
#' Root class for Regression Models, e.g., CPH, logistic, and linear regression
#' @keywords data-preparation
RegressionModel <- R6Class(
  classname = "RegressionModel",
  inherit = CBRBase,
    #' @field model_params rms arguments
    model_params = list(x = T, y = T),
    #' @field weights Weights for distance calculation
    weights     = NULL,
    #' @description 
    #' Prints information of the initialized object
    print = function() {
      message("Case-Based-Reasoning based Regression Coefficients")
      message("Model     : ", paste(self$model, collapse = ", "))
      message("Endpoint  : ", paste(self$endPoint, collapse = ", "))
      message("Variables : ", paste(self$terms, collapse = ", "))
      message("Trained   : ", ifelse(is.null(self$weights), FALSE, TRUE))
    #' @description  
    #' Fast backward variable selection with penalization
    #' @param x Training data of class data.frame
    variable_selection = function(x) {
      x |>
        dplyr::select(c(self$endPoint, self$terms)) -> x
      x <- private$check_data(x)
      # train regression model
      func <- get(self$model, envir = as.environment('package:rms'))
      params <- self$model_params
      params$data <- x
      params$formula <- self$formula
      self$model_fit <- pryr::do_call(func, params)
      # Variable Selection
      vars <- rms::fastbw(fit = self$model_fit, type = "i")
      selected_vars <- c(self$endPoint, self$terms)
    #' @description 
    #' Fit the RandomForest
    #' @param x Training data of class data.frame
    fit = function() {
      self$data |>
        dplyr::select(c(self$endPoint, self$terms)) -> train_tbl
      train_tbl <- private$check_data(train_tbl)
      # train regression model
      func <- get(self$model, envir = as.environment('package:rms'))
      params <- self$model_params
      params$data <- train_tbl
      params$formula <- self$formula
      self$model_fit <- pryr::do_call(func, params)
      nVars <- length(self$terms) 
      weights <- vector("list", nVars)
      names(weights) <- self$terms
      # get weights
      for (i in 1:nVars) {
        if (is.factor(train_tbl[[self$terms[i]]])) {
          nLev <- nlevels(train_tbl[[self$terms[i]]])
          weightsTmp <- rep(NA, times = nLev)
          names(weightsTmp) <- levels(train_tbl[[self$terms[i]]])
          for (j in 1:nLev) {
            myLevel <- paste(self$terms[i], "=", levels(train_tbl[[self$terms[i]]])[j], sep="")
            if (j==1) {
              weightsTmp[j] <- 0
            } else {
              weightsTmp[j] <- self$model_fit$coefficients[myLevel]
          weights[[i]] <- weightsTmp
        } else {  # else numeric
          myLevel <- paste(self$terms[i])
          weights[[i]] <- self$model_fit$coefficients[myLevel]
      self$weights <- weights
  private = list(
    # check weights on NA
    check_weights = function() {
      wNA <- unlist(lapply(self$weights, function(x) any(is.na(x))))
      if (any(wNA)) {
        warning(paste0("Variables: ", names(wNA)[which(wNA)], " have NA weights.\n"))
    # transform_data:
    # we transform all factors to their corresponding
    # weights and set weight equal to 1 for factor variables
    transform_data = function(queryData, dtData, learnVars, weights) {
      nVars <- length(learnVars)
      trafoWeights <- rep(0, nVars)
      for (j in 1:nVars) {
        if (is.factor(dtData[[learnVars[j]]])) {
          if (!is.null(queryData)) {
            queryData[[learnVars[j]]] <- weights[[learnVars[j]]][queryData[[learnVars[j]]]]
          dtData[[learnVars[j]]] <- weights[[learnVars[j]]][dtData[[learnVars[j]]]]
          trafoWeights[j] <- 1
        } else { # else keep weights
          trafoWeights[j] <- weights[[learnVars[j]]]
      names(trafoWeights) <- NULL
      if(is.null(queryData)) {
        queryData <- NULL
      } else {
        queryData <- unname(as.matrix(queryData[, learnVars, with=F]))
      return(list(queryData    = queryData,
                  data         = unname(as.matrix(dtData[, learnVars, with=F])),
                  trafoWeights = trafoWeights))
    # calculate weighted absolute distance 
    get_distance_matrix=function(query = NULL) {
      # learn if weights are empty
      testthat::expect_is(self$weights, "list", info = "Model not trained")
      testthat::expect_false(private$check_weights(), info = "NA values in regression beta coefficients!")
      # transform for weighted distance calculations
      training_data_list <- private$transform_data(queryData = query,  
                                                   dtData    = self$data, 
                                                   learnVars = self$terms, 
                                                   weights   = self$weights)
      # calculate distance matrix
      self$distMat <- weightedDistance(x       = training_data_list$data, 
                                       y       = training_data_list$queryData, 
                                       weights = training_data_list$trafoWeights) |> 

#' Cox-Beta Model for Case-Based-Reasoning
#' Regression beta coefficients obtained from a CPH regression model fitted on the 
#' training data are used for building a weighted distance measure between
#' train and test data. Afterwards, we will use these weights for calculating a 
#' (n x m)-distance matrix, where n is the number of observations in the training data, 
#' and m is the number of observations of the test data. The user can use this 
#' distance matrix for further cluster analysis or for extracting for each test observation 
#' k (= 1,...,l) similar cases from the train data. We use the rms-package for model fitting,
#' variable selection, and checking model assumptions.
#' If the user omits the test data, this functions returns a n x n-distance matrix.
#' @export
CoxModel <- R6Class(
  classname = "CoxModel",
  inherit   = RegressionModel,
  public    = list(
    #' @field model the statistical model
    model        = 'cph',
    #' @field model_params rms arguments
    model_params = list(x = T, y = T, surv = T),
    #' @description 
    #' Check proportional hazard assumption graphically
    check_ph=function() {
      # learn if weights are empty
      testthat::expect_is(self$weights, "list", info = "The model is not trained.")
      n <- length(self$terms)
      ggPlot <- list()
      zph <- survival::cox.zph(self$model_fit, "rank")
      for (i in 1:n) {
        df <- data.frame(x=zph$x, y=zph$y[, i])
        g <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
          ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=0, colour="grey") +
          ggplot2::geom_point() +
          ggplot2::geom_smooth(color="#18BC9C", fill="#18BC9C") +
          ggplot2::ylab(paste0("Beta(t) of ", self$terms[i])) +
          ggplot2::xlab("Time to Event") +
          cowplot::background_grid(major="xy", minor="xy")
        ggPlot <- c(ggPlot, list(g))
      return(cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = ggPlot,
                                ncol     = 2))

#' Linear Regression Model for Case-Based-Reasoning
#' @export
LinearModel <- R6Class(
  classname = "LinearModel",
  inherit   = RegressionModel,
  public    = list(
    #' @field model the statistical model
    model       = 'ols'

#' Logistic Regression Model for Case-Based-Reasoning
#' @export
LogisticModel <- R6Class(
  classname = "LogisticModel",
  inherit   = RegressionModel,
  public    = list(
    #' @field model the statistical model
    model       = 'lrm'
sipemu/case-based-reasoning documentation built on May 20, 2024, 11:18 p.m.