#' @title Initialize the environment
#' @description Set a number of defaults for some of the functions.
#' These are:
#' 1) hidden.fields - fields that must show no information (patient identifiers for instance)
#' 2) allowed.functions - supplementary functions allowed in dssDeriveColumn (see the documentation for that function)
#' 3) join.pivot.col - the default column to join (or pivot) by. In the absence of this default
#' the 'by.col' argument in dssJoin and dssPivot becomes mandatory
#' 4) forbidden.options - a number of opal administrative options that are not allowed to be changed by dssSetOption
#' In order to set/modify any of these options the node administrator must create an .Rprofile file
#' in the rserver conf directory (normally /var/lib/rserver/conf) and populate it with the necessary
#' R commands to set the above options (see example). Then the following line must be added to the file
#' /var/lib/rserver/conf/Rserv.conf:
#' source /var/lib/rserver/conf/.Rprofile
#' # content of the /var/lib/rserver/conf/.Rprofile file that adds as.POSIXct among
#' # the allowed functions in dssDeriveColumn:
#' options(allowed.functions='as.POSIXct')
.init <- function(){
.mycache <<- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
assign('hidden', getOption('hidden.fields'), envir = .mycache)
allowed.funcs <- c('abs', 'round', 'ceiling', 'floor', 'signif', 'length', 'paste0', 'as.Date', 'as.character',
'as.numeric','egfr', 'as.factor', 'sub', 'gsub', 'grep','grepl', 'sqrt', getOption('allowed.functions'))
#ign('allowed.funcs', allowed.funcs, envir = .mycache)
assign('allowed.funcs', allowed.funcs, envir = .mycache)
assign('by.col', getOption('join.pivot.col'), envir = .mycache)
#dissalow change of critical options:
forbidden.options <- c(grep('^default\\.|^datashield\\.',names(options()), value = TRUE), 'hidden.fields', 'allowed.functions', 'join.pivot.col','dsQueryLibrary.enforce_strict_privacy',getOption('forbidden.options'))
assign('forbidden.options', forbidden.options, envir = .mycache)
#test gitd
.split.numerics <- function(x, collist = NULL){
nums <- sapply(x, is.numeric)
nums <- nums[is.null(collist) | names(nums) %in% collist] # only collist if supplied
nums <- nums[nums == TRUE]
#if(length(nums) == 0){
# return(NA)
#list(numerics = as.data.frame(subset(x, TRUE, nums)), others = as.data.frame(subset(x, TRUE, !nums)))
nums <- nums[.trim_hidden_fields(names(nums))] # no hidden fields
list(numerics = x[,names(nums), drop= FALSE], others = x[,!(colnames(x) %in% names(nums)), drop = FALSE])
#' @title Decode from base64 and deserialize from json if necessary
#' @description Work around the restrictions imposed by the Opal server on function arguments
#' The Opal server is very picky as regards function arguments. The workaround is
#' to serialize and encode them on the client and strip the right padding.
#' @details It looks for the string 'base64' in the argument to determine if it's encoded
#' @param some.thing the thing to be decoded and deserialized from json if necessary
#' @return the decoded and deserialized argument
.decode.arg <- function(some.thing, simplifyMatrix = FALSE){
if(length(some.thing) == 1 && grepl('base64', some.thing, ignore.case = TRUE)){
some.thing <- gsub('base64', '', some.thing, ignore.case =TRUE)
serialized <- FALSE
if(grepl('serialized', some.thing, ignore.case = TRUE)){
serialized <- TRUE
some.thing <- gsub('serialized', '', some.thing, ignore.case =TRUE)
my.dictionary = c('-plus-' = '+', '-slash-' = '/', '-equals-' = '=')
sapply(names(my.dictionary), function(x){
some.thing <<- gsub(x, my.dictionary[x], some.thing)
some.thing <- jsonlite::unserializeJSON(RCurl::base64Decode(some.thing))
} else {
some.thing <- jsonlite::fromJSON(RCurl::base64Decode(some.thing), simplifyMatrix = simplifyMatrix)
.extract <- function (input, start.env = NULL){
#modified version of dsBase:::extract
#it returns a list of (inputname = object)
#works for dataframes embedded in lists
input <- unlist(input)
output <- list()
for (i in input) {
inputterms <- unlist(strsplit(i, "\\$", perl = TRUE))
inputterms <- inputterms[2:length(inputterms)]
inputterms <- inputterms[!is.na(inputterms)]
obj <- as.environment(start.env)
} else {
obj <- parent.frame()
for(objname in inputterms){
this.env <- as.environment(obj)
