
Defines functions logLik.felm nobs.felm print.felm coef.felm sargan residuals.felm vcov.felm estfun.felm bread.felm weights.felm xtable.summary.felm xtable.felm print.summary.felm model.frame.felm model.matrix.felm summary.felm

Documented in sargan summary.felm

#' @method logLik felm
#' @export
logLik.felm <- function(object, ...) {
  res <- object$residuals
  p <- object$rank
  w <- object$weights

  N <- length(res)

  if (is.null(w)) {
    w <- rep.int(1, N)
  } else {
    excl <- w == 0
    if (any(excl)) {
      res <- res[!excl]
      N <- length(res)
      w <- w[!excl]
  N0 <- N

  val <- 0.5 * (sum(log(w)) - N * (log(2 * pi) + 1 - log(N) + log(sum(w * res^2))))

  attr(val, "nall") <- N0
  attr(val, "nobs") <- N
  attr(val, "df") <- p + 1
  class(val) <- "logLik"


#' @method nobs felm
#' @export
nobs.felm <- function(object, ...) {

#' @method print felm
#' @export
print.felm <- function(x,digits=max(3,getOption('digits')-3),...) {
  z <- x
  if(z$p == 0) {
    cat('(No coefficients)\n')

#fixef.felm <- function(object,...) {
#  fe <- getfe(object,...)
#  f <- fe[,'fe']
#  l <- lapply(levels(f),function(n) {v <- fe[f == n,'effect']; names(v) <- as.character(fe[f==n,'idx']); v})
#  names(l) <- levels(f)
#  l

#' @method coef felm
#' @export
coef.felm <- function(object, ..., lhs=NULL) {
  if(is.null(lhs)) {
    if(is.null(object$coefficients) || ncol(object$coefficients) == 1)
          r <- as.vector(object$coefficients)
          names(r) <- rownames(object$coefficients)
          if(is.null(names(r))) names(r) <- names(object$coefficients)
  } else {
#    if(anyNA(match(lhs, colnames(object$coefficients))))
    if(any(!(lhs %in% colnames(object$coefficients))))
        stop('Please specify lhs as one of ',paste(object$lhs, collapse=','))

#' Compute Sargan's S
#' @param object and object type '"felm"', the return value from \code{\link{felm}}.
#' @param lhs in case of multiple left hand sides, specify the name of the left 
#' hand side for which you want to compute Sargan's S.
#' @param ... Not used at the moment.
#' @return \code{sargan} returns a numeric, the Sargan's S. The Basmann statistic is
#' returned in the '"basmann"' attribute.
#' @export
sargan <- function(object, ..., lhs=object$lhs[1]) {
    # Sargan's S.
    # Let u be the sample residuals from the 2. stage. Regress these on the instruments
    # This yields a new set of residuals e.
    # Sargan's S is S = N * (1-sum e^2/sum u^2)
  if(any(!(lhs %in% colnames(object$coefficients))))
    stop('Please specify lhs as one of ',paste(object$lhs, collapse=','))
  resid <- object$residuals[,lhs,drop=FALSE]
  mm <- list(y=resid,x=object$stage1$ivx)
  ols <- newols(mm,nostats=TRUE)
  if(is.null(object$weights)) w <- 1 else w <- object$weights^2
  S <- object$N * (1 - sum(w*ols$residuals^2)/sum(w*resid^2))

#' @method residuals felm
#' @export
residuals.felm <- function(object, ..., lhs=NULL) {
  if(is.null(lhs)) {
  } else {
#    if(anyNA(match(lhs, colnames(object$coefficients))))
    if(any(!(lhs %in% colnames(object$coefficients))))
        stop('Please specify lhs as one of ',paste(object$lhs, collapse=','))
#' @method vcov felm
#' @export
vcov.felm <- function(object,..., type=NULL, lhs=NULL) {
#  if(is.na(match(type[1], c('iid', 'robust', 'cluster'))))
  if(is.null(type)) type <- if(is.null(object$clustervar)) {
                              if(getOption('lfe.robust')) 'robust' else 'iid'
                            } else 'cluster'
  if(!(type[1] %in% c('iid', 'robust', 'cluster')))
      stop("specify vcov-type as 'iid', 'robust' or 'cluster'")

