
Defines functions local_distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat local_distance_depth_function.matrix local_distance_depth_function distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat distance_depth_function.matrix distance_depth_function top_curves_to_points.grouped_df top_curves_to_points.list top_curves_to_points quantile_curves_to_points.grouped_df quantile_curves_to_points.list quantile_curves_to_points compare_new_to_rest_via_distance

Documented in compare_new_to_rest_via_distance distance_depth_function distance_depth_function.matrix distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat local_distance_depth_function local_distance_depth_function.matrix local_distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat quantile_curves_to_points quantile_curves_to_points.grouped_df quantile_curves_to_points.list top_curves_to_points top_curves_to_points.grouped_df top_curves_to_points.list

#' Title
#' @param tdmat must be a \code{tidy_dist_mat} object
#' @param new_name_id data.frame containing which rownames of the \code{tdmat}
#' are associated with the new observations. Note that this data.frame must
#' be of the same format as \code{rownames(tdmat)}.
#' @param distance_func distance function to calculates some type of ordering
#' between observations with the distance matrix. This package currently
#' provides 3 functions for this:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{distance_psudeo_density_function}}
#'   \item{\code{distance_depth_function}}
#'   \item{\code{local_distance_depth_function}}
#' }
#' If you are trying to make your own, please see examples of these methods for
#' the \code{tidy_dist_mat} class. It's minimum required parameters are \code{x}
#' \code{x_new=NULL}, \code{df_out}. And get's passed \code{...}
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the dist_func
#' @param df_out indicates if one should return a data.frame or a list,
#' by default returns data.frame.
#' @return returns either a data.frame with information about quantile score 
#' value for new observations, the proportion of the simulations that have more 
#' extreme values than it and the observations names (if df_out = T), else it 
#' returns a list of quatile scores and proportion of simulations that had more
#' extreme values than it.
#' @export
compare_new_to_rest_via_distance <- function(tdmat, 
                                             new_name_id = data.frame(id = "true observation"), 
                                             distance_func = distance_psuedo_density_function, 
                                             ..., df_out = T){
  tdmat_small <- tdmat[not(new_name_id)]
  ranking_original <- distance_func(tdmat_small, ..., df_out = F)
  tdmat_selected <- tdmat[new_name_id, not(new_name_id)]
  new_ranking <- distance_func(x = tdmat_small, x_new = tdmat_selected, ..., 
                               df_out = df_out)
  if (df_out){
    output_column_name <- names(new_ranking)[!(names(new_ranking) %in% names(rownames(tdmat_selected)))]
    new_ranking$proportion_above <- sapply(new_ranking[output_column_name], 
                                           function(x_val) {
                                             mean(x_val > ranking_original)})
  } else {
    proportion_above <- sapply(new_ranking, function(x_val) {
      mean(x_val > ranking_original)})
    output <- list("new_ranking" = new_ranking,
                   "proportion_above" = proportion_above)

#' Pull top (1-alpha)\% quantile percent of curves points.
#' pulling out data points from curves that are ranked highest based on quantile
#' function.
#' @details This function for lists (renamed as \code{depth_curves_to_points})
#'   is shared with \pkg{TCpredictionbands} on github:
#'   \href{https://github.com/Mr8ND/TC-prediction-bands/tree/master/TCpredictionbands}{TCpredictionbands}.
#' @param x list or grouped_df containing curves, with index ordering associated
#'   with the dist_mat's row ordering
#' @param alpha the proportion of curves to be removed before presenting all the
#'   points together. Takes value in [0, 1.0].
#' @param dist_mat distance matrix
#' @param dist_func function to calculate quantiles via the distance_matrix
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the dist_func
#' @return data frame from curves of the top values associated with the
#'   \code{dist_func}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' set.seed(1)
#' random_data_list <- lapply(1:5, function(x){data.frame(matrix(rnorm(10),
#'                                                               ncol = 2))})
#' dist_mat <- dist_matrix_innersq_direction(random_data_list,
#'                                 position = 1:2,
#'                                 verbose = FALSE)
#' combined_points_list <- quantile_curves_to_points(random_data_list,
#'                                                alpha = .2,
#'                                                dist_mat)
#' random_data_grouped <- random_data_list %>%
#'   do.call(rbind, .) %>%
#'   mutate(id = rep(1:5, each = 5)) %>%
#'   group_by(id)
#' combined_points_grouped <- quantile_curves_to_points(random_data_grouped,
#'                                                   alpha = .2,
#'                                                   dist_mat)
quantile_curves_to_points <- function(x, alpha, dist_mat,
                                   dist_func = distance_depth_function,

