
# gene_tissue_cell_spec_cat <-
#   function(qgenes = NULL,
#            q_id_type = "symbol",
#            resolution = "tissue",
#            genedb = NULL,
#            hpa_enrichment_db_df = NULL,
#            hpa_expr_db_df = NULL) {
#     lgr::lgr$appenders$console$set_layout(
#       lgr::LayoutFormat$new(timestamp_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %T"))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(genedb))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(qgenes))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(hpa_enrichment_db_df))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(hpa_expr_db_df))
#     stopifnot(is.data.frame(hpa_expr_db_df) &
#                 length(colnames(hpa_expr_db_df)) > 35 &
#                 typeof(hpa_expr_db_df) == "list")
#     validate_db_df(genedb, dbtype = "genedb")
#     stopifnot(resolution == "tissue" | resolution == "single_cell")
#     stopifnot(q_id_type == "symbol" | q_id_type == "entrezgene")
#     query_genes_df <- data.frame('symbol' = qgenes, stringsAsFactors = F)
#     if (q_id_type == 'entrezgene') {
#       stopifnot(is.integer(qgenes))
#       query_genes_df <-
#         data.frame('entrezgene' = qgenes, stringsAsFactors = F) |>
#         dplyr::inner_join(genedb, by = "entrezgene",
#                           relationship = "many-to-many") |>
#         dplyr::distinct()
#     } else {
#       stopifnot(is.character(qgenes))
#       query_genes_df <- query_genes_df |>
#         dplyr::inner_join(genedb, by = "symbol",
#                           relationship = "many-to-many") |>
#         dplyr::distinct()
#     }
#     etype <- "tissue"
#     edb <- "GTEx"
#     specificity_categories <-
#       c('Group enriched',
#         'Low tissue specificity',
#         'Not detected',
#         'Mixed',
#         'Tissue enhanced',
#         'Tissue enriched')
#     source = 'tissue'
#     if (resolution != "tissue") {
#       etype <- "cell type"
#       edb <- "HPA"
#       validate_db_df(hpa_enrichment_db_df,
#                      dbtype = "enrichment_db_hpa_singlecell")
#       specificity_categories <-
#         c('Group enriched',
#           'Low cell type specificity',
#           'Not detected',
#           'Mixed',
#           'Cell type enhanced',
#           'Cell type enriched')
#       source = 'single_cell'
#     } else {
#       validate_db_df(hpa_enrichment_db_df,
#                      dbtype = "enrichment_db_hpa_tissue")
#     }
#     lgr::lgr$info(
#       glue::glue(
#         "{edb}: Retrieving {etype} specificity category ",
#         "of target genes")
#     )
#     specificity_groups_target <- as.data.frame(
#       hpa_enrichment_db_df |>
#         dplyr::inner_join(
#           dplyr::select(query_genes_df,
#                         c("symbol",
#                         "ensembl_gene_id",
#                         "name")),
#           by = "ensembl_gene_id", relationship = "many-to-many")
#     )
#     if (resolution == "tissue") {
#       specificity_groups_target <-
#         specificity_groups_target |>
#         dplyr::mutate(
#           genename = glue::glue(
#             "<a href='https://gtexportal.org/home/gene/",
#             "{.data$ensembl_gene_id},' target='_blank'>",
#             "{.data$name}</a>")
#         )
#     } else {
#       specificity_groups_target <-
#         specificity_groups_target |>
#         dplyr::mutate(
#           genename = glue::glue(
#             "<a href='https://www.proteinatlas.org/",
#             "{.data$ensembl_gene_id}-{.data$symbol}",
#             "/celltype' target='_blank'>{.data$name}</a>")
#         )
#     }
#     specificity_groups_target <- as.data.frame(
#       specificity_groups_target |>
#         dplyr::group_by(.data$category) |>
#         dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop") |>
#         dplyr::mutate(tot = sum(.data$n)) |>
#         dplyr::mutate(pct = round((.data$n / .data$tot) * 100, digits = 2)) |>
#         dplyr::mutate(
#           group = paste0("Target set (n = ", .data$tot,")"
#           )
#         )
#     )
#     tot <- unique(specificity_groups_target$tot)
#     for (n in specificity_categories) {
#       df <- data.frame(
#         'category' = n,
#         'pct' = 0,
#         'n' = 0,
#         'tot' = 0,
#         group = paste0(
#           "Target set (n = ",
#           formatC(tot, format="f",
#                   big.mark = ",", digits=0),")"))
#       if (nrow(dplyr::inner_join(
#         df,
#         specificity_groups_target,
#         by = "category", relationship = "many-to-many")) == 0) {
#         specificity_groups_target <-
#           specificity_groups_target |>
#           dplyr::bind_rows(df)
#       }
#     }
#     specificity_groups_all <- as.data.frame(
#       hpa_enrichment_db_df |>
#         dplyr::group_by(.data$category) |>
#         dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop") |>
#         dplyr::mutate(tot = sum(.data$n)) |>
#         dplyr::mutate(pct = round((.data$n / .data$tot) * 100, digits = 2)) |>
#         dplyr::mutate(group =
#                         paste0("All HPA proteins (n = ",
#                                formatC(.data$tot, format="f",
#                                        big.mark = ",",
#                                        digits=0),")"
#                         )
#         )
#     )
#     category_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
#       specificity_groups_all,
#       specificity_groups_target
#     )
#     exp_dist_df <- data.frame()
#     exp_dist_df <- hpa_expr_db_df
#     exp_dist_df$ensembl_gene_id <-
#       rownames(exp_dist_df)
#     if (resolution == "tissue") {
#       exp_dist_df <- as.data.frame(
#         exp_dist_df |>
#           tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = !tidyr::starts_with("ensembl"),
#                               names_to = "tissue",
#                               values_to = "nTPM") |>
#           dplyr::inner_join(
#             dplyr::select(
#               query_genes_df,
#               c("symbol",
#                 "ensembl_gene_id")),
#             by = "ensembl_gene_id", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
#           dplyr::mutate(exp = round(log2(.data$nTPM + 1), digits = 3)) |>
#           dplyr::mutate(exp_measure = "log2(nTPM + 1)")
#       )
#     } else {
#       exp_dist_df <- as.data.frame(
#         exp_dist_df |>
#           tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = !tidyr::starts_with("ensembl"),
#                               names_to = "cell_type",
#                               values_to = "nTPM") |>
#           dplyr::inner_join(
#             dplyr::select(
#               query_genes_df,
#               c("symbol",
#                 "ensembl_gene_id")),
#             by = "ensembl_gene_id", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
#           dplyr::mutate(exp = round(log2(.data$nTPM + 1), digits = 3)) |>
#           dplyr::mutate(exp_measure = "log2(nTPM  + 1)")
#       )
#     }
#     return(list('category_df' = category_df,
#                 'exp_dist_df' = exp_dist_df))
#   }
# gene_tissue_cell_enrichment <-
#   function(qgenes_entrez = NULL,
#            background_entrez = NULL,
#            genedb = NULL,
#            hpa_enrichment_db_df = NULL,
#            hpa_enrichment_db_SE = NULL,
#            resolution = "tissue") {
#     lgr::lgr$appenders$console$set_layout(
#       lgr::LayoutFormat$new(timestamp_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %T"))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(genedb))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(hpa_enrichment_db_df))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(hpa_enrichment_db_SE))
#     stopifnot(!is.null(qgenes_entrez) &
#                 is.integer(qgenes_entrez))
#     stopifnot(resolution == "tissue" | resolution == "single_cell")
#     validate_db_df(genedb, dbtype = "genedb")
#     #if (!("GSEABase" %in% (.packages(all.available = T)))) {
#     #  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(GSEABase))
#     #}
#     etype <- "tissues"
#     edb <- "GTEx"
#     if (resolution != "tissue") {
#       etype <- "cell types"
#       edb <- "HPA"
#       validate_db_df(hpa_enrichment_db_df,
#                      dbtype = "enrichment_db_hpa_singlecell")
#     } else {
#       validate_db_df(hpa_enrichment_db_df,
#                      dbtype = "enrichment_db_hpa_tissue")
#     }
#     lgr::lgr$info(
#       glue::glue(
#         "{edb}: Estimating enrichment of {etype}",
#         " in target set with TissueEnrich"))
#     df <- data.frame('entrezgene' = as.integer(qgenes_entrez),
#                      stringsAsFactors = F) |>
#       dplyr::inner_join(
#         dplyr::select(genedb,
#                       c("entrezgene",
#                       "ensembl_gene_id",
#                       "symbol",
#                       "name",
#                       "cancer_max_rank")),
#         by = "entrezgene", relationship = "many-to-many")
#     if (resolution == "tissue") {
#       df <- df |>
#         dplyr::mutate(
#           genename = glue::glue(
#             "<a href='https://gtexportal.org/home/gene/",
#             "{.data$ensembl_gene_id}' target='_blank'>",
#             "{.data$name}</a>")
#         )
#     } else {
#       df <- df |>
#         dplyr::mutate(
#           genename = glue::glue(
#             "<a href='https://www.proteinatlas.org/",
#             "{.data$ensembl_gene_id}-{.data$symbol}",
#             "/celltype' target='_blank'>{.data$name}</a>")