  if(is.null(lhs) && length(object$lhs) > 1) {
    stop('Please specify which lhs to retrieve vcov for with vcov(...,lhs=[one of ',
  if(is.null(lhs) || length(object$lhs) == 1) {
    if(type[1] == 'iid') return(object$vcv)
    if(type[1] == 'robust') return(object$robustvcv)
    if(type[1] == 'cluster') return(object$clustervcv)

  if(is.na(match(lhs, object$lhs))) {
    stop('Please specify which lhs to retrieve vcov for with vcov(...,lhs=[one of ',
  if(type[1] == 'iid') return(object$STATS[[lhs]]$vcv)
  if(type[1] == 'robust') return(object$STATS[[lhs]]$robustvcv)
  if(type[1] == 'cluster') return(object$STATS[[lhs]]$clustervcv)

#' @method confint felm
#' @export
confint.felm <- function (object, parm=NULL, level = 0.95, lhs=NULL, type=NULL, ...) {
  is_multi <- length(object$lhs)>1
  if(is_multi & is.null(lhs)) {
    lhs <- object$lhs
    res_list <- lapply(object$lhs, function(x) confint_one(object, lhs=x, parm=parm, level = level, type = type, ...))
    res <- do.call("rbind", res_list)
    rownames(res) <-  paste(rep(lhs, each = object$Pp), rownames(res), sep=":")
  } else {
    res <- confint_one(object, parm=parm, level = level, lhs=lhs, type = type, ...)

## usecopy/paste stats:::format.perc as would be forbidden to import unexported one
stats_format_perc <- function (probs, digits) paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = digits), "%")

# low level function for confint, working for only one lhs
confint_one <- function (object, parm=NULL, level = 0.95, lhs=NULL, type=NULL, ...) 
  cf <- coef(object, lhs = lhs)
  if(is.matrix(cf)) {
    cf <- setNames(drop(cf), rownames(cf)) ## drop removes name if 1,1 matrix!
  pnames <- names(cf)
  if (is.null(parm)) 
    parm <- pnames
  else if (is.numeric(parm)) 
    parm <- pnames[parm]
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- stats_format_perc(a, 3)
  fac <- qt(a, object$df.residual)
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, 
  ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object, lhs = lhs, type = type)))[parm]
  ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac

#' @method update felm
#' @export
update.felm <- function (object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE) 
    if (is.null(call <- getCall(object))) 
        stop("need an object with call component")

    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (!missing(formula.)) 
        call$formula <- formula(update(as.Formula(call$formula), formula.))
    if (length(extras)) {
        existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    if (evaluate) 
        eval(call, parent.frame())
    else call

#' @method estfun felm
#' @export
estfun.felm <- function(x, ...) {
  cl <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  do.call(utils::getS3method('estfun','lm'), as.list(cl)[-1])

#' @method bread felm
#' @export
bread.felm <- function(x, ...) {
  cov.scaled <- vcov(x)
  sigma <- summary(x)$sigma
  return(cov.scaled / sigma^2 * x$N)

#' @method weights felm
#' @export
weights.felm <- function(object,...) if(is.null(object$weights)) NULL else object$weights^2

#' @method xtable summary.felm
#' @export
xtable.summary.felm <- function(x, caption=NULL, label=NULL, align=NULL, digits=NULL,
                                display=NULL, ...) {
    cl <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
    do.call(utils::getS3method('xtable','summary.lm'), as.list(cl)[-1])

#' @method xtable felm
#' @export
xtable.felm <- function(x, caption=NULL, label=NULL, align=NULL, digits=NULL,
                        display=NULL, ...) {
    cl <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
    do.call(utils::getS3method('xtable','lm'), as.list(cl)[-1])

