
Defines functions alignped4

Documented in alignped4

# Automatically generated from all.nw using noweb
# TODO add params and example and return

#' Fourth routine alignement
#' @description
#' This is the last of the four co-routines.
#' @details
#' The alignped4 routine is the final step of alignment.  It attempts to line
#' up children under parents and put spouses and siblings `close' to each other,
#' to the extent possible within the constraints of page width.
#' The current code does necessary setup and then calls the \code{quadprog}
#' function.
#' There are two important parameters for the function:
#' One is the user specified maximum width.  The smallest possible width is the
#' maximum number of subjects on a line, if the user suggestion is too low it is
#' increased to that 1+ that amount (to give just a little wiggle room).
#' The other is a vector of 2 alignment parameters $a$ and $b$.
#' For each set of siblings ${x}$ with parents at $p_1$ and $p_2$
#' the alignment penalty is :
#' $$
#'    (1/k^a)\sum{i=1}{k} (x_i - (p_1 + p_2)^2
#' $$
#' where $k$ is the number of siblings in the set.
#' Using the fact that $\sum(x_i-c)^2 = \sum(x_i-\mu)^2 + k(c-\mu)^2$,
#' when $a=1$ then moving a sibship with $k$ sibs one unit to the left or
#' right of optimal will incur the same cost as moving one with only 1 or
#' two sibs out of place.  If $a=0$ then large sibships are harder to move
#' than small ones, with the default value $a=1.5$ they are slightly easier
#' to move than small ones.  The rationale for the default is as long as the
#' parents are somewhere between the first and last siblings the result looks
#' fairly good, so we are more flexible with the spacing of a large family.
#' By tethering all the sibs to a single spot they tend are kept close to
#' each other.
#' The alignment penalty for spouses is $b(x_1 - x_2)^2$, which tends to keep
#' them together. The size of $b$ controls the relative importance of sib-parent
#' and spouse-spouse closeness.
#' \item{ Part 1 } {We start by adding in these penalties.
#' The total number of parameters in the alignment problem
#' (what we hand to quadprog) is the set of \code{sum(n)} positions.
#' A work array myid keeps track of the parameter number for each position so
#' that it is easy to find. There is one extra penalty added at the end.
#' Because the penalty amount would be the same if all the final positions were
#' shifted by a constant, the penalty matrix will not be positive definite;
#' \code{solve.QP} does not like this.
#' We add a tiny amount of leftward pull to the widest line. }
#' \item{ Part 2 }{ If there are $k$ subjects on a line there will
#' be $k+1$ constraints for that line.  The first point must be $\ge 0$, each
#' subesquent one must be at least 1 unit to the right, and the final point
#' must be $\le$ the max width. }
#' @param rval
#' @param spouse
#' @param level
#' @param width
#' @param align
#' @return newpos
#' @examples
#' data(sample.ped)
#' ped <- with(sample.ped, pedigree(id, father, mother, sex, affected))
#' align.pedigree(ped)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.pedigree}}, \code{\link{autohint}}
#' @keywords dplot
#' @export alignped4
alignped4 <- function(rval, spouse, level, width, align) {
  ## Doc: alignped4 -part1, spacing across page
  if (is.logical(align)) align <- c(1.5, 2) # defaults
  maxlev <- nrow(rval$nid)
  width <- max(width, rval$n + .01) # width must be > the longest row

  n <- sum(rval$n) # total number of subjects
  myid <- matrix(0, maxlev, ncol(rval$nid)) # number the plotting points
  for (i in 1:maxlev) {
    myid[i, rval$nid[i, ] > 0] <- cumsum(c(0, rval$n))[i] + 1:rval$n[i]
  # There will be one penalty for each spouse and one for each child
  npenal <- sum(spouse[rval$nid > 0]) + sum(rval$fam > 0)
  pmat <- matrix(0., nrow = npenal + 1, ncol = n)

  ## Doc: alignped4 -part2
  indx <- 0
  # Penalties to keep spouses close
  for (lev in 1:maxlev) {
    if (any(spouse[lev, ])) {
      who <- which(spouse[lev, ])
      indx <- max(indx) + 1:length(who)
      pmat[cbind(indx, myid[lev, who])] <- sqrt(align[2])
      pmat[cbind(indx, myid[lev, who + 1])] <- -sqrt(align[2])

  # Penalties to keep kids close to parents
  for (lev in (1:maxlev)[-1]) { # no parents at the top level
    families <- unique(rval$fam[lev, ])
    families <- families[families != 0] # 0 is the 'no parent' marker
    for (i in families) { # might be none
      who <- which(rval$fam[lev, ] == i)
      k <- length(who)
      indx <- max(indx) + 1:k # one penalty per child
      penalty <- sqrt(k^(-align[1]))
      pmat[cbind(indx, myid[lev, who])] <- -penalty
      pmat[cbind(indx, myid[lev - 1, rval$fam[lev, who]])] <- penalty / 2
      pmat[cbind(indx, myid[lev - 1, rval$fam[lev, who] + 1])] <- penalty / 2
  maxrow <- min(which(rval$n == max(rval$n)))
  pmat[nrow(pmat), myid[maxrow, 1]] <- 1e-5
  ncon <- n + maxlev # number of constraints
  cmat <- matrix(0., nrow = ncon, ncol = n)
  coff <- 0 # cumulative constraint lines so var
  dvec <- rep(1., ncon)
  for (lev in 1:maxlev) {
    nn <- rval$n[lev]
    if (nn > 1) {
      for (i in 1:(nn - 1)) {
        cmat[coff + i, myid[lev, i + 0:1]] <- c(-1, 1)

    cmat[coff + nn, myid[lev, 1]] <- 1 # first element >=0
    dvec[coff + nn] <- 0
    cmat[coff + nn + 1, myid[lev, nn]] <- -1 # last element <= width-1
    dvec[coff + nn + 1] <- 1 - width
    coff <- coff + nn + 1

  if (exists("solve.QP")) {
    pp <- t(pmat) %*% pmat + 1e-8 * diag(ncol(pmat))
    fit <- tryCatch(
        solve.QP(pp, rep(0., n), t(cmat), dvec)
      warning = function(w) {
        message(Solve QP ended with a warning)
      error = function(e) {
        message(Solve QP ended with an error)

  } else {
    stop("Need the quadprog package")

  newpos <- rval$pos
  # fit <- lsei(pmat, rep(0, nrow(pmat)), G=cmat, H=dvec)
  # newpos[myid>0] <- fit$X[myid]
  if (length(fit) > 1) {
    newpos[myid > 0] <- fit$solution[myid]

sinnweja/kinship2 documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:26 p.m.