
Defines functions partCov

Documented in partCov

#' @title calculates the matrix of sums of products of distance to the global means,
#' @description used as a piece of the global covariance matrix
#' the client sums all these local matrices and divides them by N-1 -> cov matrix
#' @param x a data frame of matrix
#' @param means a vector of global means (one for each dimension)
#' @param na.rm logical remove NAs?
#' @param collist a vector, subset of columns to use
#' @return  a matrix of the sums of products for all pairs of dimensions

#' @export

partCov <- function(x, means = NULL,  collist = NULL, wt = NULL, cor = FALSE, center = TRUE, method = 'unbiased'){

  # returns a matrix of
  #   sums of
  #     products (for each pair of dimensions) of
  #       distances to the global mean (for each dimension)
  # the client will sum these and divide by the respective, global, N-1
  # the client ends up with a global covariance matrix

    if (is.data.frame(x)){

      collist <- .decode.arg(collist)
    y <- .split.numerics(x, collist)$numerics

    z <- as.matrix(y)
  } else if(is.matrix(x)) {
    z <- x
  } else {
    stop("'x' must be a matrix or a data frame",call. = FALSE)
  # no NAs
    stop("'x' cannot contain NAs", call. = FALSE)
  # must be datashield valid (more than <datashield.privacyLevel> rows):
    stop(paste0('only ', nrow(x), ' rows'))

  # if wt (weights) is not null return cov.wt only on this node
    wt <- .decode.arg(wt)

    if(length(wt) == 1){ # it's a name in the global env (maybe a data frame column)
      wt <- .betterExtract(wt, startEnv = parent.frame())
    return(cov.wt(z, wt, cor, center, method))

means <- .decode.arg(means)

  if(is.null(means) | length(means) == 0){
    # no global means, we return the local term
    means <- colMeans(z)

  if (length(means) != ncol(z)){
    stop("length of the means vector must equal the number of columns in 'x'", call. = FALSE)

  # subtract the means (we know from above that the dimensions match):
  centered <- sweep(z, 2, means, '-', check.margin = FALSE)
  # go forth and multiply:
sib-swiss/dsSwissKnife documentation built on Nov. 27, 2024, 6:03 p.m.