
Defines functions imputedDosageFile .probToGenotype .probToDosage

Documented in imputedDosageFile

.probToDosage <- function(probs, BB=TRUE, prob.miss.val=NULL) {
  if (BB & ncol(probs) %% 3 != 0) stop("invalid probability file - there are not 3 columns per row")
  if (!BB & ncol(probs) %% 2 != 0) stop("invalid probability file - there are not 2 columns per row")

  ## check for missing values here while it's still character strings
  ## if AA==AB==BB, set to missing

  if (BB) {
    AAprob <- probs[,c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE),drop=FALSE]
    ABprob <- probs[,c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE),drop=FALSE]
    BBprob <- probs[,c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE),drop=FALSE]
    # check for missing strings
    ## calculate A allele dosage
    i <- AAprob == ABprob & AAprob == BBprob
    mode(AAprob) <- "numeric"
    mode(ABprob) <- "numeric"
    mode(BBprob) <- "numeric"
    dosage <- (2*AAprob + ABprob) / (AAprob + ABprob + BBprob)
    dosage[i] <- NA
  } else {
    AAprob <- probs[,c(TRUE,FALSE),drop=FALSE]
    ABprob <- probs[,c(FALSE,TRUE),drop=FALSE]
    # check for missing strings
    ## calculate A allele dosage
    # assumes no missing, or at least, a dosage that doesn't give you -1.
    # no normalization either, since we don't have the full set of probabilities
    mode(AAprob) <- "numeric"
    mode(ABprob) <- "numeric"
    dosage <- 2*AAprob + ABprob


.probToGenotype <- function(probs, BB=TRUE, prob.threshold=0.9) {
  if (BB & ncol(probs) %% 3 != 0) stop("invalid probability file - there are not 3 columns per row")
  if (!BB & ncol(probs) %% 2 != 0) stop("invalid probability file - there are not 2 columns per row")
  ## check for missing values here while it's still character strings
  ## if AA==AB==BB, set to missing
  if (BB) {
    AAprob <- probs[,c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE),drop=FALSE]
    ABprob <- probs[,c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE),drop=FALSE]
    BBprob <- probs[,c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE),drop=FALSE]
    # check for missing strings
    ## calculate A allele dosage
    i <- AAprob == ABprob & AAprob == BBprob
    mode(AAprob) <- "numeric"
    mode(ABprob) <- "numeric"
    mode(BBprob) <- "numeric"
  } else {
    AAprob <- probs[,c(TRUE,FALSE),drop=FALSE]
    ABprob <- probs[,c(FALSE,TRUE),drop=FALSE]
    # check for missing strings
    ## calculate A allele dosage
    # assumes no missing, or at least, a dosage that doesn't give you -1.
    # no normalization either, since we don't have the full set of probabilities
    mode(AAprob) <- "numeric"
    mode(ABprob) <- "numeric"
    BBprob <- 1 - AAprob - ABprob
  sel.AA <- AAprob > ABprob & AAprob > BBprob & AAprob > prob.threshold
  sel.AB <- ABprob > AAprob & ABprob > BBprob & ABprob > prob.threshold
  sel.BB <- BBprob > AAprob & BBprob > ABprob & BBprob > prob.threshold
  genotype <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(AAprob), nrow=nrow(AAprob))
  genotype[sel.AA] <- 2
  genotype[sel.AB] <- 1
  genotype[sel.BB] <- 0

imputedDosageFile <- function(input.files, filename, chromosome,
                             input.type=c("IMPUTE2", "BEAGLE", "MaCH"),
                             output.type=c("dosage", "genotype"),
                             file.type=c("gds", "ncdf"),
                             verbose=TRUE) {

  # arguments: input type (impute2, beagle, mach), probs or dosages
  input.type <- match.arg(input.type)

  # return an error if the inputs are dosages but the desired outputs are genotypes
  output.type <- match.arg(output.type)
  if (input.dosage == TRUE & output.type == "genotype") {
    stop("genotypes cannot be calculated from dosages")