#' @method print summary.felm
#' @export
print.summary.felm <- function(x,digits=max(3L,getOption('digits')-3L),...) {
      cat('Summary for outcome',x$lhs,'\n')
  cat('\nCall:\n  ',deparse(x$call),'\n\n')

  qres <- zapsmall(quantile(x$residuals), digits+1L)
  if(!is.null(x$weights)) cat('Weighted '); cat('Residuals:\n')
  names(qres) <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")

  if(x$Pp <= 0)
    cat("(No coefficients)\n")
  else {
    cat('\nResidual standard error:',format(signif(x$rse,digits)),'on',x$rdf,'degrees of freedom\n')
    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action)))
        cat("  (", mess, ")\n", sep = "")
    cat('Multiple R-squared(full model):',formatC(x$r2,digits=digits),'  Adjusted R-squared:',
    if(!is.null(x$P.r.squared)) {
      cat('Multiple R-squared(proj model):',formatC(x$P.r.squared,digits=digits),
          '  Adjusted R-squared:',  formatC(x$P.adj.r.squared,digits=digits),'\n')
      cat('F-statistic(full model, *iid*):')
      cat('F-statistic(full model):')
    hasicpt <- if(is.null(x$hasicpt)) 0 else 1

    if(is.null(x$F.fstat)) {
          'DF, p-value:',format.pval(x$pval,digits=digits),'\n')
    } else {
          'and',x$F.fstat['df2'], 'DF, p-value:',
    cat('F-statistic(proj model):',formatC(x$P.fstat[['F']],digits=digits),'on',
        x$P.fstat[['df1']], 'and',x$P.fstat[['df2']], 'DF, p-value:',

    if(!is.null(x$iv1fstat)) {
      if1 <- x$iv1fstat
      cat('F-statistic(excl instr.):')
          if1[['df1']],'and',if1[['df2']],'DF, p-value:',
    if(!is.null(x$E.fstat)) {
      if1 <- x$E.fstat
      cat('F-statistic(endog. vars):')
          if1[['df1']],'and',if1[['df2']],'DF, p-value:',


    if(length(x$fe) > 2 && !identical(x$exactDOF,'rM') && !x$exactDOF)
        cat('*** Standard errors may be too high due to more than 2 groups and exactDOF=FALSE\n')
  if(!is.null(x$numctrl) && x$numctrl != 0)
      cat(x$numctrl, 'variable(s) were projected out\n')

#' @method model.frame felm
#' @inheritParams stats::model.frame
#' @export
model.frame.felm <- function(formula, ...) {

#' @method model.matrix felm
#' @inheritParams stats::model.matrix
#' @export
model.matrix.felm <- function(object, centred=TRUE, ...) {
  if(is.na(centred)) cent <- nocent <- TRUE
  else if(centred) {cent <- TRUE; nocent <- FALSE}
  else {cent <- FALSE; nocent <- TRUE}
  if((cent && is.null(object$cX) && is.null(object$X)) || (nocent && is.null(object$X))) {
    F <- as.Formula(object$call[['formula']])
    len <- length(F)
    f1 <- formula(F,lhs=0,rhs=1)
    mf <- model.frame(object)
    x <- model.matrix(f1,mf)
    if(!object$hasicpt) x <- delete.icpt(x)

    if(len[[2]] >= 5) {
      f5 <- formula(F,lhs=0,rhs=5)
      # project out the control variables in f5
      x <- newols(list(y=x, x=delete.icpt(model.matrix(f5,mf)), weights=object$weights), nostats=TRUE)
  } else
      x <- object$X
  if(cent) {
          cX <- demeanlist(x,object$fe,weights=object$weights)
          cX <- object$cX
  if(nocent) return(structure(x,cX=if(cent) cX else NULL))