#' @rdname quantile_curves_to_points
#' @export
quantile_curves_to_points.list <- function(x, alpha, dist_mat,
                                           dist_func = distance_depth_function,
  depth_vector <- dist_func(dist_mat, ...)
  deep_idx <- which(depth_vector > stats::quantile(depth_vector, probs = alpha))

  updated_df <- do.call(rbind, x[deep_idx])


#' @rdname quantile_curves_to_points
#' @export
quantile_curves_to_points.grouped_df <- function(x, alpha, dist_mat,
                                          dist_func = distance_depth_function,
  depth_vector <- dist_func(dist_mat, ...)

  updated_df <- x %>% tidyr::nest() %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(depth = depth_vector) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$depth >
                    stats::quantile(depth_vector, probs = alpha)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$depth) %>%
    tidyr::unnest(cols = dplyr::everything())


#' Pull the points from the top (1-alpha)\% percent of curves.
#' pulling out data points from curves that are ranked highest based on quantile
#' function.
#' @param x list or grouped_df containing curves, with index ordering associated
#'   with the \code{x_names_df} and \code{rownames} of \code{tidy_dm}
#' @param alpha the proportion of curves to be removed before presenting all the
#'   points together. Takes value in [0, 1.0].
#' @param tidy_dm a \code{tidy_dist_mat} distance matrix
#' @param quantile_func function to calculate quantiles via the distance_matrix,
#'   we now expect this function to handle \code{tidy_dist_mat} objects and have
#'   a parameter called \code{df_out} which we can set as true. See
#'   \code{distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat} for an example.
#' @param x_names_df Only used when x is a list. Group structure associated with
#'   the ordering of the items in the list \code{x}. Assume the naming structure
#'   for \code{tidy_dm} is the same as this data frame (can have different
#'   ordering).
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the \code{quantile_func}.
#'   Please also see details for more information.
#' @return data frame from curves of the top values associated with the
#'   \code{quantile_func}
#' @details  See \code{\link{top_curves_to_points.list}} and
#'   \code{\link{top_curves_to_points.grouped_df}} for more details and
#'   commentary on expected parameters. \code{\link{top_curves_to_points.list}}
#'   requires an additional parameter - \code{x_names_df}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' set.seed(1)
#' random_data_list <- lapply(1:5, function(x){data.frame(matrix(rnorm(10),
#'                                                               ncol = 2))})
#' dist_mat <- dist_matrix_innersq_direction(random_data_list,
#'                                 position = 1:2,
#'                                 verbose = FALSE)
#' combined_points_list <- quantile_curves_to_points(random_data_list,
#'                                                alpha = .2,
#'                                                dist_mat)
#' random_data_grouped <- random_data_list %>%
#'   do.call(rbind, .) %>%
#'   mutate(id = rep(1:5, each = 5)) %>%
#'   group_by(id)
#' combined_points_grouped <- quantile_curves_to_points(random_data_grouped,
#'                                                   alpha = .2,
#'                                                   dist_mat)
top_curves_to_points <- function(x, alpha,
                                 quantile_func = distance_depth_function,
                                 x_names_df = NULL,