  ## get file type
  file.type <- match.arg(file.type)

  # check snp,scan and filetype
  if (genotypeDim != "snp,scan" & file.type == "ncdf") stop("ncdf files must be snp,scan")
  # determine number of SNPs and samples
  if (verbose) message("Determining number of SNPs and samples...")
  Cnt <- count.fields(input.files[1])
  line.cnt <- length(Cnt)
  col.cnt <- max(Cnt)
  if (input.type == "IMPUTE2") {
    nsnp <- line.cnt
    nsamp <- (col.cnt-5)/3
  if (input.type == "BEAGLE") {
    nsnp <- line.cnt - 1
    if (input.dosage) nsamp <- col.cnt-3 else nsamp <- (col.cnt-3)/3
  if (input.type == "MaCH") {
    if (input.dosage) nsnp <- col.cnt-2 else nsnp <- (col.cnt-2)/2
    nsamp <- line.cnt

  # assign snp IDs
  if (!is.null(snp.exclude)){
    # check type
    if (!is.numeric(snp.exclude)) stop("snp.exclude must be list of integers to include")
    snpID <- 1:(nsnp - length(snp.exclude))
  } else {
    if (verbose) message("Including all SNPs.")
    snpID <- 1:nsnp
    snp.exclude <- numeric()
    #snp.names <- NA
  snp.df <- data.frame(snpID=as.integer(snpID + (snp.id.start-1)))

  # scan.df - input checking or creation
  if (!is.null(scan.df) & !("sampleID" %in% names(scan.df))) {
    stop("sampleID required in scan.df.")
    if (!("scanID" %in% names(scan.df))) scan.df$scanID <- 1:nrow(scan.df)
  } else if (!is.null(scan.df) & !("scanID" %in% names(scan.df))) {
    if (verbose) message("scanID mapping not given. Assigning scanIDs automatically.")
    scan.df$scanID <- 1:nsamp
  } else if (is.null(scan.df)) {
    if (verbose) message("scan.df not given. Assigning scanIDs automatically.")
    scan.df <- data.frame(scanID=1:nsamp, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    scan.df$sampleID <- NA
  # order by scanID -- do we want this?
  #scan.df$scanID <- as.integer(scan.df$scanID) # convert to integer
  #scan.df <- scan.df[order(scan.df$scanID), , drop=FALSE]
  scan.df$added <- FALSE # variable if added to the gds file successfully
  #if (nrow(scan.df) != nsamp) stop("Number of samples in scan.df is different than number of samples in file.")

  # add some checking so we can use our own scan ids (and our own snp ids?)
  #snpID <- 1:nsnp
  #scanID <- 1:nsamp

  ## create data file
  if (output.type == "dosage") {
    precision <- "single"
    miss.val <- -1
  } else if (output.type == "genotype") {
    precision <- "bit2"
    if (file.type == "gds") {
      miss.val <- 3
    } else if (file.type == "ncdf") {
      miss.val <- -1
  if (file.type == "gds") {
      gfile <- .createGdsDosage(snp.df, scan.df, filename, genotypeDim, miss.val, precision, compress.annot)
  } else if (file.type == "ncdf") {
      if (!(requireNamespace("ncdf4"))) {
        stop("please install ncdf4 to work with NetCDF files")
      gfile <- .createNcdfDosage(snp.df, scan.df, filename, miss.val, precision)

  # read input file(s)
  # valid for GDS and NCDF mostly.
  if (input.type == "IMPUTE2") {

    if (input.dosage) stop("input.dosage=TRUE not valid for input.type=IMPUTE2")
    # .samples file
    if (verbose) message ("Reading sample file...")
    samp.header <- scan(input.files[2], what=character(), nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
    samples <- fread(input.files[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=FALSE, skip=2, data.table=FALSE)
    names(samples) <- samp.header
    if (nrow(samples) != nsamp) stop("Sample number mismatch: ", nsamp, " in genotype file; ", nrow(samples), "in samples file")

    # check for unique ids
    samples$ID <- paste(samples$ID_1, samples$ID_2)
    if (any(duplicated(samples$ID))) stop("Sample ID is duplicated in input sample file")

    # select samples
    if (all(is.na(scan.df$sampleID))) {
      i_samp <- 1:nrow(samples)
      scan.df$sampleID <- samples$ID
    } else {
      i_samp <- match(scan.df$sampleID, samples$ID)
    scan.df <- cbind(scan.df, samples[i_samp, !(names(samples) %in% "ID"),])

