
Defines functions nmr_build_peak_table nmr_peak_clustering_plot estimate_num_clusters get_max_dist_ppb_for_num_clusters nmr_peak_clustering nmr_get_peak_distances set_peak_distances_within_groups peak2peak_distance mahalanobis_distance

Documented in nmr_build_peak_table nmr_get_peak_distances nmr_peak_clustering nmr_peak_clustering_plot

# Mahalanobis distance:
# https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/81710/62083
mahalanobis_distance <- function(x) {
    covmat <- stats::cov(x)
    dec <- chol(covmat)
    tmp <- forwardsolve(t(dec), t(x))
    colnames(tmp) <- rownames(x)

peak2peak_distance <- function(peak_matrix, distance_method = "euclidean") {
        "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
        "binary", "minkowski"
    if (distance_method %in% STATS_METHODS) {
        peak2peak_dist <- stats::dist(peak_matrix, method = distance_method)
    } else if (distance_method == "sd_scaled_euclidean") {
        peak_matrix_scaled <- scale(peak_matrix, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)
        peak2peak_dist <- stats::dist(peak_matrix_scaled, method = "euclidean")
    } else if (distance_method == "mahalanobis") {
        peak2peak_dist <- mahalanobis_distance(peak_matrix)
    } else {
        stop(sprintf("Unsupported distance %s", distance_method))

#' Override peak distances to infinity
#' This function receives a distance matrix and a list of peak groups. Each group
#' consists of peaks that should not be grouped as the same peak (for instance because
#' they belong to the same sample). For each group, we set the distance between
#' all its peaks to infinity.
#' @noRd
#' @param dist_matrix A square matrix, where `dist_matrix[i,j]` is the distance
#'  from peak `i` to peak `j`. The matrix must have as row names and column names
#'  unique peak names.
#' @param peak_groups A list, where each element is a character vector with peak names
#' @param value `Inf` by default, but you could set to any other value
#' @return An object of class "dist". See [stats::dist].
set_peak_distances_within_groups <- function(dist_matrix, peak_groups, value = Inf) {
    # Set distances from pairs of peaks belonging to the same sample to Inf,
    # so they are never in the same cluster
    dist_matrix <- as.matrix(dist_matrix)
    for (peak_ids in peak_groups) {
        for (peak_i in peak_ids) {
            dist_matrix[peak_i, peak_ids] <- value
            dist_matrix[peak_ids, peak_i] <- value
            dist_matrix[peak_i, peak_i] <- 0

#' Compute peak to peak distances
#' @param peak_data A peak list
#' @param same_sample_dist_factor The distance between two peaks from the same
#' sample are set to this factor multiplied by the maximum of all the peak distances
#' @return A dist object with the peak2peak distances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' peak_data <- data.frame(
#'     NMRExperiment = c("10", "10", "20", "20"),
#'     peak_id = paste0("Peak", 1:4),
#'     ppm = c(1, 2, 1.1, 3)
#' )
#' peak2peak_dist <- nmr_get_peak_distances(peak_data)
#' stopifnot(abs(as.numeric(peak2peak_dist) - c(6, 0.1, 2, 0.9, 1, 6)) < 1E-8)
nmr_get_peak_distances <- function(peak_data, same_sample_dist_factor = 3) {
    peak_matrix <- matrix(peak_data$ppm, ncol = 1)
    rownames(peak_matrix) <- peak_data$peak_id
    peak2peak_dist <- peak2peak_distance(peak_matrix, distance_method = "euclidean")
    peak_groups <- peak_data %>%
        dplyr::select("NMRExperiment", "peak_id") %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$NMRExperiment) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(peak_groups = list(.data$peak_id)) %>%
    max_dist <- max(peak2peak_dist)
    peak2peak_dist <- set_peak_distances_within_groups(
        dist_matrix = peak2peak_dist,
        peak_groups = peak_groups,
        value = same_sample_dist_factor * max_dist