#' Pull the points from the top (1-alpha)\% percent of curves (LIST)
#' pulling out data points from curves that are ranked highest based on quantile
#' function.
#' @param x list containing curves, with index ordering associated
#'   with the \code{x_names_df} and \code{rownames} of \code{tidy_dm}
#' @param alpha the proportion of curves to be removed before presenting all the
#'   points together. Takes value in [0, 1.0].
#' @param tidy_dm a \code{tidy_dist_mat} distance matrix
#' @param quantile_func function to calculate quantiles via the distance_matrix,
#'   we now expect this function to handle \code{tidy_dist_mat} objects and have
#'   a parameter called \code{df_out} which we can set as true. See
#'   \code{distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat} for an example.
#' @param x_names_df group structure associated with the ordering of the items
#'   in the list \code{x}. Assume the naming structure for \code{tidy_dm} is
#'   the same as this data frame (can have different ordering).
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the \code{quantile_func}.
#'   Please also see details for more information.

#' @return data frame from curves of the top values associated with the
#'   \code{quantile_func}
#' @export
top_curves_to_points.list <- function(x, alpha,
                                 quantile_func = distance_depth_function,
  if(missing(x_names_df) | is.null(x_names_df)) {
    stop("please provide ans x_names_df.")

  quantile_df <- quantile_func(tidy_dm, ..., df_out = T) %>% as.data.frame()
  quantile_name <- names(quantile_df)[!(names(quantile_df) %in% names(rownames(tidy_dm)))]
  lower_bound <- stats::quantile(quantile_df[[quantile_name]], probs = alpha)
  quantile_df["tctp_indicator"] <- quantile_df[[quantile_name]] > lower_bound
  x_names_df_i <- x_names_df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(tctp_index = 1:nrow(x_names_df))

  combined <- x_names_df_i %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(quantile_df, by = names(rownames(tidy_dm)))
  deep_idx <- combined[["tctp_index"]][combined[["tctp_indicator"]]]
  if(length(deep_idx) == 0){
    stop(paste("Error: The ranking values of simulations and/or number of",
               "simulations compared to the desired prediction region",
               "made it such that no simulations were selected to be used"), 
         call. = FALSE)
  updated_df <- do.call(rbind, x[deep_idx])

#' Pull the points from the top (1-alpha)\% percent of curves (LIST)
#' pulling out data points from curves that are ranked highest based on quantile
#' function.
#' @param x grouped data.frame containing curves, with grouping associated with
#'   the \code{rownames} of \code{tidy_dm}.
#' @param alpha the proportion of curves to be removed before presenting all the
#'   points together. Takes value in [0, 1.0].
#' @param tidy_dm a \code{tidy_dist_mat} distance matrix
#' @param quantile_func function to calculate quantiles via the distance_matrix,
#'   we now expect this function to handle \code{tidy_dist_mat} objects and have
#'   a parameter called \code{df_out} which we can set as true. See
#'   \code{distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat} for an example.
#' @param x_names_df - pointless parameter - is not used.
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the \code{quantile_func}.
#'   Please also see details for more information.
#' @return data frame from curves of the top values associated with the
#'   \code{quantile_func}
#' @export
top_curves_to_points.grouped_df <- function(x, alpha,
                                        quantile_func = distance_depth_function,
                                        x_names_df = NULL,
  quantile_df <- quantile_func(tidy_dm, ..., df_out = T) %>% as.data.frame()
  quantile_name <- names(quantile_df)[
    !(names(quantile_df) %in% names(rownames(tidy_dm)))
  lower_bound <- stats::quantile(quantile_df[[quantile_name]], probs = alpha)
  quantile_df["tctp_indicator"] <- quantile_df[[quantile_name]] > lower_bound
  combine_df <- x %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(quantile_df, by = names(rownames(tidy_dm))) 
  updated_df <- combine_df[combine_df[["tctp_indicator"]], ] %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::one_of(c(quantile_name, "tctp_indicator",