#' Summarize felm model fits
#' \code{summary} method for class \code{"felm"}.
#' @method summary felm
#' @param object an object of class \code{"felm"}, a result of a call to
#' \code{felm}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @param robust logical. Use robust standard errors. See notes.
#' @param lhs character. If multiple left hand sides, specify the name of the
#' one to obtain a summary for.
#' @return The function \code{summary.felm} returns an object of \code{class}
#' \code{"summary.felm"}.  It is quite similar to en \code{"summary.lm"}
#' object, but not entirely compatible.
#' The \code{"summary.felm"} object is a list containing the following fields:
#' \item{residuals}{a numerical vector. The residuals of the full system, with
#' dummies.}
#' \item{p}{an integer. The total number of coefficients, including
#' those projected out.}
#' \item{Pp}{an integer. The number of coefficients,
#' excluding those projected out.}
#' \item{coefficients}{a Pp x 4 matrix with
#' columns for the estimated coefficients, their standard errors, t-statistic
#' and corresponding (two-sided) p-value.}
#' \item{rse}{residual standard error.}
#' \item{r2}{R^2, the fraction of variance explained by the model.}
#' \item{r2adj}{Adjusted R^2.}
#' \item{fstat}{F-statistic.}
#' \item{pval}{P-values.}
#' \item{P.fstat}{Projected F-statistic. The result of a
#' call to \code{\link{waldtest}}}
#' \item{fe}{list of factors. A list of the
#' terms in the second part of the model.}
#' \item{lhs.}{character. If
#' \code{object} is the result of an estimation with multiple left hand sides,
#' the actual argument \code{lhs} will be copied to this field.}
#' \item{iv1fstat}{F-statistic for excluded instruments in 1. step IV, see
#' \code{\link{felm}}.}
#' \item{iv1pval}{P-value for \code{iv1fstat}.}

#' @note The standard errors are adjusted for the reduced degrees of freedom
#' coming from the dummies which are implicitly present.  They are also
#' small-sample corrected.
#' If the \code{robust} parameter is \code{FALSE}, the returned object will
#' contain ordinary standard errors. If the \code{robust} parameter is
#' \code{TRUE}, clustered standard errors are reported if a cluster was
#' specified in the call to \code{felm}; if not, heteroskedastic robust
#' standard errors are reported.
#' Several F-statistics reported. The \code{P.fstat} is for the projected
#' system.  I.e. a joint test on whether all the \code{Pp} coefficients in
#' \code{coefficients} are zero.  Then there are \code{fstat} and \code{pval}
#' which is a test on all the coefficients including the ones projected out,
#' except for an intercept.  This statistic assumes i.i.d. errors and is not
#' reliable for robust or clustered data.
#' For a 1st stage IV-regression, an F-statistic against the model with
#' excluded instruments is also computed.
#' @seealso \code{\link{waldtest}}
#' @export
summary.felm <- function(object,...,robust=!is.null(object$clustervar)||getOption('lfe.robust'),
                         lhs=NULL) {
  z <- object
  if(z$nostats) stop('No summary for objects created with felm(nostats=TRUE)')
  if(is.null(lhs)) {
    if(length(z$lhs) > 1)
        stop('Please specify lhs=[one of ',paste(z$lhs,collapse=','),']')
    STATS <- z
    lhs <- object$lhs
    if(is.null(lhs)) lhs <- colnames(object$residuals)[1]
  } else {
    if(is.na(match(lhs, z$lhs))) 
        stop('Please specify lhs=[one of ',paste(z$lhs,collapse=','),']')
    if(length(z$lhs) >= 1)
        STATS <- z$STATS[[lhs]]
        STATS <- z

  res <- list()
  if(is.null(z$weights)) w <- 1.0 else w <- z$weights
  w2 <- w^2
  res$weights <- z$weights
  res$p <- z$p
  res$Pp <- z$Pp
  res$numctrl <- z$numctrl
  res$ctrlnames <- z$ctrlnames
  if(length(z$lhs) > 1) res$lhs <- lhs
  if(res$Pp == 0) {
    res <- list(residuals=as.vector(w*z$residuals[,lhs]),p=z$p,Pp=0,call=z$call)
    class(res) <- 'summary.felm'

  res$terms <- z$terms
  res$call <- z$call
  res$badF <- FALSE
  if(is.logical(robust) && robust) {
    if(!is.null(STATS$cse)) {
      coefficients <- cbind(z$beta[,lhs],STATS$cse,STATS$ctval,STATS$cpval)
      sdnam <- 'Cluster s.e.'
      res$badF <- TRUE
    } else {
      coefficients <- cbind(z$beta[,lhs],STATS$rse,STATS$rtval,STATS$rpval)
      sdnam <- 'Robust s.e'
      res$badF <- TRUE
  } else {
    sdnam <- 'Std. Error'
    coefficients <- cbind(z$beta[,lhs],STATS$se,STATS$tval,STATS$pval)

  if(!is.null(coefficients)) {
    dimnames(coefficients) <- 
           c('Estimate',sdnam,'t value','Pr(>|t|)'))

  res$coefficients <- coefficients
  res$residuals <- as.vector(w*z$residuals[,lhs])

  qres <- quantile(res$residuals,na.rm=TRUE)
  names(qres) <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
  res$qres <- qres

