Defines functions RHEM

Documented in RHEM

#' RHEM Input Calculations
#' @param lpi_species Dataframe of lpi tall table joined with RHEM species attributes in the field "RHEM_Habit".
#' @param slope_shape Dataframe of slope tall table with field SlopeShape = Vertical Slope Shape.
#' @param header Dataframe of header with PrimaryKey, Latitude, and Longitude fields.
#' @examples
#' RHEM(lpi_species = lpi_species,
#' header = header,
#' slope_shape = slope_shape)

#' @export RHEM
#' @rdname RHEM
RHEM <- function(
                 slope_shape) {

  #check we have header info for all data
  lpi_species <-lpi_species %>% subset(PrimaryKey %in% header$PrimaryKey)
  slope_shape <- slope_shape %>%  subset(PrimaryKey %in% header$PrimaryKey)

  # Total Foliar Cover
  total_foliar <- pct_cover_total_foliar(
    lpi_tall = lpi_species,
    by_line = FALSE,
    tall = TRUE

  total_foliar <- total_foliar %>% dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, FH_TotalFoliarCover = percent)

  # RHEM functional group cover ####
  ah_cover_rhem <- pct_cover(
    lpi_tall = lpi_species,
    hit = "any",
    by_line = FALSE,
    tall = TRUE,

  ah_cover_rhem_clean <- ah_cover_rhem %>%
    dplyr::mutate(indicator = indicator %>% snakecase::to_upper_camel_case() %>%
      stringr::str_c("AH_", ., "Cover")) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "indicator", values_from = "percent")

  fh_cover_rhem <- pct_cover(
    lpi_tall = lpi_species,
    hit = "first",
    by_line = FALSE,
    tall = TRUE,

  fh_cover_rhem_clean <- fh_cover_rhem %>%
    dplyr::mutate(indicator = indicator %>% snakecase::to_upper_camel_case() %>%
      stringr::str_c("FH_", ., "Cover")) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "indicator", values_from = "percent")

  # Identify Litter above soil
  lpi_species <- lpi_species %>%
      layer = factor(layer,
        levels = c(
    ) %>%

  lpi_species <- lpi_species %>%
    # remove soil surface
    dplyr::filter(layer != "SoilSurface") %>%

    # Strip out all the non-hit codes
    dplyr::filter(!(code %in% c("", NA, "None", "N"))) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(PrimaryKey, LineKey, PointNbr) %>%

    # Get the first hit at a point
    dplyr::summarize(LowestCanopy = dplyr::last(code)) %>%

    # Identify Litter
      LowestCanopy = dplyr::case_when(
        LowestCanopy %in% c("L", "HL", "WL", "EL", "D", "AL", "OM", "AL", "NL") ~ "SurfaceLitter"
      layer = "SoilSurface"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(LowestCanopy)) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(lpi_species, .) %>%

    # Identify instance of Litter of surface code
    dplyr::mutate(code = dplyr::case_when(LowestCanopy == "SurfaceLitter" & (nchar(code) < 3 & !code %in% c("M", "LC")) ~ "SurfaceLitter",
                                          #Duff can be a SoilSurface code but is included as SurfaceLitter
                                          code == "D" ~ "SurfaceLitter",
                                          TRUE ~ code)) %>%

    # remove Lowest canopy field
    dplyr::select(-LowestCanopy) %>%

    # Condense Rock codes
      code =
          code %in% c(
          ) ~ "Rock",
          code %in% c("S", "CY", "PC", "LM", "FG") ~ "Soil",
          TRUE ~ code

  # Total Basal Cover
  basal_cover <- pct_cover(
    lpi_tall = lpi_species,
    hit = "basal",
    by_line = FALSE,
    tall = TRUE, code

  # Litter, Rock, Soil Cover
  litter_rock_soil <- basal_cover %>%
    dplyr::filter(indicator %in% c("ROCK", "SOIL", "SURFACELITTER")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(indicator = indicator %>% snakecase::to_upper_camel_case() %>%
      stringr::str_c("AH_", ., "Cover")) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = indicator, values_from = percent) %>%
    # add total ground cover
    dplyr::mutate(AH_TotalGroundCover = 100 - AH_SoilCover) %>%
    # rename Surface Litter
    dplyr::rename("AH_SurfaceLitterCover" = "AH_SurfacelitterCover",
                  "AH_BareSoilCover" = "AH_SoilCover")

  basal_cover_sum <- basal_cover %>%
    dplyr::filter(!indicator %in% c("ROCK", "SOIL", "SURFACELITTER", "2MOSS", "2LICHN", "M", "LC")) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(PrimaryKey) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(BasalCover = sum(percent))

  # Slope Shape
  slope_shape <- slope_shape %>% dplyr::mutate(SlopeShape = SlopeShape %>%
    snakecase::to_upper_camel_case() %>%
      "Uniform" = "Linear"
  # join all indicators together
  rhem_indicators <- dplyr::left_join(ah_cover_rhem_clean, fh_cover_rhem_clean, by = "PrimaryKey") %>%
    dplyr::left_join(litter_rock_soil) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(basal_cover_sum) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(total_foliar) %>%
smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m.