
Defines functions getLogIDsJSON parseJSONSearch getLogIDsComptf parseLogLink getTourneyNames getSeasonNames

Documented in getLogIDsComptf getLogIDsJSON

#' Use logs.tf's query JSON API
#' The log.tf query api has three queries that can be made, an uploader, a name
#' and a player. Out of these, the player is the most reliable without prior knowledge.
#' The result is a vector of log IDs that can be then feed into 'getLog'
#' One of the queries are required but all three can be supplied
#' @param title The title of the match that you want to query
#' @param uploader The person or bot that actually put the game on log.tf
#' @param player The SteamID3 [U:int:numbers] or the 16 digit id
#' @param num The maximum number of IDs to output
#' @return a vector of IDs
#' @export
getLogIDsJSON <- function(title = "", uploader = "", player = "", num = 10){
	tokens <- c()
		tokens <- paste0("title=", title)
		tokens <- paste0("uploader=", uploader)
		tokens <- paste0("player=", player)

	if(length(tokens) == 0){
		stop("Please supply a search parameter of either a title or an uploader")
	tokens <- c(tokens, paste0("limit=", num))
	jsonSearch <- paste0("http://logs.tf/json_search?", paste(tokens, collapse = "&"))
	return(parseJSONSearch(jsonSearch, num))


parseJSONSearch <- function(searchUrl, reqNum){
	query <- jsonlite::fromJSON(searchUrl)
			"The search:",
			"had no hits with response:",

	if(query$results == reqNum){
			"More results may be online since you requested %d matches and got %d matches",


#'Scrap comp.tf event pages for logs IDs
#'This goes to a given comp.tf website and grabs logs for the first bracket
#'listed or the <insert season entry>. This links to the 'data/eventArchive'
#'JSON archive so that comp.tf is not queried multiple times. However, sometimes
#'the log IDs need to be updated in the situation with an ongoing event. If the
#'event is in the archive it will ask the user if they want to update the entry
#'which would do the whole process like it was a new entry. With a new entry, by
#'default, this archive is updated with a new entry. The difference between the
#'archive and the ids are that the JSON archive returns a list with the names of
#'the tournament while the function returns a named character vector for ease of
#'throwing into 'getLog' easy transfer between the two can be done with
#'\code{as.list()} or \code{c( , recursive = TRUE)}
#'@param comptfToken The name of the comp.tf page in the url
#'@param scrapeLoc Is this page a tourney (scrape a bracket) or a season (scrape
#'  a table)
#'@param withNames Should the identifier of each of the logs be added as a names
#'  for output?
#'@param saveArchive Should the new query be saved in the tf2statr library in
#'  'data'?
#'@param shReDownload If the event is in the the archive, should it redownload
#'  the file?
#'@return A character vector with all the logs. A named character vector if
#'  "withNames" is TRUE
getLogIDsComptf <- function(
	scrapeLoc = c("Tourney", "Season")[1],
	withNames = TRUE,
	saveArchive = TRUE,
	shReDownload = NULL){

	data("eventArchive", package = "tf2statr", envir = environment())

	if(any(grepl(comptfToken, names(eventArchive)))){
			resp <- readline(
				"This event is already in the archive. Want to update? y or n: ")
			shReDownload <- grepl("y", resp, ignore.case = TRUE)

			return(c(eventArchive[[comptfToken]], recursive = TRUE))

	pageUrl <- paste0("http://comp.tf/wiki/", comptfToken)

	page <- xml2::read_html(pageUrl)

	if(any(grepl("The page you are looking for cannot be found", page))){
			"The provided web page:",
			"is not a valid comp.tf web page"))

	if(scrapeLoc == "Tourney"){

		bracketXp <- paste("//*[@id='mw-content-text']",
			"div[contains(@class, 'bracket-wrapper')][1]/div[1]", sep = '/')

		innerXp <- "div[@class = 'bracket-column' and not(contains(@style,'width:10px'))]"
		allGamesXp <- paste(paste0("div[1]/", innerXp), innerXp, sep = " | ")

		logXp <- paste0("div[not(position()=1)]/div[2]/div[last()]/",
	} else {

		bracketXp <- "//*[contains(@class,'wikitable matchlist')]"
		allGamesXp <- "tr[contains(@class,'match')]/td[2]/div[1]"
		logXp <- paste0("div[contains(@class,'matches')]/",

	brNodes <- rvest::html_nodes(page, xpath = bracketXp)
	nodes <- rvest::html_nodes(brNodes, xpath = allGamesXp)

	if(scrapeLoc == "Tourney"){
		rawTitles <- rvest::html_text(rvest::html_node(nodes, xpath = "div[1]/div[1]"))

		spaceSet <- grepl("^\\s+", rawTitles)
		nodes <- nodes[!spaceSet]

	logNodes <- rvest::html_nodes(nodes, xpath = logXp)

	ids <- parseLogLink(logNodes)

		enuNames <- switch(scrapeLoc,
			Tourney = getTourneyNames(nodes),
			Season = getSeasonNames(brNodes, allGamesXp, logXp)
		if(length(enuNames) != length(ids)){
			stop("Naming logs in comp.tf extract screwed up")
		names(ids) <- enuNames

		eventArchive[[comptfToken]] <- as.list(ids)
			con = system.file("data", "eventArchive", package = "tf2statr"))


parseLogLink <- function(colNodes){
	logXp <- "a[contains(@href,'logs.tf')]"

	ids <- rvest::html_attr(
		rvest::html_nodes(colNodes, xpath = logXp),

	ids <- gsub("http://logs.tf/", "", ids)

getTourneyNames <- function(nodes){

	baseLabel <- rvest::html_text(rvest::html_node(nodes, xpath = "div[1]/div[1]"))

	logLabels <- mapply(function(node, nam){
		matchNs <- rvest::html_nodes(node, xpath = "div[not(position()=1)]")
		out <- paste0(rep(nam, length(matchNs)), " match", 1:length(matchNs))

		out <- mapply(function(node, nam){
			endXp <- paste0("div[2]/div[last()]/div[last()]/",
			mapNs <- rvest::html_nodes(node, xpath = endXp)
			if(length(mapNs) > 0){
				return(paste0(rep(nam, length(mapNs)), " map", 1:length(mapNs)))
			} else {

		}, matchNs, out)

	},nodes, baseLabel)

	logLabels <- c(logLabels, recursive = TRUE)
	logLabels <- gsub("\\s", "_", logLabels)
	logLabels <- logLabels[nzchar(logLabels)]



getSeasonNames <- function(nodes, gamesXp, logXp){
	baseLabel <- paste0("Week", 1:length(nodes))

	logLabels <- mapply(function(node, nam){
		matchNs <- rvest::html_nodes(node, xpath = gamesXp)
		out <- paste0(rep(nam, length(matchNs)), " match", 1:length(matchNs))

		out <- mapply(function(node, nam){
			mapNs <- rvest::html_nodes(node, xpath = logXp)
			ids <- parseLogLink(mapNs)
			if(length(ids) > 0){
				return(paste0(rep(nam, length(mapNs)), " map", 1:length(ids)))
			} else {

		}, matchNs, out)

	},nodes, baseLabel)

	logLabels <- c(logLabels, recursive = TRUE)
	logLabels <- gsub("\\s", "_", logLabels)
	logLabels <- logLabels[nzchar(logLabels)]
sidjai/tf2statr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:59 p.m.