#' Geenens & Nieto-Reyes functional distance-based depth
#' Calculates a global distance-based depth vector using a distance matrix.
#' Specifically we use Geenens & Nieto-Reyes's global distance-based depth
#' defined as:
#' \eqn{DD(x, \hat{P}) = 1/(n choose 2) \cdot \sum_{i!=j} I(d(X_i, X_j) >
#' max(d(X_i,x), d(X_j,x)))}
#' @details
#' This function (renamed as \code{depth_function}) is shared with
#' \pkg{TCpredictionbands} on github:
#' \href{https://github.com/Mr8ND/TC-prediction-bands/tree/master/TCpredictionbands}{TCpredictionbands}.
#' @param x a n x n square positive symmetric matrix or a tidy_dist_mat
#' @param x_new a n_new x n matrix or tidy_dist_mat where the rows correspond to
#' new observations, the columns correspond to points in \code{x} (if \code{x} 
#' and \code{x_new} are matrices then they need to be corrected ordered). If 
#' this value is not \code{NULL} (default is \code{NULL}) then the depth
#' vector will be calculated for these observations relative to observations 
#' defined with \code{x} and \code{x_new}'s columns.
#' @param df_out indicates if one should return a data.frame our a vector,
#' by default returns data.frame if dist_mat is a tidy_dist_mat, and a vector
#' if dist_mat is a matrix.
#' @return depth vector length n with depth values associated with indices in
#'   \code{dist_mat} or a data.frame with a column called \code{depth}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dist_mat <- matrix(c(0,   1, 1.5,
#'                      1,   0, 2,
#'                      1.5, 2, 0   ),
#'                    nrow = 3,
#'                    byrow = TRUE)
#' dd_vec <- distance_depth_function(dist_mat) # c(1,0,0)
#' tidy_dm <- tidy_dist_mat(dist_mat)
#' dd_df <- distance_depth_function(tidy_dm) # depth = c(1,0,0)
distance_depth_function <- function(x, x_new = NULL, df_out = "auto"){

#' @rdname distance_depth_function
#' @export
distance_depth_function.matrix <- function(x, x_new = NULL, df_out = F){
  # This is a cleaned up version of the \code{depth_function} from
  # \pkg{TCpredictionbands} available on github. One of the authors of this
  # package wrote both versions (and given \pkg{TCpredictionbands} is not on
  # CRAN...).

  if (df_out == "auto"){
    df_out <- FALSE
  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x) |
      any(t(x) != x) |
      any(x < 0)) {
    stop("your x is not a positive symmetric square matrix")

  if (is.null(x_new)){
    N <- nrow(x)
    rnames <- rownames(x)
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      sub_matrix <- x[-obs_index, -obs_index]
      obs_column <- x[-obs_index, obs_index]
      obs_row <- x[obs_index, -obs_index]
      obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N - 1, N - 1, 2))
      obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N - 1),
                                      nrow = N - 1)
      obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N - 1),
                                       nrow = N - 1, byrow = T)
      max_matrix <- sapply(1:(N - 1), function(row_i) {
        sapply(1:(N - 1), function(col_i) {
          max(obs_combo_array[row_i, col_i, 1:2])
        }) %>% t
      depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
                                  #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      if (is.null(rnames)){
        rnames <- 1:length(depth)
      depth_out <- data.frame(names = rnames,
                               depth = depth)
    } else {
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth
  } else{
    assertthat::assert_that(ncol(x_new) == ncol(x),
                            msg = paste("x_new should have the same number of",
                                        "columns as x"))
    N <- nrow(x_new)
    N_x <- nrow(x)
    rnames <- rownames(x_new)
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      sub_matrix <- x
      obs_column <- x_new[obs_index, 1:nrow(x)]
      obs_row <- obs_column # assumes symmetry...
      obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N_x, N_x, 2))
      obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N_x),
                                      nrow = N_x)
      obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N_x),
                                      nrow = N_x, byrow = T)
      max_matrix <- sapply(1:(N_x), function(row_i) {
        sapply(1:(N_x), function(col_i) {
          max(obs_combo_array[row_i, col_i, 1:2])
      }) %>% t
      depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
        #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      depth_out <- data.frame(names = rnames,
                              depth = depth)
    } else {
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth

