
Defines functions examples.deploy.ps deploy.ps is.ps.deployed examples.run.ps get.package.info find.pkg.rps.dir find.pkg.material.dir run.ps examples.rtutor.package.skel rtutor.package.skel example.rtutor.app.skel rtutor.app.skel

Documented in rtutor.app.skel rtutor.package.skel run.ps

examples.deploy.ps = function() {

# Copies data sets and other required files to solve problem set
# into the directory specified with dir
deploy.ps = function(ps.name=pkg$ps[1], dir=getwd(), info = ps.pkg.info(),
    ask.user=TRUE, overwrite=FALSE,
    pkg.dir = path.package(info$package),
    rps.dir = find.pkg.rps.dir(ps.name, pkg.dir),
    material.dir = find.pkg.material.dir(ps.name, pkg.dir) ) 
  if (!file.exists(dir)){
    warning(paste0("The directory '",dir,"' does not yet exist. Please create the directory before you proceed."))

  if (is.null(material.dir)) {
    cat("\nThe problem set has no additional materials. No files need to be copied to the working directory '",dir,"'.")
  if (!overwrite) {
    if (is.ps.deployed(dir=dir, material.dir=material.dir)) {

  if (ask.user) {
    cat(paste0("\nDo you want to deploy the problem set to '", dir,"'?"))
    answer <- readline("Type y if this is ok: ")
    if (!identical(tolower(answer),"y")) {
      cat("\nCancelled deployment of problem set. If you want to deploy and run the problem set in a different directory, set the argument 'dir' in run.ps or deploy.ps.")
  cat("\nCopy files to '", dir,"'...",sep="")

  # Copy files into working directory
  files= list.files(material.dir,pattern=".*",full.names = TRUE)  
  file.copy(from=files, to=dir, overwrite = overwrite, recursive = TRUE,copy.mode = !TRUE)
  cat(" done!")

is.ps.deployed = function(dir,material.dir) {
  need.files= list.files(material.dir,full.names = FALSE)
  has.files = list.files(dir,full.names = FALSE)
  length(setdiff(need.files, has.files)) == 0

examples.run.ps = function() {
  detach("package:RTutorShroudedFees", unload=TRUE)  

get.package.info = function(package=NULL) {
  if (is.null(package))
  library(package,character.only = TRUE)
  call = paste0(package,"::ps.pkg.info()")

# Try old and new folder structure
find.pkg.rps.dir = function(ps.name, pkg.dir) {
  # New folder format /ps/ps.name
  dir = paste0(pkg.dir,"/ps/",ps.name)      
  if (file.exists(dir)) return(dir)
  # Old folder format /ps
  dir = paste0(pkg.dir,"/ps")      
  if (file.exists(dir)) return(dir)
  err = paste0("Could not find ps directory for ", ps.name, " in your package folder ", pkg.dir)

# Try old and new folder structure
find.pkg.material.dir = function(ps.name, pkg.dir) {
  # New folder format /ps/ps.name/material
  dir = paste0(pkg.dir,"/ps/",ps.name,"/material")      
  if (file.exists(dir)) return(dir)
  # Old folder format /material/ps.name
  material.dir = paste0(pkg.dir,"/material/",ps.name)    
  if (file.exists(dir)) return(dir)

