
#' Accumulated species presence, cover, and height across Line-point intercept, Vegetation height, and Species inventory methods.
#' @param lpi_tall File path to LPI rdata file
#' @param height_tall File path to height rdata file
#' @param spp_inventory_tall File path to species inventory rdata file
#' @param species_file File path to species file if you want species attributes or updated species. Geodatabase or csv allowed.
#' @param header File path to header rdata file
#' @param ... Optional filtering expression to subset the number of plots
#' @examples
#' # Get a list of all species occurring on a plot across methods (LPI, height, species inventory)
#' # This method also adds cover and height by species. Be aware that sample sizes may be insufficient to make an accurate estimate

#'accumulated_species <- accumulated_species(lpi_tall = "~/AIM/Data/lpi_tall.rdata",
#'                                                       spp_inventory_tall = "~/AIM/Data/spp_inventory_tall.rdata",
#'                                                        height_tall = "~/AIM/Data/height_tall.rdata",
#'                                                        header = "~/AIM/Data/header.rdata",
#'                                                        species_file = "species_file.csv",
#'                                                        SpeciesState %in% "NM")

#'@rdname accumulated_species
#'@export accumulated_species

accumulated_species <- function (header,
                                 lpi_tall = NULL,
                                 height_tall = NULL,
                                 spp_inventory_tall = NULL,
                                 species_file = "",
                                 dead = TRUE,
                                 source = c("TerrADat", "AIM", "LMF", "NRI"),
                                 ...) {
  # Set the filter expressions
  filter_exprs <- rlang::quos(...)

  # Subset the header by the filter expressions
  header_sub <- readRDS(header) %>% dplyr::filter(!!!filter_exprs) %>%
    dplyr::select("PrimaryKey", "PlotID", "DBKey", "State", "SpeciesState","Latitude_NAD83", "Longitude_NAD83", "source")

    # read in LPI and join to species table
    lpi_tall_header <- readRDS(lpi_tall) %>%
      by = c("PrimaryKey", "DBKey")
    lpi_species <- species_join(
      data = lpi_tall_header,
      species_file = species_file,
      overwrite_generic_species = dplyr::if_else("TerrADat" %in% source,
    ) %>% dplyr::distinct()
    # calculate cover by species
    species_cover <- pct_cover_species(lpi_tall = lpi_species)%>%
      # Omit 0 cover species
      subset(percent > 0)
    # If dead == TRUE then calculate live and dead hits as well
    if(dead) {
      species_cover_live_dead <- pct_cover_live(lpi_tall = readRDS(lpi_tall) %>%
                                                  subset(PrimaryKey %in% header_sub$PrimaryKey),
                                                hit = "any",
                                                tall = TRUE,
                                                by_line = FALSE,
                                                code) %>% subset(percent > 0)
      species_cover_live_dead_split <- species_cover_live_dead  %>%
        # split out Live and Dead into a separate column
        tidyr::separate(indicator, c( "status", "Species"), sep = "\\.") %>%
        # Add AH as prefix and Cover as a suffix
        dplyr::mutate(status = paste("AH_Species", status, "Cover", sep = "")) %>%
        # Pivot to wide so that Live and Dead are separate fields
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = status,
                           values_from = percent)
      # merge back with species_cover
      species_cover <- dplyr::left_join(species_cover,
    # add n of hits
    species_cover <- lpi_species %>%
      subset(PrimaryKey %in% header_sub$PrimaryKey) %>%
      subset(nchar(as.character(code)) >= 3 & code != "None") %>%
      dplyr::distinct(PrimaryKey, LineKey, PointNbr, code) %>%
      dplyr::count(PrimaryKey, code) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(species_cover, .,
                       by = c("PrimaryKey", "Species" = "code")) %>%
      dplyr::rename("AH_SpeciesCover_n" = "n",)
  } else {
    print("No LPI data provided")
    species_cover <- NULL

    # Read in height and join species
    height <- readRDS(height_tall) %>%
      # subset by PK and add the SpeciesState from the header
      dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(header_sub, PrimaryKey, SpeciesState), .)
    # Join to species list
    height_species <- species_join(
      data = height,
      data_code = "Species",
      species_file = species_file,
      overwrite_generic_species = dplyr::if_else("TerrADat" %in% source,
    # Correct the Non-Woody to NonWoody
      pattern = "Non-woody|Nonwoody|Non-Woody",
      x = height_species$GrowthHabit
    )] <- "NonWoody"
    # For any unresolved height errors, change height to "0" so
    # they are omitted from the calculations
    height_species <- height_species %>% subset(GrowthHabit_measured == GrowthHabit)
    # calculate height by species
    species_height <- mean_height(height_tall = height_species,
                                  method = "mean",
                                  by_line = FALSE,
                                  omit_zero = TRUE,
                                  tall = TRUE,
    # add n of samples for each calculation
    species_height <- height_species %>%
      subset(PrimaryKey %in% header_sub$PrimaryKey) %>%
      dplyr::count(PrimaryKey, Species) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(., species_height,
                       by = c("PrimaryKey", "Species" = "indicator")) %>%
      dplyr::rename("Hgt_Species_Avg_n" = "n") %>%

