
Defines functions count_lines flatten_ggplot sm_put_together

Documented in sm_put_together

#' Combining figures together
#' This function works best if all_plots argument (the list input) contains plots
#' that have tick labels on both x and y axes; this information will be used to
#' optimize the layout of the composite figure.
#' The inputs for the axis labels can be created with sm_common_xlabel(), sm_common_ylabel()
#' and sm_common_title(). Alternatively, users can supply character strings directly
#' to sm_put_together() instead. However, this option is not flexible but the function
#' tries its best to find the optimal size and location given the plot information.
#' @param all_plots
#' all_plots should be list, which should contain all panels
#' that are to be combined into one figure.
#' @param title
#' Title layer that will determine the main title of the combined plot.
#' This is created using sm_common_title(). Optional argument.
#' Users can also supply character string here instead.
#' @param xlabel
#' xlabel layer that will determine the label of the combined plot's x-axis.
#' This is created using sm_common_xlabel(). Optional argument.
#' Users can also supply character string here instead.
#' @param ylabel
#' ylabel layer that will determine the label of the combined plot's y-axis.
#' This is created using sm_common_ylabel(). Optional argument.
#' Users can also supply character string here instead.
#' @param legend
#' ggplot() layer that has legend. Optional argument.
#' @param ncol
#' Number of columns in the combined plot
#' @param nrow
#' Number of rows in the combined plot
#' @param tickRatio
#' Relative size of the ticks to the default aesthetics of the thematic functions (ex. sm_hgrid()).
#' By default, it adjusts tickRatio based on the given plot. But this
#' can be overwritten if the input is supplied (ex. try 1.4 to begin with). FOr example, 1.4x means that
#' it is 1.4x larger than the tick size of a single given plot.
#' @param panel_scale
#' Scale of the panel. Default is set to 0.9 to reduce empty space
#' within and around each panel. The user can set to a value from 0 to 1 to
#' see what happens to the spacing within each panel and between panels.
#' @param wRatio
#' This adjusts the ratio of the width of the first column to those of other columns.
#' By default, it adjusts wRatio based on the given plot. However, this can be overwritten if the input is supplied.
#' If the value is larger than 1, then it will be wider than that of other columns. Users are encouraged
#' to adjust this value because different computers can show different looking outputs.
#' @param hRatio
#' This adjusts the ratio of the height of the last row to those of other rows
#' By default, it adjusts hRatio based on the given plot. However, this can be overwritten if the input is supplied. If the value
#' is larger than 1, then it will be taller than that of other columns. Users are encouraged
#' to adjust this value because different computers can show different looking outputs.
#' @param hmargin
#' The amount of height of blank space between subplots. It sets the size of the empty space (i.e., margin) between panels. T
#' he default is set to 0. If its positive, the blank spacing will increase. If its negative, it will get reduced
#' between panels.
#' @param wmargin
#' The amount of width of blank space between subplots. It sets the size of the empty space (i.e., margin) between panels. T
#' he default is set to 0. If its positive, the blank spacing will increase. If its negative, it will get reduced
#' between panels.
#' @param remove_ticks
#' If set to 'some', x-axis ticks and y-axis ticks will be removed in inner plots.
#' If set to 'all', then all panels' ticks will be removed.
#' If set to 'none', then all panels' ticks will be kept.
#' @param xlabel2
#' 2nd xlabel layer that will determine the label of the combined plot's secondary x-axis.
#' This is created using sm_common_xlabel(). Optional argument.
#' Users can also supply character string here instead.
#' @param ylabel2
#' 2nd ylabel layer that will determine the label of the combined plot's y-axis.
#' This is created using sm_common_ylabel(). Optional argument.
#' Users can also supply character string here instead.
#' @param wRatio2
#' This adjusts the ratio of the width of the last column to those of other columns.
#' By default, it adjusts wRatio2 based on the given plot. However, this can be overwritten if the input is supplied.
#' If the value is larger than 1, then it will be wider than that of other columns. Users are encouraged
#' to adjust this value because different computers can show different looking outputs.
#' @param hRatio2
#' This adjusts the ratio of the height of the first row to those of other rows
#' By default, it adjusts hRatio2 based on the given plot. However, this can be overwritten if the input is supplied.  If the value
#' is larger than 1, then it will be taller than that of other columns. Users are encouraged
#' to adjust this value because different computers can show different looking outputs.
#' @param labelRatio
#' Relative text size of the labels, such as title, xlabel, ylabel, xlabel2 and ylabel2 to its default font size (optimized).
#' This input only changes the size if the inputs are provided as character strings. The default value is 1. If
#' this input is larger than 1.1, then the text size will be larger 1.1x than the default size, which itself
#' is optimized based on the plot's given layout and other information.
#' @return
#' Returns a combined figure.
#' @export
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_build
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @examples
#' library(smplot2)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) +
#' geom_point(shape = 21, fill = '#0f993d', color = 'white',
#'           size = 3) -> p1
#' ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) +
#'   geom_point(shape = 21, fill = '#0f993d', color = 'white', size = 3) +
#'   sm_hvgrid() -> p2
#' title <- sm_common_title('My title')
#' xlabel <- sm_common_xlabel('My x-axis')
#' ylabel <- sm_common_ylabel('My y-axis')
#' sm_put_together(list(p1,p2), title=title, xlabel=xlabel,
#'                 ylabel=ylabel, ncol=2,nrow=1)
#' sm_put_together(list(p1,p2), title='My title', xlabel='My x-axis',
#'                 ylabel='My y-axis', labelRatio = 1.1, ncol=2,nrow=1)