  # No material directory found
  #warning("Your problem set has no material directory.")

#' Run a problem set from a package in the browser
#' Only works if a package with problem sets is loaded.
#' For problem sets stored in a local .rps file, use show.ps() instead
#' @param user.name Your user name
#' @param ps.name Name of the problem set. By default the first problem set name of your manually loaded RTutor problem set package.
#' @param dir your working directory for the problem set
#' @param package name of the package that contains your problem set
#' @param load.sav Default=TRUE Shall a previously saved solution be loaded?
#' @param sav.file Optional an alternative name for the saved solution
#' @param sample.solution shall the sample solution be shown?
#' @param run.solved if sample.solution or load.sav shall the correct chunks be automatically run when the problem set is loaded? (By default FALSE, since starting the problem set then may take quite a while)
#' @param import.rmd shall the solution be imported from the rmd file specificed in the argument rmd.file
#' @param rmd.file name of the .rmd file that shall be imported if import.rmd=TRUE
#' @param offline (FALSE or TRUE) Do you have no internet connection. By default it is checked whether RTutor can connect to the MathJax server. If you have no internet connection, you cannot render mathematic formulas. If RTutor wrongly thinks you have an internet connection, while you don't, your chunks may not show at all. If you encounter this problem, set manually offline=TRUE.
#' @param left.margin number of colums for left margin in browser window (total columns=12) 
#' @param right.margin number of colums for right margin in browser window (total columns=12)
#' @param pkg.dir the package directory under which problem set files are searched under pkg.dir/ps/ps.name/. Will be set by default to currently loaded RTutorProblemSet package
#' @param rps.dir directory of rps.files. Will be set to default for current package
#' @param material.dir directory of additional problem set files. Will be set to default for current package
run.ps = function(user.name, ps.name=info$ps[1],dir=getwd(), package=NULL,
    load.sav = TRUE, sav.file=paste0(user.name, "_", ps.name,".sav"),
    sample.solution=FALSE, run.solved=FALSE, import.rmd=FALSE, 
    rmd.file = paste0(ps.name,"_",user.name,"_export.rmd"),
    left.margin=2, right.margin=2, 
    deploy.local=!make.web.app, make.web.app=FALSE, save.nothing=make.web.app,
    pkg.dir = path.package(info$package),
    rps.dir = find.pkg.rps.dir(ps.name, pkg.dir),
    material.dir = find.pkg.material.dir(ps.name, pkg.dir),    
    ...) {
  if (deploy.local) {
    ret = deploy.ps(ps.name=ps.name, dir=dir, material.dir=material.dir, 
                    info=info, rps.dir=rps.dir, pkg.dir=pkg.dir)
    if (!ret) {
  show.ps(user.name=user.name, ps.name=ps.name, dir=dir, rps.dir=rps.dir,
    sav.file=sav.file,load.sav = load.sav, sample.solution=sample.solution, run.solved=run.solved, import.rmd=import.rmd, rmd.file = rmd.file, offline=offline, left.margin=2, right.margin=2,make.web.app=make.web.app, save.nothing=save.nothing,...)

examples.rtutor.package.skel = function() {
  set.restore.point.options(display.restore.point = TRUE)
  ps.name = "understanding bank runs" 
  sol.file = paste0(ps.name,"_sol.Rmd") 
  libs = NULL
  libs = c("foreign","reshape2","plyr","dplyr","mfx", "ggplot2","knitr","regtools","ggthemes","dplyrExtras","grid","gridExtra","prettyR") # character vector of all packages you load in the problem set
  # Create problemset
  create.ps(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, user.name=NULL,libs=libs, extra.code.file = "extracode.r", var.txt.file = "variables.txt")

  rtutor.package.skel(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, pkg.name="RTutorBankRuns", pkg.parent.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutorBankRuns", libs=libs, author="Joachim Plath", github.user="skranz", extra.code.file = "extracode.r", var.txt.file = "variables.txt", overwrite=TRUE)
  ##### Example 
  ps.name = "Example"; sol.file = paste0(ps.name,"_sol.Rmd")
  libs = c() # character vector of all packages you load in the problem set
  #name.rmd.chunks(sol.file) # set auto chunk names in this file

  create.ps(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, user.name=NULL,libs=libs, stop.when.finished=FALSE)

   rtutor.package.skel(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, pkg.name="RTutorExample", pkg.parent.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutorExample", libs=libs, author="Sebastian Kranz", github.user="skranz", overwrite=TRUE)


#' Generate a package skeleton for a shiny based RTutor problem set that shall be deployed as a package
rtutor.package.skel = function(sol.file,ps.name,  pkg.name, pkg.parent.dir,author="AUTHOR_NAME", github.user = "GITHUB_USERNAME", date=format(Sys.time(),"%Y-%d-%m"),  source.dir = getwd(),rps.file = paste0(ps.name,".rps"), libs=NULL, extra.code.file=NULL, var.txt.file=NULL, ps.file = paste0(ps.name,".Rmd"), overwrite=FALSE, overwrite.ps=TRUE,...) {
  #create.ps(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, user.name=NULL,libs=libs, extra.code.file = "extracode.r", var.txt.file = "variables.txt")

  dest.dir = paste0(pkg.parent.dir,"/", pkg.name)
  skel.dir = paste0(path.package("RTutor", quiet = FALSE),"/ps_pkg_skel")
  if (!file.exists(dest.dir))
  # Copy package skeleton
  long.skel.files = list.files(skel.dir,full.names = TRUE)
  file.copy(from = long.skel.files,to = dest.dir, overwrite=overwrite, recursive = TRUE)

  rps.dir =paste0(dest.dir,"/inst/ps/",ps.name)
  if (!file.exists(rps.dir))
  mat.dir = paste0(dest.dir,"/inst/ps/",ps.name,"/material")
  if (!file.exists(mat.dir))

