Man pages for sidora-tools/eager2poseidon
Automatically fill in Missing Metadata in a Janno File

collapse_for_poseidonCollapse value for poseidon janno
collate_external_resultsCollect Pandora and Eager results
compile_across_lib_resultsCompile library level results to sample level
compile_eager_result_tablesCompile eager results tables
create_contamination_noteCreate contamination note from eager results for poseidon
fill_genetic_sexAdd genetic sex information to the input janno, throwing a...
fill_in_jannoFill in a janno table
format_for_poseidonInternal function to convert information from eager lingo to...
get_individual_pandora_dataPull pandora information for specific individual IDs
import_eager_resultsCollect poseidon janno data from an eager TSV and its...
import_pandora_dataCollect poseidon janno data from pandora
infer_genetic_sexInfer Poseidon encoded genetic sex from relative X/Y coverage
library_weighted_meanCalculate the weighted mean at the library level
read_eager_stats_tableExtract poseidon information from the general stats table of...
read_eager_tsvRead content of an eager TSV and convert information to...
select_calibration_curveInfer the correct calibration curve for quickcalibrate, based...
standardise_jannoStandardise janno file
sidora-tools/eager2poseidon documentation built on May 12, 2023, 11:58 p.m.