sm_put_together <- function(all_plots, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend,
                            ncol, nrow, xlabel2, ylabel2, tickRatio, panel_scale = 0.9, wRatio,
                            hRatio, hmargin = 0, wmargin = 0, remove_ticks = 'some',
                            wRatio2, hRatio2, labelRatio = 1) {

  all_plots <- flatten_ggplot(all_plots)

  if (missing(title)) title <- NULL
  if (missing(xlabel)) xlabel <- NULL
  if (missing(ylabel)) ylabel <- NULL
  if (missing(xlabel2)) xlabel2 <- NULL
  if (missing(ylabel2)) ylabel2 <- NULL

  ncr <- max(ncol,nrow)
  if (missing(tickRatio)) {
    if (ncr > 1) {
      tickRatio = 1+ncr/12
    } else {
      tickRatio = 1
  } else {
    tickRatio = tickRatio

  double_yaxis_output <- unlist(lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(iPlot) {

    y_axis1_label <-  ggplot_build(all_plots[[iPlot]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y$get_labels()
    y_axis1_label <- y_axis1_label[!is.na(y_axis1_label)]

    y_axis2_label <-  ggplot_build(all_plots[[iPlot]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.sec$get_labels()
    y_axis2_label <- y_axis2_label[!is.na(y_axis2_label)]

    min_y_len <- min(length(y_axis1_label), length(y_axis2_label))

    !all(head(y_axis1_label,min_y_len) == head(y_axis2_label,min_y_len))

  double_xaxis_output <- unlist(lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(iPlot) {
    x_axis1_label <- ggplot_build(all_plots[[iPlot]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x$get_labels()
    x_axis1_label <- x_axis1_label[!is.na(x_axis1_label)]

    x_axis2_label <- ggplot_build(all_plots[[iPlot]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.sec$get_labels()
    x_axis2_label <- x_axis2_label[!is.na(x_axis2_label)]

    min_x_len <- min(length(x_axis1_label), length(x_axis2_label))

    !all(head(x_axis1_label,min_x_len) == head(x_axis2_label,min_x_len))

  double_yaxis = any(double_yaxis_output)
  double_xaxis = any(double_xaxis_output)
  y_left_only <- all(!double_yaxis_output)
  x_bottom_only <- all(!double_xaxis_output)

  if (double_yaxis) double_yaxis_which = which(double_yaxis_output)[[1]]
  if (double_xaxis) double_xaxis_which = which(double_xaxis_output)[[1]]
  if (y_left_only) left_yaxis_which = which(!double_yaxis_output)[[1]]
  if (x_bottom_only) bottom_xaxis_which = which(!double_xaxis_output[[1]])