#' @rdname distance_depth_function
#' @export
distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat <- function(x, x_new = NULL, df_out = T){
  if (df_out == "auto"){
    df_out <- TRUE
  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x) |
      any(t(x) != x) |
      any(x < 0)) {
    stop("your x is not a positive symmetric square matrix")
  if (is.null(x_new)){
    N <- nrow(x)
    rnames <- rownames(x) # data.frame
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      sub_matrix <- x[-obs_index, -obs_index]
      obs_column <- x[-obs_index, obs_index]
      obs_row <- x[obs_index, -obs_index]
      obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N - 1, N - 1, 2))
      obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N - 1),
                                      nrow = N - 1)
      obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N - 1),
                                      nrow = N - 1, byrow = T)
      max_matrix <- sapply(1:(N - 1), function(row_i) {
        sapply(1:(N - 1), function(col_i) {
          max(obs_combo_array[row_i, col_i, 1:2])
      }) %>% t
      depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
        #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      depth_out <- rnames %>% dplyr::mutate(depth = depth)
    } else {
      rnames <- rnames %>% tidyr::unite(col = "names",
                                        dplyr::everything(), sep = "|") %>% 
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(ncol(x_new) == ncol(x),
                            msg = paste("x_new should have the same number of",
                                        "columns as x"))
    assertthat::assert_that(nrow(colnames(x_new) %>%
                                         by = names(colnames(x)))) ==
                            msg = paste("x_new's colname's columns should be",
                                        "the same as x's colname's columns."))
    N <- nrow(x_new)
    N_x <- nrow(x)
    rnames <- rownames(x_new) # data.frame
    depth <- rep(0, N)

    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      sub_matrix <- x
      obs_column <- x_new[obs_index,1:nrow(x)]
      obs_row <- obs_column # assumes symmetry...
      obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N_x, N_x, 2))
      obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N_x),
                                      nrow = N_x)
      obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N_x),
                                      nrow = N_x, byrow = T)
      max_matrix <- sapply(1:(N_x), function(row_i) {
        sapply(1:(N_x), function(col_i) {
          max(obs_combo_array[row_i, col_i, 1:2])
      }) %>% t
      depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
        #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      depth_out <- rnames %>% dplyr::mutate(depth = depth)
    } else {
      rnames <- rnames %>% tidyr::unite(col = "names",
                                        dplyr::everything(), sep = "|") %>% 
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth

if (r_new_interface()){
  .S3method(generic = "distance_depth_function", class = "tidy_dist_mat") 
  .S3method(generic = "distance_depth_function", class = "matrix") 

#' Localized version of Geenens & Nieto-Reyes functional distance-based depth
#' Calculates a localized distance-based depth vector using a distance matrix.
#' Specifically we alter Geenens & Nieto-Reyes's global distance-based depth to
#' a local depth similar to Agostinelli & Romanazzi (2011) localized approach,
#' and define our local distance-based depth as:
#' \eqn{LDD(x, \hat{P}, \tau) = 1/(|S| choose 2) \cdot \sum_{i!=j, i,j \in S}
#' I(d(X_i, X_j) > max(d(X_i,x), d(X_j,x)))}
#' where \eqn{S = {i : D(X_i,x) < \tau}}.
#' Note that if \eqn{|S| = 1}, then we say that \code{LDD(x) = 0}.
#' @details This matrix function (renamed as \code{depth_function}) is shared
#' with \pkg{TCpredictionbands} on github:
#' \href{https://github.com/Mr8ND/TC-prediction-bands/tree/master/TCpredictionbands}{TCpredictionbands}.
#' @param x a n x n square positive symmetric matrix or a tidy_dist_mat
#' @param x_new a n_new x n matrix or tidy_dist_mat where the rows correspond to
#' new observations, the columns correspond to points in \code{x} (if \code{x} 
#' and \code{x_new} are matrices then they need to be corrected ordered). If 
#' this value is not \code{NULL} (default is \code{NULL}) then localized depth
#' vector will be calculated for these observations relative to observations 
#' defined with \code{x} and \code{x_new}'s columns.
#' @param tau localizing parameter (default is Inf) Can either by a standard
#'   numerical value or a string as a percentage (e.g. "20\%")
#' @param df_out indicates if one should return a data.frame our a vector, by
#'   default returns data.frame if dist_mat is a tidy_dist_mat, and a vector if
#'   dist_mat is a matrix.
#' @return depth vector length n with depth values associated with indices in
#'   \code{dist_mat} or a data.frame with a column called \code{local_depth}
#' @return depth vector length n with depth values associated with indices in
#'   \code{dist_mat}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## matrix-only examples
#' dist_mat <- matrix(c(0,   1, 1.5,
#'                      1,   0, 2,
#'                      1.5, 2, 0   ),
#'                    nrow = 3,
#'                    byrow = TRUE)
#' dd_vec <- local_distance_depth_function(dist_mat) # c(1,0,0)
#' ldd_vec1 <- local_distance_depth_function(dist_mat, tau = 2) # c(1,0,0)
#' ldd_vec2 <- local_distance_depth_function(dist_mat, tau = 1.5) # c(1,0,0)
#' ldd_vec3 <- local_distance_depth_function(dist_mat, tau = 1) # c(0,0,0)
#' ldd_vec <- local_distance_depth_function(dist_mat, tau = .1) # c(0,0,0)
local_distance_depth_function <- function(x, x_new = NULL, tau = Inf, df_out = "auto"){