    # empty matrix for SNP data
    snps <- matrix("", nrow=nsnp, ncol=5)

    # set up snp df columns
    snp.df[, c("snp", "rsID", "position", "alleleA", "alleleB")] <- NA

    # .gens file
    if (verbose) message ("Reading genotype file...")
    opfile <- file(input.files[1], "r")
    cnt <- 1 # tracks where we are in the dosage file, snp dimension
    i_snp <- 1 # tracks where we are in the gds file, snp dimension
    while (length(ss <- scan(opfile, what=character(), quiet=TRUE, nlines=block.size)) > 0) {
      if (verbose) message("Block ", ceiling(cnt/block.size), " of ", ceiling(nsnp/block.size))
      dat <- matrix(ss, ncol=col.cnt, byrow=TRUE) # snps are the first column

      # selected snps
      dat <- dat[!((1:nrow(dat)+cnt-1) %in% snp.exclude), , drop=FALSE]
      # check that all are selected
      if (nrow(dat) < 1){
        cnt <- cnt + block.size

      # add snp info to annotation
      snp.df$snp[i_snp : (i_snp+nrow(dat)-1)] <- dat[, 1]
      snp.df$rsID[i_snp : (i_snp+nrow(dat)-1)] <- dat[, 2]
      snp.df$position[i_snp : (i_snp+nrow(dat)-1)] <- as.integer(dat[, 3])
      snp.df$alleleA[i_snp : (i_snp+nrow(dat)-1)] <- dat[, 4]
      snp.df$alleleB[i_snp : (i_snp+nrow(dat)-1)] <- dat[, 5]

      # get dosage info
      dat <- dat[, 6:ncol(dat), drop=FALSE]
      if (output.type == "dosage") {
        dosage <- .probToDosage(dat)
      } else if (output.type == "genotype") {
        dosage <- .probToGenotype(dat, prob.threshold=prob.threshold)
      } else {
        stop("output.type needs to be either dosage or genotype")
      if (ncol(dosage) != nsamp) stop("number of dosage columns not equal to number of samples in file")

      # subset dosage to match this set of samples, snp subsetting was already taken care of
      dosage <- dosage[, i_samp, drop=FALSE]
      if(genotypeDim == "snp,scan") {
        start <- c(i_snp, 1)
        count <- c(nrow(dosage), ncol(dosage))
      } else if (genotypeDim == "scan,snp") {
        start <- c(1, i_snp)
        count <- c(ncol(dosage), nrow(dosage))
        dosage <- t(dosage)

      # check for missing values
      dosage[dosage < 0 | dosage > 2 | is.na(dosage)] <- miss.val

      .addDosage(gfile, dosage, start=start, count=count)
      cnt <- cnt + block.size
      if (genotypeDim == "snp,scan"){
        i_snp <- i_snp + nrow(dosage)
      } else if (genotypeDim == "scan,snp"){
        i_snp <- i_snp + ncol(dosage)


    scan.df$added[scan.df$sampleID %in% samples$ID] <- TRUE


  if (input.type == "BEAGLE") {
    # .markers file
    if (verbose) message ("Reading SNP file...")
    snps <- fread(input.files[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=FALSE, data.table=FALSE)
    names(snps) <- c("marker", "position", "alleleA", "alleleB")
    if (nrow(snps) != nsnp) stop("SNP number mismatch: ", nsnp, " in genotype file; ", nrow(snps), "in markers file")

    # .dose or .gprobs file
    if (verbose) message ("Reading genotype file...")
    # sample names in header
    opfile <- file(input.files[1], open="r")
    header <- scan(opfile, what=character(), quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
    header <- header[4:length(header)]
    if (input.dosage) sample.id <- header else sample.id <- header[c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)]
    samples <- data.frame("ID"=sample.id, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    if (all(is.na(scan.df$sampleID))) {
      i_samp <- 1:nrow(samples)
      scan.df$sampleID <- samples$ID
    } else {
      i_samp <- match(scan.df$sampleID, samples$ID)

    # set up snp annotation
    snp.df[, c("snp", "position", "alleleA", "alleleB")] <- NA

    cnt <- 1 # tracks location in the impute file
    i_snp <- 1 # tracks location in the gds file
    while (length(ss <- scan(opfile, what=character(), quiet=TRUE, nlines=block.size)) > 0) {

      if (verbose) message("Block ", ceiling(cnt/block.size), " of ", ceiling(nsnp/block.size))

      dat <- matrix(ss, ncol=col.cnt, byrow=TRUE)

      if (!allequal(snps[cnt:(cnt+nrow(dat)-1),c(1,3,4)], dat[,1:3])) stop ("markers file does not match genotype file")

