
Defines functions align.pedigree

Documented in align.pedigree

## Automatically generated from all.nw using noweb

#' Generate plotting information for a pedigree
#' @description
#' Given a pedigree, this function creates helper matrices that descibe the
#' layout of a plot of the pedigree.
#' @details
#' This is an internal routine, used almost exclusively by
#' \code{plot.pedigree}.  The subservient functions \code{alignped1},
#' \code{alignped2}, \code{alignped3}, and \code{alignped4} contain the bulk of
#' the computation.
#' @param ped A pedigree object
#' @param packed Should the pedigree be compressed, i.e., to allow diagonal
#' lines connecting parents to children in order to have a smaller overall
#' width for the plot.
#' @param hints Plotting hints for the pedigree.
#' This is a list with components \code{order} and \code{spouse},
#' the second one is optional. If the hints are missing the \code{autohint}
#' routine is called to supply an initial guess.
#' The order component is a numeric vector with one element per subject in the
#' pedigree.  It determines the relative order of subjects within a sibship, as
#' well as the relative order of processing for the founder couples. (For this
#' latter, the female founders are ordered as though they were sisters). The
#' spouse component is a matrix with one row per hinted marriage, usually only
#' a few marriages in a pedigree will need an added hint, for instance reverse
#' the plot order of a husband/wife pair. Each row contains the index of the
#' left spouse, the right hand spouse, and the anchor:
#' 1 = left, 2 = right, 0 = either.
#' Children will preferentially appear under the parents of the anchored spouse.
#' @param width for a packed output, the minimum width
#' @param align for a packed pedigree, align children under parents (TRUE), to
#' the extent possible given the page width, or align to to the left margin
#' (FALSE).  The latter is mostly used by internal routines.
#' @return a structure with components
#' \item{n}{ A vector giving the number of subjects
#' on each horizonal level of the plot}
#' \item{nid}{ A matrix with one row for each level, giving the numeric id of
#' each subject plotted.
#' (An value of 17 means the 17th subject in the pedigree). }
#' \item{pos}{ A matrix giving the horizontal position of each plot point}
#' \item{fam}{ A matrix giving the family id of each plot point.
#' A value of "3" would mean that the two subjects in positions 3 and 4,
#' in the row above, are this subject's parents.}
#' \item{spouse}{ A matrix with values
#' 1 = subject plotted to the immediate right is a spouse
#' 2 = subject plotted to the immediate right is an inbred spouse
#' 0 = not a spouse }
#' \item{twins}{ Optional matrix which will only be present if the pedigree
#' contains twins :
#' 1 = sibling to the right is a monozygotic twin
#' 2 = sibling to the right is a dizygotic twin
#' 3 = sibling to the right is a twin of unknown zygosity
#' 0 = not a twin }
#' @examples
#' data(sample.ped)
#' ped <- with(sample.ped, pedigree(id, father, mother, sex, affected))
#' align.pedigree(ped)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.pedigree}}, \code{\link{autohint}}
#' @keywords dplot
#' @export align.pedigree
align.pedigree <- function(ped, packed = TRUE, width = 10, align = TRUE, hints = ped$hints) {
  if ("pedigreeList" %in% class(ped)) {
    nped <- length(unique(ped$famid))
    alignment <- vector("list", nped)
    for (i in 1:nped) {
      temp <- align.pedigree(ped[i], packed, width, align)
      alignment[[i]] <- temp$alignment
    ped$alignment <- alignment
    class(ped) <- "pedigreeListAligned"

  if (is.null(hints)) {
    hints <- try(
      silent = TRUE
    ## sometimes appears dim(ped) is empty (ped is NULL), so try fix here: (JPS 6/6/17
    if ("try-error" %in% class(hints)) hints <- list(order = seq_len(max(1, dim(ped)))) ## 1:dim(ped))
  } else {
    hints <- check.hint(hints, ped$sex)
  ## Doc: Setup-align
  n <- length(ped$id)
  dad <- ped$findex
  mom <- ped$mindex # save typing
  if (any(dad == 0 & mom > 0) || any(dad > 0 & mom == 0)) {
    stop("Everyone must have 0 parents or 2 parents, not just one")
  level <- 1 + kindepth(ped, align = TRUE)

  horder <- hints$order # relative order of siblings within a family

  if (is.null(ped$relation)) {
    relation <- NULL
  } else {
    relation <- cbind(
      as.matrix(ped$relation[, 1:2]),
      as.numeric(ped$relation[, 3])

