knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, cache = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) devtools::load_all() library(InfectionTrees) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(kableExtra) library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(axis.title = element_text()))
We can simulate from a branching process to form a data set of transmission trees or clusters (if we remove infector information from the transmission trees). We simulate $K$ branching processes where the primary infector in each tree is the root of each transmission tree and the probability of infection of another individual is where $\bf{X}$ is a covariate matrix and $\beta$ is a vector of coefficients, $$ p_i = logit^{-1} (\bf{X}_i\bf{\beta}). $$ Then the number of new infectious individuals infected by individual $i$ is $$ N_i \sim Geometric(p_i). $$
To form a branching process, we begin with an initial infector who is the root node who we index as (1,1). We then draw $N_{(1,1)} \sim Geometric(p_{(1,1)})$, the number of infections produced by individual (1,1). These infections are part of generation 2 and so will be given indices $(2, 1), \dots, (2, N_{1,1})$.
The infection proceeds by marching down the generations. We first draw $N_{(2,1)}$ (if individual (2,1) exists) and give these new infections indices $(3, 1), \dots, (3, N_{(2,1)})$. We then draw $N_{(2,2)}$ and assign them indices $(3, N_{(2,1)} + 1), \dots, (3, \sum_{i=1}^{2}N_{2,i})$. We repeat this process until all infections in generation 3 are achieved. We then repeat the process beginning in generation 4. This infection process is repeated until it naturally terminates (or too a maximum number of infections are drawn). This process is illustrated in the below figure.
Then the data for a single transmission tree is a matrix of size $n$ where each row is the form $(label, g, i, \inf g, \inf i)$, where label denotes the individual and refers to her covariates, $(g,i)$ is the indexing of individual $A$ and $(\inf g, \inf i)$ is the infector ID or is denoted by $\emptyset$ to show that the infection originated from outside the cluster. For example, the above transmission tree $T$ becomes $$ T = \left ( \begin{array}{ccccc} A& 1& 1& \emptyset& \emptyset&\ B& 2& 1& 1& 1\ C& 2& 2& 1& 1\ D& 3& 1& 2& 2\ E& 3& 2& 2& 2\ F& 3& 3& 2& 2\ G& 3& 4& 3& 1 \end{array}\right ), $$ where $\emptyset$ means we assume the infection originates from the outside.
Because we know the transmission tree, we know $N_{g,i}$, the number of infections transmitted by indivdual $(g,i)$. In terms of our above matrix $T$, this is found by counting the number of infector generation, index pairs that equals the individual's own generation, index pair. For example, in the above, $N_{(1,1)} = 2, N_{(2,1)} = 0, N_{(2,2)} = 3, N_{(3,1)} = 1, N_{(3,2)} = 0, N_{(3,3)} = 0, N_{(4,1)} = 0$. The likelihood is then the product of independent geometric random variables with different probabilities of success $p_i$, $$ L(T) = \prod_{j=1}^n (1-p_j)p_j^{N_j}, $$ where we use $j$ as the label of the individual.
In practice, we do not see the transmission tree $T$ but are instead working with a missing data problem. We observe a cluster $C$ of individuals, which is a collection of individuals along with their covariates. With respect to the above example matrix of $T$, we would say $C$ is a subset of $T$, specifically $C = (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)^T$. We say that the size of $C$ is the number of individuals, $|C| = n$ or 7 in the above example. We neither know the generation-index pairs nor the infector IDs of the individuals.
We thus compute the total likelihood $\mathcal{L}(C)$ of a cluster, which is equal to the sum of the likelihood across the set of all permissible transmission trees, $\mathcal{T}C$, $$ \mathcal{L}(C) = \sum{T \in \mathcal{T}_C} L(T). $$
We say a transmission tree $T \in \mathcal{T}_C$ is permissible if it is a possible outcome of our data generation process. More specifcially, a transmission tree $T$ is permissible if it satifies the following criteria,
Ex. $C = (A,B,C)$ where individual $A$ has $X_A = 1$ and individuals $B$ and $C$ have $X_B = X_C = 0$
The below figures shows the different trees in $\mathcal{T}_C$ where $|C| = 3$. The size of $\mathcal{T}_C$ is $|\mathcal{T}_C| = 12$ if we consider individuals $A$, $B$, and $C$ to be distinguishable from one another. If we say individuals $B$ and $C$ are indistinguishable from one another because they have the same value of $X_i=0$, then there are only 6 unique transmission trees.
For observed independent clusters $C_1, \dots, C_M$, we would like to find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of $\beta$ $$ \hat{\beta}^{(MLE)} = \arg \max_\beta \prod_{m=1}^M\mathcal{L}(C_m). $$
However, if $|C_m| > 15$, this is infeasible because the space of $| \mathcal{T}_C|$ is too large. We can instead sample permissible transmission trees to solve an equivalent problem, maximizing the average likelihood.
Let the average likelihood of a single cluster $C$ be given by $$ \bar{\mathcal{L}}(C) = \frac{\mathcal{L}(C)}{|\mathcal{T}C|} $$ and note that since $|\mathcal{T}_C|$ is not dependent on $\beta$ then the MLE is the same for both $\mathcal{L}(C)$ and $\bar{\mathcal{L}}(C)$, $$ \hat{\beta}^{(MLE)} = \arg \max\beta \prod_{m=1}^M\mathcal{L}(C_m)\ = \arg \max_\beta \prod_{m=1}^M\frac{1}{|\mathcal{T}m|}\mathcal{L}(C_m)\ = \arg \max\beta \prod_{m=1}^M\bar{\mathcal{L}}(C_m). $$
We approximate average likelihood for each cluster through Monte Carlo (MC) sampling. For a given cluster $C$, we sample $K$ MC trees $T_1, \dots, T_K \in \mathcal{T}C$and form estimates $$ \hat{\mathcal{L}}_K(C): = \frac{1}{K} \sum{i=1}^KL(T_i) \overset{a.s.}{\to} \bar{\mathcal{L}}(C). $$
We then form our estimate $\hat{\beta}^{(MC)}$ from Monte Carlo (MC) samples from $\mathcal{T}C$, $$ \hat{\beta}^{(MC)} = \arg \max\beta \prod_{m=1}^M\hat{\mathcal{L}}_K(Cm). $$
The result is that (hopefully) $\hat{\beta}^{(MC)} \approx \hat{\beta}^{(MLE)}$ if $K$ is large. However, the limits of branching processes are sometimes found to be 'non-standard', meaning non-normal. As such, we demonstrate the usefulness of our methods through simulations.
We maximize the approximate likelihood over a set of MC sampled trees for our observed cluster $C$.
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