  if (double_yaxis) {
    y1_label <-  as.character(ggplot_build(all_plots[[double_yaxis_which]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y$get_labels())
    y1_label <- y1_label[!is.na(y1_label)]

    nChar_y1 <- max(nchar(y1_label))
    nChar_y1a <- max(nchar(gsub('[[:punct:]]','', y1_label))) # pure number length
    nPunc_y1 <- nChar_y1 - nChar_y1a

    y2_label <-  as.character(ggplot_build(all_plots[[double_yaxis_which]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.sec$get_labels())
    y2_label <- y2_label[!is.na(y2_label)]

    nChar_y2 <- max(nchar(y2_label))
    nChar_y2a <- max(nchar(gsub('[[:punct:]]','', y2_label))) # pure number length
    nPunc_y2 <- nChar_y2 - nChar_y2a
  } else if (y_left_only) {

    y1_label <-  as.character(ggplot_build(all_plots[[left_yaxis_which]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y$get_labels())
    y1_label <- y1_label[!is.na(y1_label)]

    nChar_y1 <- max(nchar(y1_label))
    nChar_y1a <- max(nchar(gsub('[[:punct:]]','', y1_label))) # pure number length
    nPunc_y1 <- nChar_y1 - nChar_y1a

    nChar_y2 <- 0
    nChar_y2a <- 0
    nPunc_y2 <- 0

  if (double_xaxis) {

    x1_label <- as.character(ggplot_build(all_plots[[double_xaxis_which]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x$get_labels())
    x1_label <- x1_label[!is.na(x1_label)]
    maxLines_x1 <- max(unlist(lapply(x1_label, count_lines)))

    x2_label <- as.character(ggplot_build(all_plots[[double_xaxis_which]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.sec$get_labels())
    x2_label <- x2_label[!is.na(x2_label)]
    maxLines_x2 <- max(unlist(lapply(x2_label, count_lines)))
  } else if (x_bottom_only) {

    x1_label <- as.character(ggplot_build(all_plots[[bottom_xaxis_which]])$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x$get_labels())
    x1_label <- x1_label[!is.na(x1_label)]
    maxLines_x1 <- max(unlist(lapply(x1_label, count_lines)))

    maxLines_x2 <- 0

  if (missing(wRatio)) wRatio = 1 + (0.04 + 0.005*ncol + (0.9-ifelse(panel_scale > 0.9, 0.9, panel_scale))/10)*(nChar_y1a + 0.85*nPunc_y1)
  if (missing(wRatio2)) wRatio2 = 1 + (0.04 + 0.005*ncol + (0.9-ifelse(panel_scale > 0.9, 0.9, panel_scale))/10)*(nChar_y2a + 0.85*nPunc_y2)

  if (missing(hRatio))  hRatio = 1 + 0.1*maxLines_x1 + 0.04*ifelse(maxLines_x1 > 2, 1,0)
  if (missing(hRatio2))  hRatio2 = 1 + 0.1*maxLines_x2 + 0.04*ifelse(maxLines_x2 > 2, 1,0)

  all_plots <- lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(iPlot) {
    all_plots[[iPlot]] + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = rel(tickRatio)),
                               axis.text.y = element_text(size = rel(tickRatio)))

  if (remove_ticks == 'none') {
    all_plots1 <- lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(iPlot) {
      all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('single', hmargin=hmargin, wmargin=wmargin)
    rel_widths <- rep(1,ncol)
    rel_heights <- rep(1,ncol)

  } else if (remove_ticks == 'some') {
    all_plots1 <- sm_plot_clean(all_plots, ncol=ncol,nrow=nrow, hmargin=hmargin, wmargin=wmargin)
    if (double_yaxis == FALSE) {
      rel_widths <- c(wRatio, rep(1,ncol-1))
    } else {
      if (ncol < 2.1) {
        rel_widths <- rep(1,ncol)
      } else {
        rel_widths <- c(wRatio, rep(1,ncol-2), wRatio2)
    if (double_xaxis == FALSE) {
      rel_heights <- c(rep(1,nrow-1), hRatio)
    } else {
      if (nrow < 2.1) {
        rel_heights <- rep(1,ncol)
      } else {
        rel_heights <- c(hRatio2, rep(1,nrow-2), hRatio)