#' Peak clustering
#' @param peak_data The peak list
#' @param peak2peak_dist The distances obtained with [nmr_get_peak_distances].
#'  If NULL it is computed from `peak_data`
#' @param num_clusters If you want to fix the number of clusters. Leave `NULL` if you want to estimate it
#' @param max_dist_thresh_ppb To estimate the number of clusters, we enforce a limit on how far two peaks of the same cluster may be. By default
#' this threshold will be computed as 3 times the median peak width (gamma), as given in the peak list.
#' @param verbose A logical vector to print additional information
#' @return A list including:
#'  - The `peak_data` with an additional "cluster" column
#'  - cluster: the hierarchical cluster
#'  -  num_clusters: an estimation of the number of clusters
#'  -  num_cluster_estimation: A list with tables and plots to justify the number of cluster estimation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' peak_data <- data.frame(
#'     NMRExperiment = c("10", "10", "20", "20"),
#'     peak_id = paste0("Peak", 1:4),
#'     ppm = c(1, 2, 1.1, 2.2),
#'     gamma_ppb = 100
#' )
#' clustering_result <- nmr_peak_clustering(peak_data)
#' peak_data <- clustering_result$peak_data
#' stopifnot("cluster" %in% colnames(peak_data))
nmr_peak_clustering <- function(peak_data, peak2peak_dist = NULL, num_clusters = NULL, max_dist_thresh_ppb = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(peak2peak_dist)) {
        peak2peak_dist <- nmr_get_peak_distances(peak_data)
    num_cluster_estimation <- NULL
    cluster <- stats::hclust(d = peak2peak_dist, method = "complete")
    if (is.null(num_clusters)) {
        if (is.null(max_dist_thresh_ppb)) {
            max_dist_thresh_ppb <- signif(3 * stats::median(peak_data$gamma_ppb), digits = 2)
            if (verbose) {
                rlang::inform(c("i" = glue("The maximum distance between two peaks in the same cluster is of {max_dist_thresh_ppb} ppbs")))
        num_cluster_estimation <- estimate_num_clusters(
            peak_list = peak_data,
            cluster = cluster,
            max_dist_thresh_ppb = max_dist_thresh_ppb
        num_clusters <- num_cluster_estimation$num_clusters
    peak_data$cluster <- stats::cutree(cluster, k = num_clusters)

    # Estimate the ppm_ref
    # The digits are at least four. However if the max_dist_thresh is very small
    # then we need ppm references with more resolution as well.
    if (!is.null(max_dist_thresh_ppb)) {
        digits_for_ppmref <- min(4, 3 - floor(log10(max_dist_thresh_ppb)) + 1)
    } else {
        digits_for_ppmref <- 4
    peak_data <- peak_data %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$cluster) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ppm_ref = round(stats::median(.data$ppm), !!digits_for_ppmref)) %>%

    wrong_clusters <- peak_data %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$NMRExperiment, .data$ppm_ref) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(num_peaks = dplyr::n(), peak_ids = list(.data$peak_id), .groups = "drop") %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$num_peaks > 1L)

    if (nrow(wrong_clusters) > 0) {
        wrong_peak_ids <- purrr::flatten_chr(wrong_clusters$peak_ids)
            message = c(
                glue("Ambiguity detected in the peak clustering affecting {length(wrong_peak_ids)} out of {nrow(peak_data)} peaks in the dataset"),
                "i" = "Some samples have more than one peak in the same cluster.",
                "i" = "This may indicate either a too small number of clusters or some false peaks in the peak table",
                "i" = "As a workaround, we have removed all those problematic peaks",
                "i" = "You can recover some of the problematic peaks exploring the wrong_clusters or excluded_peaks, or decide to proceed without them."
        excluded_peaks <- dplyr::filter(peak_data, .data$peak_id %in% wrong_peak_ids)
        peak_data <- dplyr::filter(peak_data, !.data$peak_id %in% wrong_peak_ids)
    } else {
        excluded_peaks <- NULL

        peak_data = peak_data,
        cluster = cluster,
        num_clusters = num_clusters,
        num_cluster_estimation = num_cluster_estimation,
        wrong_clusters = wrong_clusters,
        excluded_peaks = excluded_peaks

