Input data

The main input to oncoEnrichR is a list of human genes, typically the top ranked hits from a high-throughput screen. The gene list can be provided by using any of the following identifiers:

The type of identifier used should be specified using the --query_id_type argument. Similarly, if a background gene set is specified (through the --bgset argument, for use in enrichment analysis), the identifier type should be set with the --bgset_id_type argument.

If the user submits gene symbols which are no longer considered as primary gene symbols, oncoEnrichR attempts to map such cases as synonyms/aliases for the primary gene symbols.

Number of input genes

In order to keep the size of the HTML output report at a manageable level, there is currently an upper limit of

genes that can be used as input to the tool. Please also note that the tool requires n = 2 input genes at the bare minimum, although some analysis modules will not be included/run with so few genes as input.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to its large size, the HTML report can be slow to load when generating full reports with the maximum number of genes (n = 1000). We generally recommend to use oncoEnrichR with smaller querysets (order 100-600), as this will produce reports that can be more efficiently loaded and viewed. If you want to submit a query that pushes the limit (n = 1000), we recommend that you carefully configure the report contents/modules, in that sense producing more managable reports.

sigven/oncoEnrichR documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 8:05 a.m.