#         )
#     }
#     bg <- hpa_enrichment_db_df
#     q <- bg |>
#       dplyr::select("ensembl_gene_id") |>
#       dplyr::inner_join(
#         df, by = "ensembl_gene_id", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
#       dplyr::distinct()
#     query_ensembl <- q$ensembl_gene_id
#     specificities_per_gene <- bg |>
#       dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$ensembl_gene_id)) |>
#       dplyr::inner_join(
#         df, by = "ensembl_gene_id", relationship = "many-to-many")
#     if (nrow(specificities_per_gene) > 0) {
#       if (resolution == "tissue") {
#         specificities_per_gene <- specificities_per_gene |>
#           dplyr::select(c("symbol",
#                          "genename",
#                         "category",
#                         "tissue",
#                         "cancer_max_rank")) |>
#           dplyr::arrange(.data$category,
#                          dplyr::desc(.data$cancer_max_rank))
#       } else {
#         specificities_per_gene <- specificities_per_gene |>
#           dplyr::select(c("symbol",
#                         "genename",
#                         "category",
#                         "cell_type",
#                         "cancer_max_rank")) |>
#           dplyr::arrange(.data$category,
#                          dplyr::desc(.data$cancer_max_rank))
#       }
#     }
#     background_ensembl <- bg$ensembl_gene_id
#     if (!is.null(background_entrez)) {
#       df <-
#         data.frame('entrezgene' = as.integer(background_entrez),
#                    stringsAsFactors = F) |>
#         dplyr::inner_join(
#           dplyr::select(
#             genedb, c("ensembl_gene_id", "entrezgene")),
#           by = "entrezgene", relationship = "many-to-many"
#         )
#       bg <- bg |>
#         dplyr::inner_join(
#           df, by = "ensembl_gene_id", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
#         dplyr::distinct()
#       background_ensembl <- bg$ensembl_gene_id
#       background_ensembl <- unique(
#         c(background_ensembl, query_ensembl)
#       )
#     }
#     gene_id_TE <- GSEABase::ENSEMBLIdentifier()
#     gs_query <- GSEABase::GeneSet(
#       geneIds = query_ensembl,
#       organism = "Homo Sapiens",
#       geneIdType = gene_id_TE)
#     gs_background <- GSEABase::GeneSet(
#       geneIds = background_ensembl,
#       organism = "Homo Sapiens",
#       geneIdType = gene_id_TE)
#     te_output <- NULL
#     ## get pre-defined tissue-specificities (SummarisedExperiement) - created with
#     ## tissueEnrich::teGeneRetrieval on expression data sets
#     se <- hpa_enrichment_db_SE
#     #se <- oeDB$tissuecelldb[[resolution]][['te_SE']]
#     ## perform tissue enrichment analysis for query dataset (gs_query),
#     ## using gs_background as the background dataset, and the annotated
#     ## tissue/cell-type-specific genes in se as basis for detection
#     ## of enriched tissues/cell types
#     suppressMessages(
#       te_output <- TissueEnrich::teEnrichmentCustom(
#         inputGenes = gs_query,
#         tissueSpecificGenes = se,
#         backgroundGenes = gs_background)
#     )
#     enrichment_df <- data.frame()
#     if (!is.null(te_output)) {
#       if (!is.null(te_output[[1]])) {
#         se_enrich_output <- te_output[[1]]
#         enrichment_df <- stats::setNames(
#           data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::assay(se_enrich_output),
#                      row.names = SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se_enrich_output)[,1]),
#           SummarizedExperiment::colData(se_enrich_output)[,1])
#         enrichment_df$Tissue <- rownames(enrichment_df)
#         rownames(enrichment_df) <- NULL
#         enrichment_df <- enrichment_df |>
#           dplyr::filter(.data$Tissue != "All") |>
#           dplyr::rename(fold_change = "fold.change",
#                         tissue = "Tissue",
#                         tissue_specific_genes = "Tissue.Specific.Genes",
#                         log10_pvalue = "Log10PValue") |>
#           dplyr::select(c("tissue",
#                         "tissue_specific_genes",
#                         "fold_change",
#                         "log10_pvalue")) |>
#           dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$fold_change))
#         if (resolution == "single_cell") {
#           enrichment_df <- enrichment_df |>
#             dplyr::rename(cell_type = "tissue",
#                           celltype_specific_genes =
#                             "tissue_specific_genes")
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     return(list('per_gene' = specificities_per_gene,
#                 'per_type' = enrichment_df))
#   }
sigven/oncoEnrichR documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3:53 a.m.