#' @param num_clusters: A numeric vector with candidates for the number of clusters to choose
#' @param peak_list: A data frame with peaks, including "peak_id" and "ppm" columns
#' @param cluster: The outcome of the hierarchical clustering
#' @param max_dist_thresh_ppb, the maximum distance allowed within a cluster
#' @return A data frame with two columns: The given num_clusters and the maximum measured cluster size within
#'         clusters
#' @noRd
get_max_dist_ppb_for_num_clusters <- function(num_clusters, peak_list, cluster, max_dist_thresh_ppb) {
    peak_assignments <- stats::cutree(cluster, k = num_clusters)
    peak_assignments <- peak_assignments[peak_list$peak_id, ]
    peak_list$cluster <- NULL
    max_dist_ppbs <- numeric(length(num_clusters))
    break_in <- NULL
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(peak_assignments))) {
        peak_list$cluster <- peak_assignments[, i]
        max_dist_ppm <- peak_list %>%
            dplyr::group_by(.data$cluster) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(max_dist = max(.data$ppm) - min(.data$ppm), .groups = "drop") %>%
            dplyr::pull("max_dist") %>%
        max_dist_ppbs[i] <- 1000 * max_dist_ppm
        if (!is.null(max_dist_thresh_ppb) && is.null(break_in) && max_dist_ppbs[i] < max_dist_thresh_ppb) {
            break_in <- i + 10
        if (!is.null(break_in) && i > break_in) {
        num_clusters = num_clusters[seq_len(i)],
        max_distance_ppb = max_dist_ppbs[seq_len(i)]

#' @param peak_list A peak list with NMRExperiment, peak_id and ppm columsn (at least)
#' @param cluster The result of the clustering
#' @param max_dist_thresh_ppb The maximum distance allowed within two peaks in a cluster
#' @noRd
estimate_num_clusters <- function(peak_list, cluster, max_dist_thresh_ppb) {
    peaks_per_sample <- peak_list %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$NMRExperiment) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(n = dplyr::n()) %>%
    min_clusters_to_test <- max(peaks_per_sample)
    max_clusters_to_test <- sum(peaks_per_sample)
    if ((max_clusters_to_test - min_clusters_to_test) > 20) {
        num_clusters_coarse <- seq.int(from = max(peaks_per_sample), to = sum(peaks_per_sample), by = 10)
    } else {
        num_clusters_coarse <- seq.int(from = max(peaks_per_sample), to = sum(peaks_per_sample), by = 1)
    clust_dist <- get_max_dist_ppb_for_num_clusters(num_clusters_coarse, peak_list, cluster, max_dist_thresh_ppb)
    num_clusters <- clust_dist$num_clusters[clust_dist$max_distance_ppb < max_dist_thresh_ppb][1]
    # Refine:
    num_clusters_fine <- seq.int(
        from = max(min_clusters_to_test, num_clusters - 19),
        to = min(max_clusters_to_test, num_clusters + 11)
    clust_dist2 <- get_max_dist_ppb_for_num_clusters(num_clusters_fine, peak_list, cluster, max_dist_thresh_ppb = NULL)
    # Combine:
    num_clusters_vs_max_distance <- dplyr::bind_rows(clust_dist, clust_dist2) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(num_clusters) %>%
    num_clusters <- num_clusters_vs_max_distance %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$max_distance_ppb < !!max_dist_thresh_ppb) %>%
    gplt <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$num_clusters, y = .data$max_distance_ppb), data = num_clusters_vs_max_distance, na.rm = TRUE) +
        ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = max_dist_thresh_ppb, color = "gray") +
        ggplot2::labs(x = "Number of clusters", y = "Max distance within cluster (ppb)")
    if (length(num_clusters) == 0) {
                "Can't find a suitable number of clusters",
                "Probably the distance threshold is too small",
                "i" = "Please consider increasing the threshold of the maximum distance",
                "i" = glue("Current threshold is max_dist_thresh_ppb={max_dist_thresh_ppb} ppb.)"),
                "i" = "Remember that the distance is given in ppbs, so a maximum distance of 0.1ppm would be given as 100.",
                "i" = "Use `rlang::last_error()$plot` to see a plot showing the maximum distance vs the number of clusters explored and guide you"
            plot = gplt
    num_clusters <- num_clusters[1]
    gplt <- gplt +
        ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = num_clusters, color = "red")
        num_clusters = num_clusters,
        table = num_clusters_vs_max_distance,
        max_dist_thresh_ppb = max_dist_thresh_ppb,
        plot = gplt

