
Defines functions .categorical .threshold .rev_hinge .hinge .get_lambdas .get_fc_args .make_args trainMaxent

trainMaxent <- function(data,
                        reg = 1,
                        fc = "lqph",
                        iter = 500) {

  extra_args <- c("removeduplicates=false", "addsamplestobackground=false")
  result <- SDMmodel(data = data)
  folder <- tempfile()

  args <- .make_args(reg = reg,
                     fc = fc,
                     iter = iter,
                     extra_args = extra_args)

  x <- data@data
  p <- data@pa
  dismo_model <- dismo::maxent(x,
                               args = args,
                               path = folder,
                               silent = TRUE)

  l <- .get_lambdas(dismo_model@lambdas)
  f <- stats::formula(paste("~", paste(l$lambdas$feature, collapse = " + "),
                            "- 1"))

  model_object <- Maxent(results = dismo_model@results,
                         reg = reg,
                         fc = fc,
                         iter = iter,
                         extra_args = extra_args,
                         lambdas = dismo_model@lambdas,
                         coeff = l$lambdas,
                         formula = f,
                         lpn = l$lpn,
                         dn = l$dn,
                         entropy = l$entropy,
                         min_max = l$min_max)

  result@model <- model_object

  unlink(folder, recursive = TRUE)


.make_args <- function(reg,
                       extra_args) {

  args <- c(paste0("betamultiplier=", reg), paste0("maximumiterations=", iter),

  c(args, extra_args)

.get_fc_args <- function(fc) {

  # Check if fc includes characters different from lqpht
  if (grepl("[^lqpht]", fc))
      "!" = "Possible values for feature classes are {.var lqpht}",
      "x" = "You have supplied a {.var {fc}} instead."

  feature_args <- c("noautofeature")

  # Add threshold feature class if included
  if (grepl("t", fc))
    feature_args <- c(feature_args, "threshold")

  # Remove not included feature classes
  no_fc <- Reduce(setdiff, strsplit(c("lqph", gsub("t", "", fc)), ""))

  for (letter in no_fc) {
    feature_args <- c(feature_args, get("fc_map")[[letter]])


.get_lambdas <- function(lambda) {

  l <- as.data.frame(stringr::str_split(lambda, ", ", simplify = TRUE),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  l[, 2:4] <- sapply(l[, 2:4], as.numeric)
  n_row <- nrow(l)
  lpn <- l[(n_row - 3), 2]
  dn <- l[(n_row - 2), 2]
  entropy <- l[n_row, 2]
  l <- l[1:(n_row - 4), ]
  names(l) <- c("feature", "lambda", "min", "max")

  # Create feature
  l$feature <- gsub("\\((.*)=(.*)\\)", ".categorical\\(\\1, \\2\\)", l$feature)
  l$feature <- gsub("\\((.*)<(.*)\\)", ".threshold\\(\\2, \\1\\)", l$feature)
  l$feature <- gsub("(.*)\\^2", "I\\(\\1\\^2\\)", l$feature)
  l$feature <- gsub("(.*)\\*(.*)", "I\\(\\1*\\2\\)", l$feature)
  l$feature <- ifelse(grepl("'", l$feature),
                      paste0(".hinge(", sub("'", "", l$feature), ", ", l$min,
                             ", ", l$max, ")"),
  l$feature <- ifelse(grepl("`", l$feature),
                      paste0(".rev_hinge(", sub("`", "", l$feature), ", ",
                             l$min, ", ", l$max, ")"),

  # Get min max values of variables
  min_max <- l[!grepl("[(]", l$feature), ]
  min_max$lambda <- NULL
  names(min_max) <- c("variable", "min", "max")

  # Remove features where lambda = 0 and round braces
  l <- l[l$lambda != 0, ]
  # Reset row names
  rownames(l) <- NULL
  rownames(min_max) <- NULL

  list(lambdas = l,
       lpn = lpn,
       dn = dn,
       entropy = entropy,
       min_max = min_max)

.hinge <- function(variable,
                   var_max) {

  ifelse(variable <= var_min, 0, (variable - var_min) / (var_max - var_min))

.rev_hinge <- function(variable,
                       var_max) {

  ifelse(variable <= var_max, (var_max -  variable) / (var_max - var_min), 0)

.threshold <- function(variable,
                       th) {

  ifelse(variable < th, 0, 1)

.categorical <- function(variable,
                         category) {

  ifelse(variable == category, 1, 0)
sgvignali/SDMtune documentation built on July 20, 2023, 1:45 a.m.