
Defines functions bb_svg_css cur.bb bb_var bb_data bb_set_data bb_object bb_hide_object bb_point bb_margins bb_ymarker bb_xmarker bb_yaxis bb_xaxis bb_pane

..bb..env = new.env()

#' Initiate a bb graphic object
#' @param bb possibily modify an existing bb object
#' @export
bbsvg = bb_pane = function(bb=NULL, id=NULL,  data=NULL, xvar=xy[1], yvar=xy[2], xy=c("x_","y_"), xrange=NULL, yrange=NULL, show.ticks=FALSE, arrow.axis=NULL, xlen=201,ylen=201, org.width = width, org.height=height, margins=NULL,  show=".all", hide=NULL, init.data=FALSE, dataenv=parent.frame(), css=bb_svg_css(), values = if (!is.null(data)) as.list(data[data.row,,drop=FALSE]) else list(), data.row = 1, enclos=parent.frame(), scale=1, width=420, height=300,... ) {

  bb = first.non.null(bb, list())

  org.width = org.width * scale
  org.height = org.height * scale

  bb = copy.non.null.fields(bb,source=nlist(id,data,values, data.row,enclos, xvar,yvar,xrange,yrange,show, hide,xlen,ylen, org.width, org.height, margins, dataenv,css))

  bb$xrange = compute_bb_field(bb$xrange, bb=bb)
  bb$yrange = compute_bb_field(bb$yrange, bb=bb)
  if (!is.null(bb$xrange)) {
    bb$x.min = min(bb$xrange)
    bb$x.max = max(bb$xrange)
  } else {
    bb$x.min = quote(..x.min)
    bb$x.max = quote(..x.max)
  if (!is.null(bb$yrange)) {
    bb$y.min = min(bb$yrange)
    bb$y.max = max(bb$yrange)
  } else {
    bb$y.min = quote(..y.min)
    bb$y.max = quote(..y.max)

  bb$defaults = copy.non.null.fields(bb$defaults, nlist(show.ticks,arrow.axis,...))

  bb = copy.into.null.fields(bb, nlist(objs=list(),labels=list(), geoms=list()))

  class(bb) = c("bb_pane","list")



#' Specify the x-axis
#' @param y position of the axis. Either "bottom" (default) or "top" or a number
bb_xaxis = function(bb,
  latex = NULL,
  labelpos = c("bottom","right","center")[1],
  show.ticks=first.non.null(defaults$show.ticks, TRUE),
  arrow.axis = first.non.null(defaults$arrow.axis, !isTRUE(show.ticks)),
  defaults=bb$defaults, y.offset = NULL, x.offset = NULL, y="bottom", align=NULL, num.ticks=5, ticks=NULL
) {
  bb$xaxis = nlist(type="xaxis", show.ticks, arrow.axis, num.ticks,y=y)
  if (!is.null(ticks)) bb$xaxis$ticks = ticks

  if (!is.null(label)) {
    if (y=="bottom") {
      lab.y = bb$y.min
    } else if (y=="top") {
      lab.y = bb$y.max
    } else if (is.numeric(y)) {
      lab.y = y
    } else {
      lab.y = bb$y.min

    if (labelpos == "bottom") {

      align = first.non.null(align, "center")
      lab.x = max(bb$xrange)
      y.offset = first.non.null(y.offset, if (!show.ticks) -20 else -50)
      x.offset = first.non.null(x.offset, 15)

    } else if (labelpos == "right") {
      align = first.non.null(align, "left")
      lab.x = max(bb$xrange)
      y.offset = first.non.null(y.offset, -3)
      x.offset = first.non.null(x.offset, 20)
    } else {
      align = first.non.null(align, "center")
      lab.x = mean(bb$xrange)
      y.offset = first.non.null(y.offset, -50)
      x.offset = first.non.null(x.offset,0)
    bb = bb_text(bb,label=label, latex=latex, x=lab.x, y=lab.y, x.offset=x.offset, y.offset=y.offset, align=align)


#' Specify the y-axis
bb_yaxis = function(bb,
  latex = NULL,
  labelpos = c("left","top","center")[1],
  show.ticks=first.non.null(defaults$show.ticks, TRUE),
  arrow.axis = first.non.null(defaults$arrow.axis, !isTRUE(show.ticks)),
  defaults=bb$defaults, y.offset = NULL, x.offset = NULL, align=NULL, x="left",ticks=NULL, num.ticks=5, show.grid=FALSE, grid.ticks=ticks, grid.color="#888888", tick.labels=NULL, show.line=TRUE, ...
) {

  bb$yaxis = nlist(type="yaxis", show.ticks, arrow.axis,x=x,num.ticks,show.line, show.grid, grid.ticks, grid.color, labelpos)
  if (!is.null(ticks)) bb$yaxis$ticks = ticks
  if (!is.null(tick.labels)) bb$yaxis$tick.labels = tick.labels

  if (!is.null(label)) {
    if (x=="left") {
      lab.x = bb$x.min
    } else if (x=="right") {
      lab.x = bb$x.max
    } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
      lab.x = x
    } else {
      lab.x = bb$xmin
    if (labelpos == "left") {
      lab.y = max(bb$yrange)
      align = first.non.null(align, "right")
      y.offset = first.non.null(y.offset, 5)
      x.offset = first.non.null(x.offset, -8)