#' Plot clustering results
#' @param dataset The [nmr_dataset_1D] object
#' @param peak_list_clustered A peak list table with a clustered column
#' @param NMRExperiments Two and only two experiments to compare in the plot
#' @param chemshift_range A region, make it so it does not cover a huge range (maybe 1ppm or less)
#' @param baselineThresh If given (as returned from the `nmr_baseline_threshold()`) the
#'  baseline threshold will be plotted. This can be useful to diagnose whether a peak is missing due to
#'  this threshold or due to other parameters (e.g. `SNR.Th`). See `nmr_detect_peaks()`.
#' @return A plot of the two experiments in the given chemshift range, with
#'  lines connecting peaks identified as the same and dots showing peaks without pairs
#' @export
nmr_peak_clustering_plot <- function(dataset, peak_list_clustered, NMRExperiments, chemshift_range, baselineThresh = NULL) {
    if (length(NMRExperiments) != 2) {
        rlang::abort("Please provide 2 and only 2 NMRExperiments")

    tidy_data <- tidy_spectra_baseline_and_threshold(
        dataset = dataset,
        thresholds = baselineThresh,
        chemshift_range = chemshift_range,
        NMRExperiment = NMRExperiments
    spectra <- tidy_data$spectra
    thresholds <- tidy_data$thresholds

    offset_for_plotting <- 0.2 * diff(range(spectra$intensity))
    spec_rows_2 <- spectra$NMRExperiment == NMRExperiments[2]
    spectra$intensity[spec_rows_2] <- spectra$intensity[spec_rows_2] + offset_for_plotting

    if (!is.null(thresholds)) {
        thresh_rows_2 <- thresholds$NMRExperiment == NMRExperiments[2]
        thresholds$intensity[thresh_rows_2] <- thresholds$intensity[thresh_rows_2] + offset_for_plotting

    peak_list_clustered2 <- dplyr::filter(
        .data$NMRExperiment %in% !!NMRExperiments,
        .data$ppm > min(!!chemshift_range),
        .data$ppm < max(!!chemshift_range)

    plc_rows_2 <- peak_list_clustered2$NMRExperiment == NMRExperiments[2]
    peak_list_clustered2$intensity_raw[plc_rows_2] <- peak_list_clustered2$intensity_raw[plc_rows_2] + offset_for_plotting

    for_segments <- dplyr::full_join(
        peak_list_clustered2 %>%
            dplyr::filter(.data$NMRExperiment == !!NMRExperiments[1]) %>%
            dplyr::select("NMRExperiment", "ppm", "intensity_raw", "cluster", "area"),
        peak_list_clustered2 %>%
            dplyr::filter(.data$NMRExperiment == !!NMRExperiments[2]) %>%
            dplyr::select("NMRExperiment", "ppm", "intensity_raw", "cluster", "area"),
        by = "cluster"

