
Defines functions ups.to.sub.file load.submission make.submission

Documented in make.submission

#' Grade your problem set and make submission file
#' The command will rerun and check all chunks of your problem set and grade it, i.e. it determines which tests are passed or not. The results are stored in a submission file: psname___username.sub, which will be part of the submitted solution. The function works similarly than check.problem.set, but makes sure that all exercies are checked.
make.submission = function(ps=get.ps(), user.name=get.user.name(),  ps.name=ps$name,stud.path=ps$stud.path, stud.short.file=ps$stud.short.file, add.log=TRUE, reset=TRUE, set.warning.1=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, catch.errors=TRUE, from.knitr=!interactive(), use.null.device=TRUE, ups.dir = ps$ups.dir) {


  if (from.knitr) {
    cat("Cannot grade when called from knitr")

  if (set.warning.1) {
    if (options()$warn<1)
  if (!isTRUE(try(file.exists(stud.path),silent = TRUE))) {
    str= paste0("I could not find your problem set directory '", stud.path,"'.")
    stop(str,call. = FALSE)
  if (!file.exists(paste0(stud.path,"/", stud.short.file))) {
    str= paste0("I could not find your file '", stud.short.file,"' in your problem set folder '",stud.path,"'.")
    stop(str,call. = FALSE)    
  ps = get.or.init.ps(ps.name,user.name,stud.path, stud.short.file, reset)
  ps$catch.errors = catch.errors
  ps$use.null.device = use.null.device
  ps$warning.messages = list()
  cdt = ps$cdt
  edt = ps$edt
  rmd.code = readLines(ps$stud.file, warn=FALSE)
  ps$stud.code = rmd.code
  cdt$stud.code = get.stud.chunk.code(ps=ps)
  cdt$code.is.task = cdt$stud.code == cdt$task.txt
  cdt$chunk.changed = cdt$stud.code != cdt$old.stud.code
  cdt$old.stud.code = cdt$stud.code
  ps$cdt = cdt
  # Check all exercises
  i = 1
  for (i in edt$ex.ind) {
    ex.name = edt$ex.name[i]
    ret <- FALSE
    display("Grade exercise ", ex.name)
    if (!is.false(ps$catch.errors)) {
      ret = tryCatch(
        check.exercise(ex.ind=i, verbose=verbose, check.all=TRUE),
        error = function(e) {
          ps$failure.message <- as.character(e)
    } else {
      ret = check.exercise(ex.ind=i, verbose=verbose, check.all=TRUE)
    # Copy variables into global env
    copy.into.envir(source=ps$stud.env,dest=.GlobalEnv, set.fun.env.to.dest=TRUE)
    if (ret==FALSE) {
      edt$ex.solved[i] = FALSE
      if (cdt$code.is.task[ps$chunk.ind]) {
        ps$failure.message = paste0("You have not yet started with chunk ", cdt$chunk.name[ps$chunk.ind])
      message = ps$failure.message
    } else if (ret=="warning") {
      message = paste0(ps$warning.messages,collapse="\n\n")
      message(paste0("Warning: ", message))
    } else {
      edt$ex.solved[i] = TRUE

  ups = get.ups()
  sub = as.list(ups)
  sub$cu$stud.code = cdt$stud.code
  rps = ps$rps
  # Results of chunks
  cu = as_tibble(cbind(ups$cu, dplyr::select(rps$cdt,chunk.ps.ind,ex.ind, points)))
  cu = mutate(cu, type="chunk", max.points = points, points=max.points*solved)
  #sub$cu = as.data.frame(cu)
  sub$rmd.code = rmd.code  
  sub$grade.time = Sys.time()
  sub$rtutor.version = packageVersion("RTutor")
  sum.fun = function(df) {
      ps.name = ps.name,
      user.name = user.name,
      points = sum(points),
      max.points = sum(max.points),
      share.solved=round( (sum(points)/sum(max.points))*100),
      num.hints = sum(num.hint),
      finished.time = max(solved.date),
      grade.time = sub$grade.time
  sub$total = sum.fun(cu)
  sub$by.chunk = group_by(cu, chunk.ps.ind) %>% filter(is.true(max.points>0)) %>% sum.fun()
  sub$by.ex = sum.fun(group_by(cu,ex.ind))
  sub$hash = digest::digest(list(sub$user.name,sub$ps.name,sub$grade.time,sub$total))
  if (add.log) {
    try(sub$log.txt <- readLines(ps$log.file, warn=FALSE))
    try(sub$log.df <- import.log(txt=sub$log.txt))
  sub.file = paste0(sub$ps.name,"__",sub$user.name,".sub")
  sub = as.environment(sub)
  cat(paste0("\nI created the submission file '", sub.file,"'"))

load.submission = function(file) {

# Can be called from shiny interface
ups.to.sub.file = function(ups=get.ups(), ps=get.ps(), sub.file=NULL, rmd.code=NULL) {
  sub = as.list(ups)
  # Note we need show.ps(auto.save.code=TRUE)
  #sub$cu$stud.code = ps$stud.code
  user.name = sub$user.name
  ps.name = ps$name
  rps = ps$rps
  # Results of chunks
  cu = dplyr::as_tibble(cbind(ups$cu, dplyr::select(rps$cdt,chunk.ps.ind,ex.ind, points)))
  cu = mutate(cu, type="chunk", max.points = points, points=max.points*solved)
  #sub$cu = as.data.frame(cu)
  sub$rmd.code = rmd.code  
  sub$grade.time = Sys.time()
  sub$rtutor.version = packageVersion("RTutor")
  sum.fun = function(df) {
      ps.name = ps.name,
      user.name = user.name,
      points = sum(points),
      max.points = sum(max.points),
      share.solved=round( (sum(points)/sum(max.points))*100),
      num.hints = sum(num.hint),
      finished.time = max(solved.date),
      grade.time = sub$grade.time
  sub$total = sum.fun(cu)
  sub$by.chunk = group_by(cu, chunk.ps.ind) %>% filter(is.true(max.points>0)) %>% sum.fun()
  sub$by.ex = sum.fun(group_by(cu,ex.ind))
  sub$hash = digest::digest(list(sub$user.name,sub$ps.name,sub$grade.time,sub$total))
  try(sub$log.txt <- readLines(ps$log.file, warn=FALSE))
  try(sub$log.df <- import.log(txt=sub$log.txt))
  if (is.null(sub.file))
    sub.file = paste0(sub$ps.name,"__",sub$user.name,".sub")
  sub = as.environment(sub)
skranz/RTutor documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 12:53 a.m.