  } else if (remove_ticks == 'all') {
    all_plots1 <- lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(iPlot) {
      all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('center', hmargin=hmargin, wmargin=wmargin)
    rel_widths <- rep(1,ncol)
    rel_heights <- rep(1,ncol)

  if (missing(legend)) {
    all_plots1 <- all_plots1
  } else {
    all_plots1[[length(all_plots1)+1]] <- legend

  # all_plots should be list
  all_plots2 <- lapply(1:length(all_plots1), function(iPlot) {
    plot_grid(all_plots1[[iPlot]], scale=panel_scale)

  tgd1 <- plot_grid(plotlist = all_plots2, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow,
                    rel_widths = rel_widths, rel_heights = rel_heights, axis='tblr', align='hv')

  # add labels

  if (inherits(ylabel, 'character'))  {
    ylabelStr <- ylabel
    ylabel <- sm_common_ylabel('')
  } else ylabelStr <- NULL
  if (inherits(xlabel, 'character'))  {
    xlabelStr <- xlabel
    xlabel <- sm_common_xlabel('')
  } else xlabelStr <- NULL
  if (inherits(ylabel2, 'character')) {
    ylabel2Str <- ylabel2
    ylabel2 <- sm_common_ylabel('')
  } else ylabel2Str <- NULL
  if (inherits(xlabel2, 'character')) {
    xlabel2Str <- xlabel2
    xlabel2 <- sm_common_xlabel('')
  } else xlabel2Str <- NULL
  if (inherits(title, 'character'))  {
    titleStr <- title
    title <- sm_common_title('')
  } else titleStr <- NULL

  xDelta <- 1/ncol * 0.05
  yDelta <- 1/nrow * 0.05

  xloc <- 0.5 + ifelse(!is.null(ylabel),xDelta,0) - ifelse(!is.null(ylabel2),xDelta,0)

  yloc <- 0.5 + ifelse(!is.null(xlabel),yDelta,0) - ifelse(!is.null(xlabel2),yDelta,0)

  ## x-axis
  if (!is.null(xlabel)) {
    tgd1 <- plot_grid(tgd1, xlabel, ncol=1, rel_heights = c(1,0.1))
    tgd1 <- tgd1 + sm_add_text(xlabelStr,
                               x = xloc, y = 0.05, size = ((10+ncr)*tickRatio)*labelRatio)
  if (!is.null(xlabel2)) {
    tgd1 <- plot_grid(xlabel2, tgd1, ncol=1, rel_heights = c(0.1,1))
    tgd1 <- tgd1 + sm_add_text(xlabel2Str,
                               x = xloc, y = 0.95, size = ((10+ncr)*tickRatio)*labelRatio)
  ## title
  if (!is.null(title)) {
    tgd1 <- plot_grid(title, tgd1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(0.1,1))
    tgd1 <- tgd1 + sm_add_text(titleStr,
                               x = xloc, y = 0.95, size = ((10+ncr)*tickRatio)*labelRatio,
  ## y-axis
  if (!is.null(ylabel)) {
    tgd1 <- plot_grid(ylabel, tgd1, ncol=2, rel_widths = c(0.1,1))
    tgd1 <- tgd1 + sm_add_text(ylabelStr, x = 0.05,
                               y = yloc, angle = 90, size = ((10+ncr)*tickRatio)*labelRatio)
  if (!is.null(ylabel2)) {
    tgd1 <- plot_grid(tgd1, ylabel2, ncol=2, rel_widths = c(1,0.1))
    tgd1 <- tgd1 + sm_add_text(ylabel2Str, x = 0.95,
                               y = yloc, angle = 270, size = ((10+ncr)*tickRatio)*labelRatio)


flatten_ggplot <- function(lst) {
  plots <- list()
  for (item in lst) {
    if (inherits(item, "gg")) {
      plots <- c(plots, list(item))
    } else if (is.list(item)) {
      plots <- c(plots, flatten_ggplot(item))

count_lines <- function(text) {
  if (!is.null(text)){
    res <- length(strsplit(text, "\n")[[1]])
  } else {
    res <- 0

smin95/sesplot documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:35 a.m.