      # selected snps
      dat <- dat[!((1:nrow(dat)+cnt-1) %in% snp.exclude), , drop=FALSE]
      # check that all are selected
      if (nrow(dat) < 1){
        cnt <- cnt + block.size

      # add snp info to annotation
      snp.df$snp[i_snp : (i_snp + nrow(dat) - 1)] <- dat[, 1]
      snp.df$alleleA[i_snp : (i_snp + nrow(dat) - 1)] <- dat[, 2]
      snp.df$alleleB[i_snp : (i_snp + nrow(dat) - 1)] <- dat[, 3]

      dat <- dat[, 4:ncol(dat), drop=FALSE]
      if (input.dosage) {
        # BEAGLE has B allele dosage
        mode(dat) <- "numeric"
        dosage <- 2 - dat
      } else {
        if (output.type == "dosage") {
          dosage <- .probToDosage(dat)
        } else if (output.type == "genotype") {
          dosage <- .probToGenotype(dat, prob.threshold=prob.threshold)
      if (ncol(dosage) != nsamp) stop("number of dosage columns not equal to number of samples")
      dosage <- dosage[, i_samp, drop=FALSE]
      if(genotypeDim == "snp,scan") {
        start <- c(i_snp, 1)
        count <- c(nrow(dosage), -1)
      } else if (genotypeDim == "scan,snp") {
        start <- c(1, i_snp)
        count <- c(-1, nrow(dosage))
        dosage <- t(dosage)

      # check for missing values
      dosage[dosage < 0 | dosage > 2 | is.na(dosage)] <- miss.val

      .addDosage(gfile, dosage, start=start, count=count)
      cnt <- cnt + block.size
      if (genotypeDim == "snp,scan"){
        i_snp <- i_snp + nrow(dosage)
      } else if (genotypeDim == "scan,snp"){
        i_snp <- i_snp + ncol(dosage)


    # keep track of added samples
    scan.df$added[scan.df$sampleID %in% samples$ID] <- TRUE

    # add position
    snp.df$position <- snps$position[!((1:nrow(snps)) %in% snp.exclude)]

  if (input.type == "MaCH") {
    # .mlinfo file
    if (verbose) message ("Reading SNP files...")
    snps <- fread(input.files[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE, data.table=FALSE)
    snps <- snps[,1:3]
    names(snps) <- c("snp", "alleleA", "alleleB")
    if (nrow(snps) != nsnp) stop("SNP number mismatch: ", nsnp, " in genotype file; ", nrow(snps), "in mlinfo file")

    # get snps to exclude
    i_snp <- !((1:nsnp) %in% snp.exclude)

    snp.df[, c("snp", "alleleA", "alleleB")] <- NA
    snp.df$snp <- snps$snp[i_snp]
    snp.df$alleleA <- snps$alleleA[i_snp]
    snp.df$alleleB <- snps$alleleB[i_snp]

    # file with SNP positions
    snp2 <- fread(input.files[3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE, data.table=FALSE)
    snp2 <- snp2[,c("SNP", "position")]
    names(snp2) <- c("snp", "position")
    if (!setequal(snps$snp, snp2$snp)) stop("SNP column in files ", input.files[2], " and ", input.files[3], " do not contain the same values")
    #ord <- snps$SNP
    #snp.df <- merge(snp.df, snp2, sort=FALSE, all.x=TRUE)
    #snp.df <- snp.df[order(snp.df$snpID),]
    snp.df$position <- snp2$position[i_snp]

    # .mldose or .mlprob file
    if (verbose) message ("Reading genotype file...")
    opfile <- file(input.files[1], "r")
    cnt <- 1
    while (length(ss <- scan(opfile, what=character(), quiet=TRUE, nlines=block.size)) > 0) {
      if (verbose) message("Block ", ceiling(cnt/block.size), " of ", ceiling(nsamp/block.size))
      dat <- matrix(ss, ncol=col.cnt, byrow=TRUE)
      #samp.dat[cnt:(cnt+nrow(dat)-1)] <- dat[,1]
      samp.block <- dat[,1]
      dat <- dat[,3:ncol(dat),drop=FALSE]
      if (input.dosage) {
        mode(dat) <- "numeric"
        dosage <- t(dat)
      } else {
        if (output.type == "dosage") {
          dosage <- t(.probToDosage(dat, BB = FALSE))
        } else if (output.type == "genotype") {
          dosage <- t(.probToGenotype(dat, BB = FALSE, prob.threshold=prob.threshold))
      if (nrow(dosage) != nsnp) stop("number of dosage rows not equal to number of SNPs")