  # compute
  # residual se, df
  # mrsq, adj rsq
  # fstat, p-value

  p <- z$p
  if(is.null(z$hasicpt)) hasicpt <- 0 else hasicpt <- z$hasicpt
  if(length(z$fe) > 0) hasicpt <- 1
  res$hasicpt <- hasicpt

  rdf <- z$N - p

#  rss <- sum(z$residuals[,lhs]^2)
  rss <- sum(res$residuals^2)

      tss <- z$TSS[[lhs]]
      tss <- sum( w2 * (z$response[,lhs] - mean(z$response[,lhs]))^2)

  mss <- tss - rss

#  mss2 <- if(hasicpt) sum((z$fitted.values[,lhs]-mean(z$fitted.values[,lhs]))^2) else sum(z$fitted.values[,lhs]^2)
#  tss <- mss + rss

  resvar <- rss/rdf
  r2 <- mss/tss
  r2adj <- 1-(1-r2)*((z$N-hasicpt)/rdf)
# F-tests for 2. stage iv is different
  if(!is.null(z$iv.residuals)) {
    # We have F = (tss - rss)/rss  (and some df factor)
    # however, the numerator should be residuals w.r.t. to the
    # fitted variables whereas the denominator should be w.r.t. to
    # the original variables. (Wooldridge, p. 99)
    # every metric verified to match Stata ivregress with small sample adjustment Jan 12, 2015
    mss <- tss - sum(w2*z$iv.residuals[,lhs]^2)
  # hmm, fstat should be computed differently when s.e. are robust or clustered.

# full model Fstat for i.i.d
  F <- as.numeric((mss/(p-hasicpt))/resvar)  # get rid of name
  res$F.fstat <- c(F=F,

  res$fstat <- F
  res$pval <- res$F.fstat['p']
  # projected R2?  I.e. how much is explained by the variables that
  # have not been projected out?  That's similar to the projected F-test.
  # So the tss is not the tss of the response variable, but of the
  # projected response  (P.response doesn't exist in the old felm)
  if(!is.null(z$P.TSS)) {
    tss <- z$P.TSS[lhs]
    mss <- tss - rss
    res$P.r.squared <- mss/tss
    res$P.adj.r.squared <- 1-(1-res$P.r.squared)*((z$N-hasicpt)/rdf)
  # use wald test if robust or clustered
  mcoef <- rownames(z$coefficients)
  mcoef <- mcoef[!(mcoef %in% '(Intercept)')]

  wtype <- 'iid'
  if(robust) wtype <- if(is.null(z$clustervar)) 'robust' else 'cluster'
  F <- try(waldtest(z,mcoef, type=wtype, lhs=lhs))
  if(inherits(F,'try-error')) {
    warning("can't compute cluster F-test")
    F <- list(F=NaN,p.F=NaN)

  res$P.fstat <- F

  # then a Wald test on the endogenous variables
  if(!is.null(z$iv.residuals)) {
    res$E.fstat <- waldtest(z, 'endovars', type=wtype, lhs=lhs)

  sigma <- sqrt(resvar)  

  res$exactDOF <- z$exactDOF
  if(is.list(z$iv1fstat)) {
    res$iv1fstat <- z$iv1fstat[[lhs]]
    res$rob.iv1fstat <- z$rob.iv1fstat[[lhs]]
  } else {
    res$iv1fstat <- z$iv1fstat
    res$rob.iv1fstat <- z$rob.iv1fstat
  res$df <- c(rdf,rdf)
  res$sigma <- res$rse <- sigma
  res$rdf <- rdf
  res$r.squared <- res$r2 <- r2
  res$adj.r.squared <- res$r2adj <- r2adj
  res$fe <- z$fe
  res$N <- z$N
  res$na.action <- z$na.action
  class(res) <- 'summary.felm'
sgaure/lfe documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 8:06 a.m.