obj <- get(objname, envir = this.env)
output[[i]] <- obj
.dsBase_extract <- function (input){
input <- unlist(input)
output1 <- c()
output2 <- c()
for (i in 1:length(input)) {
inputterms <- unlist(strsplit(input[i], "\\$", perl = TRUE))
if (length(inputterms) > 1) {
obj1 <- strsplit(input[i], "\\$", perl = TRUE)[[1]][1]
obj2 <- strsplit(input[i], "\\$", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2]
else {
obj1 <- NA
obj2 <- strsplit(input[i], "\\$", perl = TRUE)[[1]][1]
output1 <- append(output1, obj1)
output2 <- append(output2, obj2)
output <- list(holders = output1, elements = output2)
#' @title returns all objects in all environments
#' @description helper function for dssSubset and dssPivot
#' @param start a character the environment name where to start (default .GlobalEnv)
#' @return a list of environment names and the respective objects defined in each environment
.ls.all <- function(start = '.GlobalEnv'){
envir <- get(start)
objs <- ls(envir, all.names = TRUE)
ret <- list()
ret[[start]] <- objs
more.envs <- names(which(sapply(objs, function(x)is.environment(get(x)))==TRUE))
c(ret,sapply(more.envs,function(x) ls(get(x), all.names = TRUE), USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE))
#' @title locks or unlocks bindings in environments
#' @description helper function for dssSubset and dssPivot
#' @param what a list of environments and their respective objects - the output of ls.all above
#' @param func a function, either lockBinding or unlockBinding
.lock.unlock <- function(what , func){
stopifnot(deparse(substitute(func)) %in% c('lockBinding', 'unlockBinding'))
invisible(lapply(names(what), function(x){
lapply(what[[x]], function(y){
#' @title removes objects from the current workspace
#' @description helper function for dssSubset and dssPivot
#' @param what a list of environments and their respective objects - the output of a previous call to ls.all
#' @param start a character the environment name where to start (default .GlobalEnv)
.cleanup <- function(initial, start = '.GlobalEnv'){
objs <- .ls.all(start)
new.envs <- setdiff(names(objs), names(initial))
objs[x] <- NULL
}, new.envs)
new.objs <- setdiff(objs[[x]], initial[[x]])
rm(list = new.objs, pos = get(x))
}, names(objs)))
.isValidAtomic <- function(obj, nfilt){
obj <- obj[!is.na(obj)]
if (length(obj) > 0 & length(obj) < nfilt) {
else {
.dsBase_isValidDSS <- function (obj) {
nfilter <- .dsBase_setFilterDSS()
if (class(obj) == "character" | class(obj) == "integer" |
class(obj) == "logical" | class(obj) == "numeric") {
return(.isValidAtomic(obj, nfilter))
} else if (class(obj) == "factor") {
tt <- tabulate(obj)
xx <- which(tt > 0 & tt < nfilter)
if (length(xx) > 0) {
else {
} else if (class(obj) == "data.frame" | class(obj) == "matrix") {
return(all(sapply(obj, .isValidAtomic, nfilter)))
else {
.dsBase_setFilterDSS <- function (x = getOption("datashield.privacyLevel", default = 5)) {
# from dsBase
a <- as.numeric(as.character(x))
.dsBase_numNADSS <- function (xvect){
# from dsBase
out <- length(which(is.na(xvect)))
.get_memory_usage <- function(envir = .GlobalEnv){
objnames <- ls(envir = envir, all.names = TRUE)
sapply(objnames, function(x){
thisobj <- get(x, envir = envir)
out <- c()
if(class(thisobj) == 'environment'){
out <- unlist(.get_memory_usage(thisobj))
} else {
out <- as.numeric(object.size(thisobj))
}, simplify = TRUE)
<- function(cols){
#first pass:
cols <- setdiff(cols, getOption('hidden.fields'))
for (r in getOption('hidden.fields.regexes')){
cols <- grep(r, cols, value = TRUE, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
.betterExtract <- function(what, startEnv = parent.frame()){
terms <- strsplit(what, '$' , fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
get(y, envir = as.environment(x))
}, terms, init = startEnv)
.ls.all.new <- function(ret = list(),start = '.GlobalEnv'){
envir <- .betterExtract(start)
objs <- ls(envir, all.names = TRUE)
# ret <- list()
ret[[start]] <- objs
more.envs <- names(which(sapply(objs, function(x)is.environment(get(x, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)))==TRUE))
c(ret,unlist(sapply(more.envs,function(x) .ls.all.new(list(), paste0(start, '$',x)), USE.NAMES = FALSE, simplify = FALSE), recursive = FALSE))
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