uwotDSS <- function(func, X, arglist = list(), model = NULL){
if(!(func %in% c('umap', 'umap_transform'))){
stop(paste0(func, ' not implemented.'))
X <- .split.numerics(X)$numerics
arglist <- .decode.arg(arglist)
arglist$X <- X
# some sanitizing:
nms <- names(arglist)
if('ret_nn' %in% nms){
arglist$ret_nn = FALSE
if('ret_model' %in% nms){
arglist$ret_model = FALSE # no full model back
if('ret_extra' %in% nms){
arglist$ret_extra < intersect(arglist$ret_extra, 'fgraph')
if(!is.null(model)){ # this is a path to the saved model
model <- .decode.arg(model)
if(model == 'uwot_model'){
writeBin(get('uwot_model', envir = parent.frame()), 'uwot_model', useBytes = TRUE) # uwot_model has been uploaded in this session, it's the binary representation of a saved model
arglist$model <- uwot::load_uwot(model)
res <- do.call(eval(parse(text=paste0('uwot::', func))), arglist)
# if(func == 'umap'){ # for the model we have to create and return a blob
# fname <- tempfile(pattern='uwotDSS', tmpdir = tempdir(check=TRUE))
# uwot::save_uwot(res, fname, unload = TRUE)
# # get the size in order to read it back
# sz <- file.info(fname)$size
# # read and return it
# res <- readBin(fname, 'raw', n=sz)
# }
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