    only_on_1 <- for_segments %>% filter(is.na(.data$NMRExperiment.y))
    only_on_2 <- for_segments %>% filter(is.na(.data$NMRExperiment.x))
    for_segments_12 <- for_segments %>% filter(!is.na(.data$NMRExperiment.x), !is.na(.data$NMRExperiment.y))

    geom_txt <- get_geom_text()
    gplt <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
        # The spectra:
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$chemshift, y = .data$intensity, color = .data$NMRExperiment), data = spectra) +
        ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = c(0, offset_for_plotting), color = "gray")

    if (!is.null(thresholds)) {
        gplt <- gplt +
            ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$chemshift, y = .data$intensity, color = .data$NMRExperiment), data = thresholds, linetype = "dashed")

    gplt <- gplt +
        # Peaks not detected on sample 2
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.x, y = .data$intensity_raw.x), data = only_on_1) +
        geom_txt(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.x, y = .data$intensity_raw.x, color = .data$NMRExperiment.x, label = signif(.data$area.x, 4)), data = only_on_1) +

        # Peaks not detected on sample 1
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.y, y = .data$intensity_raw.y), data = only_on_2) +
        geom_txt(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.y, y = .data$intensity_raw.y, color = .data$NMRExperiment.y, label = signif(.data$area.y, 4)), data = only_on_2) +

        # Peaks detected in both samples:
        ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.x, y = .data$intensity_raw.x, xend = .data$ppm.y, yend = .data$intensity_raw.y), data = for_segments_12) +
        geom_txt(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.x, y = .data$intensity_raw.x, color = .data$NMRExperiment.x, label = signif(.data$area.x, 4)), data = for_segments_12) +
        geom_txt(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm.y, y = .data$intensity_raw.y, color = .data$NMRExperiment.y, label = signif(.data$area.y, 4)), data = for_segments_12) +

        # Plot options:
        ggplot2::scale_x_reverse() +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_number(scale_cut = scales::cut_si(""))) +
        ggplot2::labs(x = "Chemical shift (ppm)", y = "Intensity")

#' Build a peak table from the clustered peak list
#' @param peak_data A peak list, with the cluster column
#' @param dataset A [nmr_dataset_1D] object, to get the metadata
#' @return An [nmr_dataset_peak_table], containing the peak table and the annotations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' peak_data <- data.frame(
#'     NMRExperiment = c("10", "10", "20", "20"),
#'     peak_id = paste0("Peak", 1:4),
#'     ppm = c(1, 2, 1.1, 2.1),
#'     area = c(10, 20, 12, 22)
#' )
#' clustering_result <- nmr_peak_clustering(peak_data, num_clusters = 2)
#' peak_data <- clustering_result$peak_data
#' peak_table <- nmr_build_peak_table(peak_data)
#' stopifnot(ncol(peak_table) == 2)
nmr_build_peak_table <- function(peak_data, dataset = NULL) {
    if (!"cluster" %in% colnames(peak_data)) {
        stop("Please run nmr_peak_clustering() first")

    peak_table <- peak_data %>%
        dplyr::select("NMRExperiment", "ppm_ref", "area") %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ppm_ref = format(.data$ppm_ref)) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "ppm_ref", values_from = "area") %>%
        tibble::column_to_rownames("NMRExperiment") %>%

    ppm_ref_sorted <- stringr::str_sort(colnames(peak_table), numeric = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(dataset)) {
        external_meta <- nmr_meta_get(dataset, groups = "external")
        peak_table <- peak_table[external_meta$NMRExperiment, ppm_ref_sorted, drop = FALSE]
            peak_table = peak_table,
            metadata = list(external = external_meta)
    } else {
        nmr_exp <- stringr::str_sort(unique(peak_data$NMRExperiment), numeric = TRUE)
            peak_table = peak_table[nmr_exp, ppm_ref_sorted, drop = FALSE],
            metadata = list(external = data.frame(NMRExperiment = nmr_exp))
sipss/AlpsNMR documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 5:11 p.m.