#' @rdname local_distance_depth_function
#' @export
local_distance_depth_function.matrix <- function(x, x_new = NULL, tau = Inf, 
                                                 df_out = F){
  if (df_out == "auto"){
    df_out <- FALSE
  if (inherits(tau, "character")){
    percentage <- check_character_percent(tau, "tau")
    tau <- stats::quantile(x, percentage)
  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x) |
      any(t(x) != x) |
      any(x < 0)) {
    stop("your x is not a positive symmetric square matrix")
  if (is.null(x_new)){
    N <- nrow(x)
    rnames <- rownames(x)
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      # effected by tau
      rm_idx <- c(1:N)[-obs_index]
      dist_to_obs = x[obs_index, -obs_index]
      keep_idx <- rm_idx[dist_to_obs <= tau]
      N_keep <- length(keep_idx)
      if (N_keep <= 1) { # if only 1 or 0 points are in the S
        depth[obs_index] <- 0
      } else {
      sub_matrix <- x[keep_idx,keep_idx]
      obs_column <- x[keep_idx, obs_index]
      obs_row <- x[obs_index, keep_idx]
      obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N_keep, N_keep, 2))
      obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N_keep),
                                      nrow = N_keep)
      obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N_keep),
                                      nrow = N_keep, byrow = T)
      # below seems complicated
      max_matrix <- apply(obs_combo_array, 1:2, max)
      depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
        #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      if (is.null(rnames)){
        rnames <- 1:length(depth)
      depth_out <- data.frame(names = rnames,
                              local_depth = depth)
    } else {
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(ncol(x_new) == ncol(x),
                            msg = paste("x_new should have the same number of",
                                        "columns as x"))
    N <- nrow(x_new)
    rnames <- rownames(x_new)
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      # effected by tau
      rm_idx <- c(1:ncol(x_new))
      dist_to_obs = x_new[obs_index, rm_idx]
      keep_idx <- rm_idx[dist_to_obs <= tau]
      N_keep <- length(keep_idx)
      if (N_keep <= 1) { # if only 1 or 0 points are in the S
        depth[obs_index] <- 0
      } else {
        sub_matrix <- x[keep_idx, keep_idx]
        obs_column <- x_new[obs_index, keep_idx]
        obs_row <- obs_column
        obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N_keep, N_keep, 2))
        obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N_keep),
                                        nrow = N_keep)
        obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N_keep),
                                        nrow = N_keep, byrow = T)
        # below seems complicated
        max_matrix <- apply(obs_combo_array, 1:2, max)
        depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
          #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      if (is.null(rnames)){
        rnames <- 1:length(depth)
      depth_out <- data.frame(names = rnames,
                              local_depth = depth)
    } else {
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth

#' @rdname local_distance_depth_function
#' @export
local_distance_depth_function.tidy_dist_mat <- function(x, x_new = NULL,
                                                        tau = Inf, 
                                                        df_out = T){
  if (df_out == "auto"){
    df_out <- TRUE
  if (inherits(tau, "character")){
    percentage <- check_character_percent(tau, "tau")
    tau <- stats::quantile(as.matrix(x), percentage)
  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x) |
      any(t(x) != x) |
      any(x < 0)) {
    stop("your x is not a positive symmetric square matrix")
  if (is.null(x_new)){
    N <- nrow(x)
    rnames <- rownames(x) # data.frame
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      # effected by tau
      rm_idx <- c(1:N)[-obs_index]
      dist_to_obs = x[obs_index, -obs_index]
      keep_idx <- rm_idx[dist_to_obs <= tau]
      N_keep <- length(keep_idx)
      if (N_keep <= 1) { # if only 1 or 0 points are in the S
        depth[obs_index] <- 0
      } else {
        sub_matrix <- x[keep_idx,keep_idx]
        obs_column <- x[keep_idx, obs_index]
        obs_row <- x[obs_index, keep_idx]
        obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N_keep, N_keep, 2))
        obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N_keep),
                                        nrow = N_keep)
        obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N_keep),
                                        nrow = N_keep, byrow = T)
        # below seems complicated
        max_matrix <- apply(obs_combo_array, 1:2, max)
        depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
          #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      depth_out <- rnames %>% dplyr::mutate(local_depth = depth)
    } else {
      rnames <- rnames %>% tidyr::unite(col = "names",
                                        dplyr::everything(), sep = "|") %>% 
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(ncol(x_new) == ncol(x),
                            msg = paste("x_new should have the same number of",
                                        "columns as x"))
    assertthat::assert_that(nrow(colnames(x_new) %>%
                                              by = names(colnames(x)))) ==
                            msg = paste("x_new's colname's columns should be",
                                        "the same as x's colname's columns."))
    N <- nrow(x_new)
    rnames <- rownames(x_new) # data.frame
    depth <- rep(0, N)
    for (obs_index in 1:N) {
      # effected by tau
      dist_to_obs = x_new[obs_index, 1:ncol(x_new)]
      keep_idx <- c(1:ncol(x_new))[dist_to_obs <= tau]
      keep_idx_df <- tibble::tibble(colnames(x_new))[as.vector(dist_to_obs <= tau),] %>%
      N_keep <- length(keep_idx)
      if (N_keep <= 1) { # if only 1 or 0 points are in the S
        depth[obs_index] <- 0
      } else {
        sub_matrix <- x[keep_idx_df]
        obs_column <- x_new[obs_index, keep_idx_df]
        obs_row <- obs_column
        obs_combo_array <- array(0, dim = c(N_keep, N_keep, 2))
        obs_combo_array[, ,1] <- matrix(rep(obs_column, N_keep),
                                        nrow = N_keep)
        obs_combo_array[, ,2] <- matrix(rep(obs_row, N_keep),
                                        nrow = N_keep, byrow = T)
        # below seems complicated
        max_matrix <- apply(obs_combo_array, 1:2, max)
        depth[obs_index] <- mean((sub_matrix > max_matrix)[
          #^ignoring the diagonal values
    if (df_out) {
      depth_out <- rnames %>% dplyr::mutate(local_depth = depth)
    } else {
      rnames <- rnames %>% tidyr::unite(col = "names",
                                        dplyr::everything(), sep = "|") %>% 
      names(depth) <- rnames
      depth_out <- depth

if (r_new_interface()){
  .S3method(generic = "local_distance_depth_function", class = "tidy_dist_mat") 
  .S3method(generic = "local_distance_depth_function", class = "matrix") 
skgallagher/EpiCompare documentation built on Sept. 14, 2021, 5:45 a.m.