      # remove "None" codes
      subset(Species != "None")
    if(dead) {
      species_height_live_dead <- mean_height(height_tall = readRDS(height_tall) %>%
                                                subset(PrimaryKey %in% header_sub$PrimaryKey),
                                              method = "mean",
                                              by_line = FALSE,
                                              omit_zero = TRUE,
                                              tall = TRUE,
                                              Chkbox, Species)
      species_height_live_dead_split <- species_cover_live_dead  %>%
        # Identify 0 as Live and 1 as dead
        dplyr::mutate(indicator = stringr::str_replace_all(indicator,
                                                           c("1\\." = "Dead\\.",
                                                             "0\\." = "Live\\."))
        )  %>%
        # split out Live and Dead into a separate column
        tidyr::separate(indicator, c( "status", "Species"), sep = "\\.") %>%
        # Add AH as prefix and Cover as a suffix
        dplyr::mutate(status = paste("Hgt_Species", status, "_Avg", sep = "")) %>%
        # Pivot to wide so that Live and Dead are separate fields
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = status,
                           values_from = percent)
      # merge back with species_cover
      species_height <- dplyr::left_join(species_height_live_dead_split,
                                         by = c("Species", # = "indicator",
  } else {
    print("No height data provided")
    species_height <- NULL

    # read species inventory data and join species list
    species_inventory <- readRDS(spp_inventory_tall) %>%
      # Join to the header to get the relevant PrimaryKeys and SpeciesSate
      dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(header_sub, PrimaryKey, SpeciesState), .,
                       by = "PrimaryKey"
    # Join to State Species List
    spp_inventory_species <- species_join(
      data = species_inventory,
      data_code = "Species",
      species_file = species_file,
      overwrite_generic_species = dplyr::if_else("TerrADat" %in% source,
    # get list of species occurring in species inventory
    species_inventory <- spp_inventory_species %>%
      dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, Species) %>%
  } else {
    print("No species inventory data provided")
    species_inventory <- NULL
  # Join height and cover calculations together
  # If both species_cover and species_height are present, do a full join. 
  if(!is.null(species_cover) & !is.null(species_height)){
    species <- dplyr::full_join(species_cover, species_height,
                                by = c("PrimaryKey", "Species"))
  #  If one is absent, pass the present one forward.
  } else if (!is.null(species_cover)){
    species <- species_cover
  } else if (!is.null(species_height)){
    species <- species_height
  #  If both are absent, return NULL
  } else {
    species <- NULL

  # find the species that do not occur from the joined species list but are
  # present in the species inventory table and append those to the species list
  # If both species and species_inventory are present, do a full join. 
  if(!is.null(species) & !is.null(species_inventory)){
    all_species <- dplyr::anti_join(species_inventory, species,
                                    by = c("PrimaryKey", "Species")) %>%
      # append to end of the species list
      dplyr::bind_rows(species, .)
  #  If one is absent, pass the present one forward.
  } else if(!is.null(species)){
    all_species <- species
  } else if(!is.null(species_inventory)){
    all_species <- species_inventory
  } else {
    stop("No data provided. Provide one or more of LPI, height, or species inventory data.")

  # Remove non-species codes
  all_species <- all_species %>%
    subset(nchar(Species) > 2 & !is.na(Species))

  # back to header
  all_species_header <-dplyr::full_join(header_sub, all_species,
                                        by = "PrimaryKey") %>%
    # create formal output table
      "AH_SpeciesCover" = "percent",
      "Hgt_Species_Avg" = "mean_height"

  # if a species list is provided, join to species list
  if (species_file != "") {
    all_species_header <- species_join(data = all_species_header,
                                           data_code = "Species",
                                           species_file = species_file)

  # if either height or LPI is not provided, columns will be missing
    all_species_header$Hgt_Species_Avg <- NA
    all_species_header$Hgt_Species_Avg_n <- NA
    all_species_header$AH_SpeciesCover <- NA
    all_species_header$AH_SpeciesCover_n <- NA

smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m.