      # loop over samples to add them. Lots of indices here:
      # i_dos tracks the location in the dosage array
      # i_samp finds the location in the gds file/scan.df
      # i_snp matches the ordering of snps in the dosage array to the ordering of snps in the gds file
      for (i_dos in 1:length(samp.block)) {

        # this sample
        samp <- samp.block[i_dos]

        # check if sampleID has been given
        if (all(!is.na(scan.df$sampleID)) & (samp %in% scan.df$sampleID)) {
          # add the genotype
          i_samp <- which(scan.df$sampleID %in% samp)
        } else if (any(is.na(scan.df$sampleID)) & !(samp %in% scan.df$sampleID)) {
          # take the first missing sampleID
          i_samp <- min(which(is.na(scan.df$sampleID)))
          scan.df$sampleID[i_samp] <- samp
        } else {
          # something failed?
        # get dosage for that sample and reorder to match gds snp ordering.
        dos.samp <- dosage[i_snp, i_dos]

        # check for missing values
        dos.samp[dos.samp < 0 | dos.samp > 2 | is.na(dos.samp)] <- miss.val

        if (genotypeDim == "snp,scan"){
          start <- c(1, i_samp)
          count <- c(-1, 1)
        } else if (genotypeDim == "scan,snp") {
          start <- c(i_samp, 1)
          count <- c(1, -1)
        # write all snps for that sample
        .addDosage(gfile, dos.samp, start=start, count=count)
        scan.df$added[i_samp] <- TRUE
        cnt <- cnt+1



  # zero out samples that haven't been added
  i_zero <- which(!scan.df$added)
  for (i_samp in i_zero){
    if (genotypeDim == "snp,scan"){
      start <- c(1, i_samp)
      count <- c(-1, 1)
    } else if (genotypeDim == "scan,snp") {
      start <- c(i_samp, 1)
      count <- c(1, -1)
    dos.samp <- rep(-1, nrow(snp.df))
    # write all snps for that sample
    .addDosage(gfile, dos.samp, start=start, count=count)

  ## # compress (if gds)
  ## if (file.type == "gds" & compress != "") {
  ##     if (verbose) message("Compressing...")
  ##     .compressDosage(gfile, compress)
  ## }
  # set up annotation
  #samples$scanID <- 1:nrow(samples) ## this will need to change.
  #if ("sex" %in% names(samples)) names(samples)[names(samples) %in% "sex"] <- "sex.sample"
  if ("sex" %in% names(scan.df)) {
    if (!all(scan.df$sex %in% c("M","F"))) {
      if (all(scan.df$sex %in% c(1,2))) {
        scan.df$sex <- c("1"="M", "2"="F")[as.character(scan.df$sex)]
      } else {
        names(scan.df)[names(scan.df) %in% "sex"] <- "sex.sample"
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scan.df)

  #snps$snpID <- 1:nrow(snps)
  # convert chromosome type
  xchr.str <- c(1:22, "X", "Y", "XY", "MT", "M", 23, 24, 25, 26)
  xchr <- as.integer(c(1:22, 23, 25, 24, 26, 26, 23, 24, 25, 26))
  snp.df$chromosome <- xchr[match(chromosome, xchr.str)]
  snp.df$position <- as.integer(snp.df$position)
  snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(snp.df)

  # add variable data
  if (verbose) message("Writing annotation...")
  .addSnpVars(gfile, snpAnnot, compress.annot)

  # save annotation
  save(snpAnnot, file=snp.annot.filename)
  save(scanAnnot, file=scan.annot.filename)

  # compress (if gds)
  if (file.type == "gds" & compress != "") {
      if (verbose) message("Compressing...")
      gfile <- .reopenGds(gfile)
      .compressDosage(gfile, compress)
  # close file
  .close(gfile, verbose=verbose)
smgogarten/GWASTools documentation built on May 18, 2024, 1:19 a.m.