#' @title Rephase 1D NMR data
#' @description
#' Use phasing algorithms to rephase data in the spectral domain.
#' This function may improve autophasing processing from instrument vendors. It
#' wraps the [NMRphasing::NMRphasing()] function, to automatically rephase spectra,
#' allowing you to choose from a number of algorithms
#' of which `NLS`, `MPC_DANM` and `SPC_DANM` are the most recent.
#' Rephasing should happen before any spectra interpolation.
#' Please use the `all_components = TRUE` when calling [nmr_read_samples()] in order
#' to load the complex spectra and fix NMR phasing correctly.
#' @param dataset An [nmr_dataset] object
#' @param method The autophasing method. See [NMRphasing::NMRphasing()] for details.
#' @param withBC `NMRphasing::NMRphasing` may perform a baseline correction using modified polynomial fitting. By default
#' AlpsNMR offers other baseline estimation methods and better visualization of its effect, so AlpsNMR by default
#' disables the baseline correction offered by NMRphasing.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed on to [NMRphasing::NMRphasing()].
#' @return A (hopefully better phased) [nmr_dataset] object, with updated real and imaginary parts.
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("NMRphasing", quietly=TRUE)) {
#' # Helpers to create a dataset:
#' lorentzian <- function(x, x0, gamma, A) {
#' A * (1 / (pi * gamma)) * ((gamma^2) / ((x - x0)^2 + gamma^2))
#' }
#' x <- seq(from=1, to=2, length.out = 300)
#' y <- lorentzian(x, 1.3, 0.01, 1) + lorentzian(x, 1.6, 0.01, 1)
#' dataset <- new_nmr_dataset(
#' metadata = list(external = data.frame(NMRExperiment = "10")),
#' data_fields = list(data_1r = list(y)),
#' axis = list(list(x))
#' )
#' # Autophase, interpolate and plot:
#' dataset <- nmr_autophase(dataset, method = "NLS")
#' dataset <- nmr_interpolate_1D(dataset, axis = c(min = 1, max = 2, by = 0.01))
#' plot(dataset)
#' }
#' @export
nmr_autophase <- function(dataset,
method = c("NLS", "MPC_DANM", "MPC_EMP", "SPC_DANM", "SPC_EMP", "SPC_AAM", "SPC_DSM"),
withBC = FALSE, ...) {
if (!"data_1i" %in% names(c(dataset))) {
"!" = "nmr_autophase() performs better with access to the whole complex NMR spectra",
"i" = "Please read the dataset using {.code all_components=TRUE}.",
"i" = "See {.fun AlpsNMR::nmr_autophase} for a full example"
if (inherits(dataset, "nmr_dataset_1D")) {
"x" = "nmr_autophase() expects non-interpolated spectra",
"i" = "Please use nmr_autophase() before calling nmr_interpolate_1D()",
"i" = "See {.fun AlpsNMR::nmr_autophase} for a full example"
method <- match.arg(method)
real_list_of_spectra <- dataset$data_1r
imag_list_of_spectra <- dataset$data_1i
absorptionOnly <- FALSE
if (is.null(imag_list_of_spectra)) {
imag_list_of_spectra <- vector(mode="list", length=dataset$num_samples)
} else {
any_imag_missing <- purrr::map_lgl(imag_list_of_spectra, is.null)
any_imag_missing <- any_imag_missing[any_imag_missing]
if (length(any_imag_missing) > 0) {
if (length(any_imag_missing < 7)) {
miss_sample_names <- paste0(names(any_imag_missing), collapse = ", ")
msg <- "Samples without imaginary component: {miss_sample_names}"
} else {
miss_sample_names <- paste0(names(utils::head(any_imag_missing, n=5)), collapse = ", ")
msg <- "Samples without imaginary component: {miss_sample_names} and {length(any_imag_missing)-5} more"
"!" = "{length(any_imag_missing)}/{dataset$num_samples} samples have a missing imaginary spectrum",
"i" = msg,
"i" = "Estimating autophase using only the absorption"
real_imag_lists <- BiocParallel::bpmapply(
FUN = function(real, imag, ...) {
if (!is.null(imag)) {
absorptionOnly <- FALSE
to_phase <- complex(
real = real,
imaginary = imag
} else {
absorptionOnly <- TRUE
to_phase <- real
phased <- NMRphasing::NMRphasing(to_phase, absorptionOnly = TRUE, ...)
list(real = Re(phased), imag = Im(phased))
real_list_of_spectra, imag_list_of_spectra,
MoreArgs = list(method = method, withBC = withBC, ...),
dataset[["data_1r"]] <- purrr::map(real_imag_lists, "real")
if ("data_1i" %in% c(dataset)) {
dataset[["data_1i"]] <- purrr::map(real_imag_lists, "imag")
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