  # Replace placeholder strings
  dest.files = c("R/package_info.r","DESCRIPTION","NAMESPACE","README.md")
  dest.files = paste0(dest.dir,"/",dest.files)
  file = dest.files[1]
  if (length(libs)>0) {
    lib.txt = paste0("RTutor, ", paste0(libs, collapse=", "))
  } else {
    lib.txt = "RTutor"
  descr.txt = paste0("RTutor problem set ", ps.name)
  for (file in dest.files) {
    txt = readLines(file)
    txt = gsub("PACKAGE_NAME",pkg.name,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("PROBLEM_SET_NAME",ps.name,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("AUTHOR_NAME",author,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("CURRENT_DATE",date,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("DEPENDS_LIBRARIES",lib.txt,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("DESCRIPTION_TITLE",descr.txt,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("GITHUB_USERNAME",github.user,txt, fixed=TRUE)
  # Copy files into ps
  file.copy(from = c(sol.file, rps.file, extra.code.file, var.txt.file, ps.file), to=rps.dir, overwrite=overwrite.ps)
  cat(paste0("Package skeleton created in ", paste0(dest.dir,"/",pkg.name), ". ",
             "\nRead 'TO DO.txt' for the remaining steps."))

example.rtutor.app.skel = function() {
  ps.name = "Example"; sol.file = paste0(ps.name,"_sol.Rmd")
  libs = c() # character vector of all packages you load in the problem set
  #name.rmd.chunks(sol.file) # set auto chunk names in this file

  create.ps(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, user.name=NULL,libs=libs, stop.when.finished=FALSE)

  app.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples/ExampleApp"
  # Create app based on .rps
  ps.name = "Example" # problem set name
  # Folder that contains your .rps file
  rps.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples"
  # Folder in which app shall be created
  app.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples/ExampleApp"
  rtutor.app.skel(ps.name=ps.name, app.name="RTutorExample",app.dir=app.dir, 
                  rps.app = TRUE, rps.dir = rps.dir, overwrite=TRUE)

  # Create app based on a problem set package
  ps.name = "Example"
  app.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples/ExampleApp"
  rtutor.app.skel(ps.name=ps.name, app.name="RTutorExample",app.dir=app.dir, 
                  pkg.name = "RTutorExample", rps.app = FALSE,
                  github.user = "skranz", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Generate a skeleton for a shinyapps.io app of a problem set
#' @param ps.name Name of the problem set
#' @param app.name Name of your app. Should have no white spaces or special characters
#' @param app.dir Your local directory to which you want to deploy your app files
#' @param rps.app locgical. If TRUE create an app based on an .rps file. Otherwise create the app based on a problem set package that is hosted on Github.
#' @param pkg.name If you create the app from a package this is the name of your package.
#' @param rps.file The name of your rps file without directory if you create the app from a .rps file
#' @param rps.dir the folder of your rps.file 
rtutor.app.skel = function(ps.name, app.name=ps.name, app.dir,rps.app=!is.null(rps.dir), pkg.name=NULL, rps.file = paste0(ps.name,".rps"), rps.dir=NULL, overwrite=FALSE, github.user = "GITHUB_USERNAME", libs=NULL, ...) {
  #create.ps(sol.file=sol.file, ps.name=ps.name, user.name=NULL,libs=libs, extra.code.file = "extracode.r", var.txt.file = "variables.txt")

  if (!file.exists(app.dir))
  app.app.dir = paste0(app.dir,"/app")
  if (!file.exists(app.app.dir))

  work.dir = paste0(app.dir,"/app/work")
  if (!file.exists(work.dir))

  if (!rps.app) {
    base.dir = path.package("RTutor", quiet = FALSE)
    skel.dir = paste0(base.dir,"/ps_app_skel/packageApp")
  } else {
    base.dir = path.package("RTutor", quiet = FALSE)
    skel.dir = paste0(base.dir,"/ps_app_skel/rpsApp")    

    file.copy(from = paste0(rps.dir,"/",rps.file),to = work.dir,
              overwrite=overwrite, recursive = TRUE)

  # Copy app skeleton
  long.skel.files = list.files(skel.dir,full.names = TRUE)
  file.copy(from = long.skel.files,to = app.dir, overwrite=overwrite, recursive = TRUE)

  # Replace placeholder strings
  dest.files = c("deployapp.R","app/global.R")
  dest.files = paste0(app.dir,"/",dest.files)
  file = dest.files[1]
  descr.txt = paste0("RTutor problem set ", ps.name)
  if (length(libs)==0) {
    lib.txt = ""
  } else {
    lib.txt = paste0("library(",libs,")", collapse="\n")

  for (file in dest.files) {
    txt = readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(pkg.name))
      txt = gsub("PACKAGE_NAME",pkg.name,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("PS_NAME",ps.name,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("DEPENDS_LIBRARIES",lib.txt,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("APP_NAME",app.name,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("APP_PATH",app.dir,txt, fixed=TRUE)
    txt = gsub("GITHUB_USERNAME",github.user,txt, fixed=TRUE)
  cat(paste0("App skeleton created in ", app.dir, ". ",
             "\nAdapt the file 'deployapp.R' and run the commands to deploy your app on shinyapps.io."))
skranz/RTutor3 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:01 a.m.