  if (!is.null(hints$spouse)) { # start with the hints list
    tsex <- ped$sex[hints$spouse[, 1]] # sex of the left member
    spouselist <- cbind(
      0, 0, 1 + (tsex != "male"),
      hints$spouse[, 3]
    spouselist[, 1] <- ifelse(tsex == "male", hints$spouse[, 1], hints$spouse[, 2])
    spouselist[, 2] <- ifelse(tsex == "male", hints$spouse[, 2], hints$spouse[, 1])
  } else {
    spouselist <- matrix(0L, nrow = 0, ncol = 4)

  if (!is.null(relation) && any(relation[, 3] == 4)) {
    # Add spouses from the relationship matrix
    trel <- relation[relation[, 3] == 4, , drop = F]
    tsex <- ped$sex[trel[, 1]]
    trel[tsex != "male", 1:2] <- trel[tsex != "male", 2:1]
    spouselist <- rbind(spouselist, cbind(
      trel[, 1],
      trel[, 2],
      0, 0
  if (any(dad > 0 & mom > 0)) {
    # add parents
    who <- which(dad > 0 & mom > 0)
    spouselist <- rbind(spouselist, cbind(dad[who], mom[who], 0, 0))

  hash <- spouselist[, 1] * n + spouselist[, 2]
  spouselist <- spouselist[!duplicated(hash), , drop = F]

  ## Doc: Founders -align
  noparents <- (dad[spouselist[, 1]] == 0 & dad[spouselist[, 2]] == 0)
  ## Take duplicated mothers and fathers, then founder mothers
  dupmom <- spouselist[noparents, 2][duplicated(spouselist[noparents, 2])]
  ## ^Founding mothers with multiple marriages
  dupdad <- spouselist[noparents, 1][duplicated(spouselist[noparents, 1])]
  ## ^Founding fathers with multiple marriages
  foundmom <- spouselist[noparents & !(spouselist[, 1] %in% c(dupmom, dupdad)), 2] # founding mothers
  founders <- unique(c(dupmom, dupdad, foundmom))
  founders <- founders[order(horder[founders])] # use the hints to order them
  rval <- alignped1(founders[1], dad, mom, level, horder,
    packed = packed, spouselist = spouselist

  if (length(founders) > 1) {
    spouselist <- rval$spouselist
    for (i in 2:length(founders)) {
      rval2 <- alignped1(
        founders[i], dad, mom,
        level, horder, packed, spouselist
      spouselist <- rval2$spouselist
      rval <- alignped3(rval, rval2, packed)
  ## Doc: finish-align (1)
  # Unhash out the spouse and nid arrays

  nid <- matrix(as.integer(floor(rval$nid)), nrow = nrow(rval$nid))
  spouse <- 1L * (rval$nid != nid)
  maxdepth <- nrow(nid)

  # For each spouse pair, find out if it should be connected with
  #  a double line.  This is the case if they have a common ancestor
  ancestor <- function(me, momid, dadid) {
    alist <- me
    repeat {
      newlist <- c(alist, momid[alist], dadid[alist])
      newlist <- sort(unique(newlist[newlist > 0]))
      if (length(newlist) == length(alist)) break
      alist <- newlist
    alist[alist != me]
  for (i in (1:length(spouse))[spouse > 0]) {
    a1 <- ancestor(nid[i], mom, dad)
    a2 <- ancestor(nid[i + maxdepth], mom, dad) # matrices are in column order
    if (any(duplicated(c(a1, a2)))) spouse[i] <- 2
  ## Doc: finish align(2)
  if (!is.null(relation) && any(relation[, 3] < 4)) {
    twins <- 0 * nid
    who <- (relation[, 3] < 4)
    ltwin <- relation[who, 1]
    rtwin <- relation[who, 2]
    ttype <- relation[who, 3]

    # find where each of them is plotted (any twin only appears
    #   once with a family id, i.e., under their parents)
    ntemp <- ifelse(rval$fam > 0, nid, 0) # matix of connected-to-parent ids
    ltemp <- (1:length(ntemp))[match(ltwin, ntemp, nomatch = 0)]
    rtemp <- (1:length(ntemp))[match(rtwin, ntemp, nomatch = 0)]
    twins[pmin(ltemp, rtemp)] <- ttype
  } else {
    twins <- NULL
  ## Doc: finish align(3)
  if ((is.numeric(align) || align) && max(level) > 1) {
    pos <- alignped4(rval, spouse > 0, level, width, align)
  } else {
    pos <- rval$pos

  if (is.null(twins)) {
    list(n = rval$n, nid = nid, pos = pos, fam = rval$fam, spouse = spouse)
  } else {
      n = rval$n, nid = nid, pos = pos, fam = rval$fam, spouse = spouse,
      twins = twins
sinnweja/kinship2 documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:26 p.m.