    } else if (labelpos == "top") {
      lab.y = max(bb$yrange)
      align = first.non.null(align, "center")
      y.offset = first.non.null(y.offset, 20)
      x.offset = first.non.null(x.offset, 0)
    } else {
      lab.y = mean(bb$yrange)
      align = first.non.null(align, "right")
      y.offset = first.non.null(y.offset, 0)
      x.offset = first.non.null(x.offset,-5)
    bb = bb_text(bb,label=label, latex=latex, x=lab.x, y=lab.y, x.offset=x.offset, y.offset=y.offset, align=align)


bb_xmarker = function(bb,x=NULL,y2=y,y=NULL,y1=bb$y.min,...,linetype="dashed",label=x,latex=NULL, align="center", y.offset=-20, x.offset=0, id = random.string()) {

  bb=bb_xtick(bb,latex=latex,label=label,  align=align, y.offset=y.offset,x.offset=x.offset,x=x, ..., id=paste0(id,"_text"))
  bb = bb_segment(bb,class="marker_line", x1=x, y1=y1,y2=y2, linetype=linetype, ..., id=paste0(id,"_line"))

bb_ymarker = function(bb,y=NULL,x2=x,x=NULL,...,linetype="dashed",label=y,latex=NULL, align="right", id = random.string()) {

  bb=bb_ytick(bb,latex=latex,label=label,  align=align, y=y, ..., id=paste0(id,"_text"))
  bb = bb_segment(bb,class="marker_line",linetype=linetype, x1=x1, x2=x2,y1=y,y2=y, ..., id=paste0(id,"_line"))

#' Specify margins in pixels for bb object
#' @export
bb_margins = function(bb, bottom=NULL,left=NULL, top=NULL, right=NULL,...) {
  margins = nlist(bottom, left, top, right)
  bb$margins = copy.non.null.fields(bb[["margins"]], margins)

#' Draw a point
bb_point = function(bb, x,y,r=4, alpha=NULL,color=fill, fill=NULL, class="point", style=list(stroke=color, "fill-color"=fill, "stroke-opacity"=alpha, "fill-opacity"=alpha,...), ..., id=paste0("point_",random.string())) {
  obj = nlist(id, type="point", class, x,y,r, style, eval.fields=c("x","y","r"))
  bb_object(bb, obj)

bb_hide_object = function(bb, id) {

bb_object = function(bb, obj=NULL,..., id = first.non.null(obj[["id"]],random.string())) {
  args = list(...)
  if (is.null(obj)) obj = list()
  obj[names(args)] = args
  bb$objs[[id]] = obj


#' Set the current data set
bb_set_data = function(values = if (!is.null(data)) as.list(data[data.row,,drop=FALSE]) else list(),data = bb$data,data.row = first.non.null(bb$data.row,1)) {
  bb$data = data
  bb$data.row = data.row
  bb$values = values

bb_data = function(bb, data) {
  bb$data = data

bb_var = function(bb, ..., id=paste0("var_", random.string())) {
  obj = list(id=id,type="var", var=list(...), no.draw=TRUE)
  bb$objs[[id]] = obj

cur.bb = function() {

bb_svg_css = function() {
.axis-main {
  stroke: black;
  stroke-linecap: round;
  stroke-linejoin: round;
  stroke-width: 2;
  stroke-opacity: 0.8;

.point {
  fill: black;
  stroke: none;
  stroke-opacity: 0.8;
  fill-opacity: 0.8;

.polyline, .curve, .line, .arrow, .segment {
  fill: none;
  stroke: black;
  stroke-width: 2;
  stroke-opacity: 0.8;

.polyline:hover {
  stroke-width: 5;

.curve:hover {
  stroke-width: 5;

.axis {


.axis-main {
  stroke-width: 1.5;

.axis-tick {
  stroke-width: 1;
  stroke: black;

.axis-ticklabel {
  font-size: 10.00pt;
  font-family: Arial;
  font-weight: normal;

.boxed-label {
  font-size: 10.00pt;
  font-family: Arial;
  font-weight: normal;
  filter: url(#label_box);

.axis-label {
  font-size: 11.00pt;
  font-family: Arial;
  font-weight: normal

.marker_line {
  stroke: black;
  stroke-width: 1;
  stroke-opacity: 0.8;

.marker_line:hover {
  stroke-width: 3;

@media print {
  .series_tooltip_bar {
    stroke-opacity: 0 !important;
    visibility: hidden;

.series_tooltip_bar {
  stroke-opacity: 0 !important;

.series_tooltip_bar:hover {
  stroke-opacity: 0.3 !important;

skranz/bbsvg documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 6:51 a.m.