedse() does not work with clustered standard errors')
  s2 <- sum(residuals(est,lhs=lhs)^2)/df.residual(est)
  if(length(est$fe) != 1) {
    stop('fixedse() only works for a single fixed effect')
    #Now, we must have ef an estimable function
    if(missing(E) || !inherits(E,'Matrix')) stop('Must specify estimable function with more than one factor')
    D <- makeDmatrix(est$fe)
    DE <- D %*% E
    dd <- crossprod(DE)
    dig <- diag(solve(dd))
#    dig <- sampdiag(dd,eps,ncol(E))
    DX <- crossprod(DE, est$X)
    cvc <- chol(vcov(est,lhs=lhs))
    return(structure(sqrt(s2*dig + colSums(tcrossprod(cvc, solve(dd,DX))^2)),

  f <- est$fe[[1]]
  # Use the Woodbury identity on (D' M_X D)^{-1} = (D' (I-X(X'X)^{-1}X')) D)^{-1}
  # to obtain (D'D)^{-1}(D'D + D'X(X' M_D X)^{-1})X'D) (D'D)^{-1}
  # where (X' M_D X)^{-1} is the unscaled vcov(est)
  if(is.null(est$X) || ncol(est$X) == 0) {
  } else {
    sqrt(s2/as.vector(table(f)) + colSums(tcrossprod(chol(vcov(est,lhs=lhs)),

sampdiag <- function(A, eps=0.01, K) {
  # Start with 10 vectors
  NN <- 0
  N <- 100
  if(is.matrix(A) || inherits(A,'Matrix'))
      K <- ncol(A)
  else if(missing(K))
      stop('Must specify K=ncol(A) when A is function')

  meansd <- 2*eps
  sums <- sqsums <- numeric(K)
  cgeps <- sqrt(K)*eps/10
  while(meansd > eps) {
    message('meanSD = ',meansd, ' ', NN, ' new N is ',N)
    N <- as.integer(max(1,min(1024*1024*getOption('lfe.bootmem')/(3*K*8),N)))
#    N <- min(N,500L)
    vv <- matrix(sample(c(1,-1),N*K,replace=TRUE), K)
    vAv <- vv * solve(A,vv)
#    vAv <- vv*cgsolve(A, vv, cgeps)
    sums <- sums + rowSums(vAv)
    sqsums <- sqsums + rowSums(vAv^2)
    NN <- NN + N
    sd <- sqrt((sqsums - sums^2/NN)/(NN-1))/sqrt(NN)
    res <- sums/NN
    relsd <- sd/(0+abs(res))
    meansd <- max(relsd) #max(relsd[relsd > eps])
#    meansd <- max(abs(sd))
    if(is.na(meansd)) break
    # How many Ns do we need to reach eps?
    N <- NN*((meansd/eps)^2-1)
  message('NN is ',NN)
sgaure/lfe documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 8:06 a.m.